View Full Version : The [not so legendary (yet)] Legendary Three

legendary three
09-19-12, 06:42 PM
Names: Roz, Icero, and Variss
Ages: 20, 23, 19
Races: Human, Elf, Human
Hair Color: Black, Blonde, Brown
Eye Color: green, turning white, blue
Height: 6", 6"9', 5"5'
Weight: 175lbs, 253lbs, 100lbs
Occupation: Swordsman, Mage, Archer

Personality: Roz - Roz has always been the 'cool one' of the three. He talks with a bit of sarcasm and loves to try and get his opponent really mad. He hates to lose and won't take anything but a victory as a result.

Icero - Icero has always been the smart one of the group. He has always been serious about everything and does not understand the sarcasm Roz tends to throw at him. When Icero talks to people they tend to get confuzed, for this reason he lets Variss do most of the talking and only talks when saying a spell, answering a question, or talking to the other three about plans.

Varris - Varris is the sweet one of the three. She talks with a soft voice and always tries to negotiate before she tries to fight. She loves to look at the beauty of everything around her.

Appearances: Roz - Roz has spiked up black hair. He wears full steel armour with chainmail undernieth

Icero - Icero's skin is now turning a bit grey due to all the magic he performs. He wears a grey cloth clothes

Varris - Varris Has long brown hair in which she sometimes puts up in a ponytail. She wears a lighter version of Roz's steel armour

History: the three have always been friends, they wanted to become know around Althanas so they formed the group The Legendary Three. now they are trying to show how good they really are

Skills: Roz - Fishing - great fisherman
swordsmanship - great with the sword

Icero - medical training - can examine, clean, and wrap wounds

Variss - hunting - loves to hunt and is very good at it
archery - is excelent with the bow

Abilities: Roz - sharp reflexes twice that a normal humans

Icero - Fire magic - can make a smal fireball that can leave minor burns

Variss - none

Note: only one will fight at a time, although they may 'tag in' another one of the three making them the ones fighting instead of the one who was. this is an ability known as tag team in which can only be used once per battle.

09-19-12, 11:01 PM
Hey there and welcome to Althanas.

Before I can approve you I'm going to need a few things. As far as abilities go, I'm going to need you to limit their abilities to only 3 (maximum) at this level. As it stands, Icero can basically manipulate any element and the other two fellas have double agility. Maybe have Icero stick to only one element for the time being. The reasoning behind this is that at level 0 your character/s is basically getting his start, as I'm sure you know.

Next, I want to know if you'll be using them all in combat, at the same time, against other PCs (playable characters). I'm afraid that won't be aloud at this level unless approved by the opposing player. So if you plan on running wild in the citadel, you'll have to be entering duels as a single unit rather than a team. The reason for this is that three combatants, each with their own individual powers, is far too overwhelming.

EDIT: I noticed that Note at the bottom. As far as that goes, I'm going to count that as a separate ability. You can just call it "Tag" or "Tag-Team" if you'd like (or anything for that matter. If you'd like to use that I'm going to have to ask you to take away several of their abilities (since being able to tag other PCs gives you a great advantage to stamina). For the time being (this level) I will only allow you to tag once per battle.

What I would suggest you do is post two of these characters as NPCs for the time being, or severely limiting their abilities.

Just make the fixes and reply back with any question you may have.

legendary three
09-20-12, 04:54 PM
Ok, so I fixed what you have asked me to fix. Do you have any suggestions as to how they would have the same health when tagged as the one who came out other than it just being a mystery to everybody?

09-24-12, 06:05 AM
I'm going to jump in since Sandstorm seems to be currently unavailable.

The edits are fine. In regards to the joint health, I don't really think it's necessary. As you can only tag once per thread and each of the characters has either one or no abilities, the only real effect of the tag is having a fresh character in instead of a bruised one. If you do insist on joint health, I would suggest adding it as a weakness, saying that there is some sort of a reflect enchantment on all three, that makes all three feel when one of them is wounded.

legendary three
09-25-12, 05:32 PM
Ok, thanks. So i guess I'd be good to go now?

09-26-12, 12:52 PM
Indeed. You are approved. Thank you for your cooperation and welcome to Althanas.