View Full Version : Character Creation

09-26-12, 04:45 PM
Name: Unknown.
Age: 20
Gender: Male.
Weight: 178 lbs
Eye Color: Black and red.
Hair Color: None.
Height: 5'11''
Race: 99% Human. 1% Other: Other is the term used to identify the creators of the Black Tongue.
Place of Origin: Corone.
Skills: He is a Speaker of The Black Tongue, an unholy language creating by unknown beings. This allows him control over reality, but his control is based on his knowledge of the language. Now he knows only three basic sayings. Consequences are what keep the Speakers from using it too much. To say a word of the Black Tongue causes negative effects on the body. Overuse will lead to death.

Appearance to others: A man of medium height, his shape hidden by the robe he wears. The hood is up and his head is kept down, almost like a monk in contemplation. If he does raise his head, you will see a pale face, almost passing for a normal man of thirty years if not for his eyes. A swirl of red in a completely black eye and a swirl of black in a completely red eye.

Personality: He is a quiet man, seeking only to increase his knowledge of the Black Tongue. He will do this in any manner, except for using the actual language. Preferring to use that only as a last resort, he will try to manipulate and deceive his way to his goal. He cares for nothing and expects none to care for him. He stays in highly-populated locations, using the large numbers to hide himself from all the possible enemies he imagines are after him.

શત્રુ નુકસાન.: This roughly translated is "Hurt foe." It requires a direct line of sight with the receiver. His weakest offensive saying. It can get more powerful, but now only weakens his opponents, making aches and pains in their body. It cause minor consequences ranging from a headache to, if used too much, a migraine which last around five to thirty minutes depending on how many times he's used it, but as stated before, it can kill if used too much.

ફાયર પુત્ર આવે છે અને મારા દુશ્મનો સામે લડવા or પૃથ્વી ડોટર ઓફ આવે છે અને મારા દુશ્મનો સામે લડવા.: This is "Come (demon name) and fight my foes." This is his most powerful saying and has awful consequences for its usage, most often being coughing up blood or being unable to speak. The effects can last for two hours to three days depending on how many he summons. This brings Mal'gor or Targ, two minor demons to the field. But like the saying before, it can be improved by learning more demon names and getting a stronger hold on the language.
Mal'gor: A minor fire-demon, able to conjure fireballs, the size of a human head at this stage, and stays for a period of four minutes or whenever he is dismissed by his master.

Targ: A minor earth-demon, able bring up huge chunks of rocks, the size of a human head at this stage, but only stays for four minutes or when dismissed by her master.

કામમંદી: This is "slow down." It can, for two minutes at most, slow down a target or an object thrown at him to half their normal speed.The effects of this saying are that this will slow him down in the future, but it will happen and for the same amount of time as it causes to his foes multiplied by the number of times it has been used.

History: Born in the Brotherhood of Speakers, he was a normal child for one born into this type of environment. He grew up to a position of Brother-Librarian. His life was peaceful, researching the Black Tongue, learning a little as the years passed. Mastering his first sayings at thirteen, he would have had a great future in the Brotherhood until they came.

The Order of The Blessed Day, a group sworn to hunt and destroy all those who conspire with demons and other dangers to the world. They slaughtered his family, crying out this most hypocritical oath: "Fear villains! For Justice has come for you!" His brothers fought, trying all of their power to defeat the attackers, but it was too late. They had the element of surprise and soon, everyone of them was brought in line to be "redeemed" which meant a chance to say they condemn their past and they would be saved, or their souls would be saved since they would be executed after they repent. Those that didn't were burned.

He would have died as well if the leader of the Order didn't see him young enough to be brought to the side of the righteous. For seven years, he was forced to live in the headquarters of the Order, working as slave in the day and being forced to learn the Holy Rites of the Order in the night, but even through all of this, he still held to the ways of The Brotherhood. Speaking the Black Tongue, causing as much mischievous as he could get away with. The Order let him leave after his twentieth birthday. The first thing he did was get on the first boat to Scara Brae, the only place he knew where the Order didn't have a base at.


A simple black robe.

09-27-12, 03:45 PM
Okay, I need some further clarification on the effects of your words of power.

"Break all bones" cannot break all bones. I'll allow it to be as strong as a really hard punch.

"Come demon and fight my foes" - I need to know how exactly does this work, what are the exact effects and how long does the effect last. Also, I need to know if it causes some permanent damage, or is it just spitting blood.

"Stop all foes" like "break all bones" cannot stop all foes. I can't let you stop anyone at this time. I'll allow you to slow down a single foe to half his usual speed for a couple of posts.

Also, keep in mind that you shouldn't be able to cast these spells or whatever you want to call them indefinitely, meaning that after an extensive use your character will grow tired.

09-28-12, 04:25 PM
Does this work?

10-01-12, 10:05 AM
Apologies for not responding sooner.

Just a couple of more edits, then you're set to go.

"Come and fight my foe" - each of the demons can only be on the battlefield for four minutes, and one one can be active at a time. Also, fireballs and rocks should be about head-sized for now.

"Slow down" - just state somewhere that you slow foes down to half their usual speed for the duration of the spell.

10-03-12, 04:03 PM

10-03-12, 05:32 PM
Looking good now.

You are approved. Thank you for your cooperation and welcome to Althanas.