View Full Version : Vultha Ceasin

10-02-12, 08:22 PM
Name: Vultha Ceasin
Age: 15
Race: Dragon
Hair Color: N/A
Eye Color: Violet
Height: 2' 6”
Weight: 85 lbs
Occupation: Adventurer

Personality: Like many dragons from his homeworld, Vultha is egomaniacal, self-centered and paranoid. However, he had formed some kind of attachement to others, so the capacity for caring is in him – it just takes a long time to develop. Above all things, Vultha was a genius amongst his kind, managing to act openly and even with the consent of the major nations before the Cataclysm. Strangely, this also resulted in an attitude that one could call progressive or even revolutionary – the young dragon is fascinated by technology, and eagerly tries to learn more about this strange new art.

Appearance: Roughly the size of a large hound or small wolf, Vultha is a six limbed creature that moves much in the way a cat does. Moving about on four legs or by using his wings, Vultha is not a graceful flier by any stretch of the imagination. His eyes are sunk into his face, giving his head an almost skeletal appearance. His scale coloration is that of smoke from a fire, a clear indication of his bloodline. His tail is surprisingly long, easily the length of his body (about 6'), which never stays still.

History: Vultha Ceasin was born from a clutch of five, and stayed with his family for two years, as is typical for dragons. He established a territory in the mountains of his homeworld, preying upon the odd traveller or wild beast, careful not to descend to the lowlands where the powerful nations of the world held sway. Dragons were a dying breed in his homeworld, hunted to near extinction. Of all his clutch, Vultha was the only one to reach his tenth year – a surprising achievement, considering his status as the runt of the litter.

But he had been gifted with a great mind, at least for a dragon, and even though young, he would plan complex raids and attacks, operating much like a thief than a beast. But slowly civilisation marched on, crawling up the mountains. His parents were slain in combat with an alliance of three armies, using steel, magic and technology. This allowed Vultha to freely pillage his mother's hoard, and he fled with a book of magic that he had long since desired.

He studied it almost religiously, whislt in the lands of men, elves and dwarves goodness and epace flourished, all ignorant of the impending apocalypse. In his fifteenth year the Cataclysm happened, some great event that began to consume the world in shadow and flame. In desperation, Vultha enacted a ritual he had learned from the stolen book, using all his resources to garner the necessary components.

The spell worked, and it threw the young dragon into a whole new world – that of Althanas. A stranger in a strange land, Vultha swiftly embraced his paranois (or as he calls it, a “well developed survival instinct”) and immeidately settled in the enarest mountain range he could find. Somewhere with food and water, but not too many sentients. He knew he would have to establish contact with someone in time, but he also knew caution was tantamount to survival in his current predicament.

Every day he would fly out and inspect his surroundings, learning landmarks and seeking out civilisation. After a month he found it, and began to plot how to approach it. No one liked seeing a dragon, but then again audacity had served him well so far – to his mind he was the only dragon who had ever legally purchased it's own lair, enjoying the protection of the law whenever a party of adventurers felt like trying to raid his hoard.

So one day, a dragon came to town.


-Flight - due to being unfamiliar with the atmospheric conditions, Vultha can only fly in a straight line for long periods of time (he actually glides). In combat situations he lacks the strength and agility to stay aloft for longer than a minute.
-Breath – toxic smoke. Vultha can emit a cloud of noxious black smoke from his mouth, roughly ten foot from his jaw and five foot wide at the end. In this cone visibility is limited and it is difficult to breathe.
-Genius Intellect

Equipment: None! The loss of his hoard back on his original homeworld is still a source of much annoyance for Vultha, and he is resolved to build a new one as swiftly as possible.

10-03-12, 10:02 AM
I can allow you flight for short periods of time for now (a minute or two). Also, I need to know the exact effects of his breath. At this point, he should be able to make people feel nauseous and a bit drained, but no more than that.

Please edit that to the descriptions of your skills/abilities, and you'll be set to go.

10-03-12, 10:35 AM

10-03-12, 01:33 PM
Excellent. You are approved. Thank you for your cooperation and welcome to Althanas.