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Marina Seacrest
10-07-12, 05:57 AM
Name: Marina Seacrest
Age: indeterminate, appears human mid-20s
Sex: female
Race: mermaid
Hair, Eyes, etc: Teal hair falls to her waist, framing a pretty face with matching teal eyes. Marina weighs about 100lbs and stands 5’1”. In mermaid form her skin has a slight blue-ish tint. In human form her skin is pale (not so pale though as to be thought ill)
Appearance: Considered short, Marina is slim and curvy. Her teal hair, which is rarely tied back, falls to her waist. She typically wears a white knee length skirt that flows around her smoothly. Around her waist is a lavender cloth belt to hold her dagger. She wears a white shirt with a sweetheart neckline and capped sleeves. This is also relatively loose. She does not like constrictive clothing. When she must wear shoes, she wears simple flat sandals. Most of the time she prefers to be barefoot, finding it much more comfortable than any shoe or sandal no matter how well made.

Personality: While not exactly naïve, Marina is perhaps a bit too trusting at times on an individual basis. She is not yet fully aware of the atrocities humans visit on each other. She is usually pretty friendly and it’s usually easy to get along with her. Peace-loving at heart, she absolutely hates to see others in pain or torment and will try to find ways to help the victim. She is not exactly mistrustful of humans and the other races on land as a whole, but neither does she exactly trust them. She is…wary.

Telepathy: being able to speak a humanoid language generally requires air in lungs to be pushed across vocal chords and out the mouth. This makes speaking rather difficult underwater. Marina and her people ‘speak’ chiefly by telepathy and their own sign language. She can speak to others telepathically and once contact is established (by her first) they can initiate communicate with her only thereafter. If someone is thinking something strongly enough she can pick up on it, but she does not actively pry into other people’s minds unless the circumstances require it.
Water Control: Marina can control water. This includes making tiny balls of water to throw at people playfully to making a well empty a vast part of its contents onto an attacker. She is also learning to freeze the water she controls. At present, the most she can do with freezing is make a short javelin of ice about 36” long. NOTE: a body of water must be present for her to control it. She can’t pull water from the atmosphere, neither can she multiply water. What she can do is limited to the volume of water available.
Form changing: Marina’s natural form, being a mermaid, is to have a tail instead of legs. She can change between forms practically at will. Limits being that in order to change into her natural form she must be immersed in a large body of water such as a lake or the ocean or a river. To change back she has to be on land (in the shallows no deeper than a bathtub works as well. Also, getting in the tub is not going to be sufficient depth to change to mermaid form)

Skilled hunter: using her ice blade, Marina is an excellent hunter for food. (she greatly prefers fish)
Combat: Marina is not a battler. She can usually take care of herself against common thieves and the like, but she is woefully outmatched against a seasoned/trained fighter.

Special Racial notes:
Her tail: when in her natural form Marina’s tail is light blue in color, the flukes are mostly clear with light blue tips to match the rest of her tail and very floaty (a la the dancing fish in 1940 Fantasia “Nutcracker Suite” though they are nowhere near as long). It begins at her hips just below the navel. It should also be noted that she does not have scales like a fish. Her tail is covered in smooth skin the same as any other sea mammal.
Breathing: Marina has both gills and lungs. When underwater the gills are her source of oxygen. They are located along the sides of her neck. On land, the gills close up and are very nearly invisible to the naked eye and her lungs take over.

Weapons: a single 6” steel dagger belted at her waist.

Armor: none

Extra items:
a waterproof satchel in which she stores her travel necessities and her clothes when she is underwater
one change of clothes.

Marina is very secretive about her past. She does this to protect her people, her family and herself. The most she will say is that her family is well and that they live a long way away. Before deciding to come to land, Marina spent her free time following fishing ships. Often cutting their nets with her dagger when she thought they had far too many or if a sea mammal had gotten caught. She is not exactly sure what to think of humans and thus has decided to come ashore to learn more about them.

10-08-12, 03:49 AM
Looks fine. You are approved. Welcome to Althanas.