View Full Version : Berevar: The Northern Colonies

08-26-06, 05:24 PM
Berevar is a vast, arctic continent just north of the frozen sea that marks the tradional border of Salvar. The interior of this massive land is almost entirely unexplored, due to its extremely harsh climate and the dangerous creatures that somehow manage to survive here. But the monarchy of Salvar has found reason for setting up several colonies along the southern shore of this wasteland. Magical rifts in the fabric of reality itself, leftover scars from the long ago War of the Tap, can be "mined" through a complex and carefully guard process. While these rifts have been found and utilized all over Salvar, the rifts in Berevar are much deeper and provide more power. This energy is subsequently harnessed by the aeromancers of Salvar to control the weather. The colonies here are little more that walled forts with several buildings inside, home to a military garrison and a variety of aeromancers, reseachers, and rift miners. Journey outside of the fort for anything more than a brief expedition ususally results in death--either from exposure or by an attack from a violent creature.