View Full Version : Hello to all.

10-10-12, 03:38 PM
Just a quick post to introduce myself, and say hi.

Me and a mate of mine have been looking for a decent fantasy RP site for a while with very little luck, so we were damn happy to find this one. Hopefully, my character will soon be approved, and I look forward to RPing with all of you in future.

(PS. Just out of curiosity, how- if at all- do you get an image to show up in your signature? I am worse than hopeless with all things technological)

10-10-12, 04:00 PM
Hello, Thorne.

Welcome to Althanas, your first welcome amongst many! Hopefully, this will afford you the home you've been searching for, and I dare say we're an accommodating lot.

Signatures, for bandwidth and hosting reasons, are limited to text only. You are free to be as creative with that limit as you wish, however. Most go for links to said pictures, if it's important enough to be shared :).

10-10-12, 04:07 PM
Thanks much.

And fair enough- wish I'd asked before trying to do that myself. That's 45 minutes I'm never getting back... -_-

10-10-12, 04:14 PM
Now you've discovered that little snippet, battle, thread, and dare I say, this is your last chance to back out before Althanas becomes your life.

Your entire life.

Just sayin'.


10-10-12, 04:17 PM
I play Pathfinder, Shadowrun, and Vampire the Masquerade in RL.
I play very little else other than RPG's (especially Planescape: Torment!), on PC and X-box.
I read through books in no more than two days each (mainly fantasy, and sci-fi), and have been online RPing for five or six years, on and off.

I do believe your warning comes too late, Mordelain. :P

10-10-12, 04:24 PM
Well, I dare say that makes you very much one of us, utterly welcome, and prepared for the horrors to come.

Wait until you get as many characters as some of us have...:rolleyes:


Neah, you're typin' with stubbs after a month.

10-10-12, 05:04 PM
Welcome to Althanas!

What Mordelain says is true. Althanas, if allowed, will become your entire life. You will have no time outside of the website in which to enjoy all that you already listed.

No; you've got 10 threads to catch up on with seven or eight alts, and three other alts with your name on it will have solos to wrap up.

10-10-12, 05:16 PM
A horribly accurate description of my life on here right now...

Speaking of which, another post before midnight and I might just be on schedule...

10-10-12, 05:16 PM
Thanks for the welcome. =)

and I fail to see how that's a bad thing? As I said, we've been looking forward to this for a while.

:P so, as soon as I'm approved, I can get to robbing my way across Althanas.

10-10-12, 05:35 PM
Welcome to the site! : )

If you want your sig to be a bit prettier than a link, use some code:

[ URL="http://www.althanas.com/world/index.php"]text blah blah[/URL ]

And just put your own image URL/text in there, then take out the spaces and it'll look like:
text blah blah (http://www.althanas.com/world/index.php)

And to make the "View Profile" link work properly, follow these quick instructions! (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?24855-Postbit-Mayhem)

10-10-12, 05:49 PM
Just whatever you do, don't rob from me (joke).

Hello there! :D Welcome to the exciting, thrilling world of Althanas!

(Blah, I typed "rob" "robe" by mistake xP Sorry!)