View Full Version : Join the Vogruk-Stokes Company

08-26-06, 11:06 PM
If most of Salvic society is dominated by an adherence to archaic traditions, then the Vogruk-Stokes Company represents a new generation that is seeking to move forward past accepted norms. Founded only three years ago, the upstart company that operates exactly like a Salvic fiefdom (in that it pays taxes and is subject to the King) is dedicated to providing a variety of business services to anyone who can pay for them. They specialize in the selling of materials that are either unique or rare to Salvar and the acquisition and sale of slaves. It is run by Sellos Vogruk and Eogman Stokes, two men of common birth who shocked everyone by convincing the King to grant them a fief at a time when that was unheard of. They operate from the beautiful Vogruk-Stokes Company Estate, located on Salvar's eastern shore.

The Vogruk-Stokes Company is looking for two main types of employees: combative and non-combative. Employees who want jobs of a non-combative nature will be involved in the day-to-day running of business, the sale of slaves and rare items, and diplomatic relations. Employees who want jobs of a more action-oriented nature will be involved in the acquisition of slaves and rare materials, the exploration and colonization of distant lands, and the policing of the Estate. Virtually anyone will be accepted for either role, so if this looks like something that interests you, please go ahead and sign up! As you complete jobs and gain more reputation in Salvar, you will be able to receive promotions and their subsequent benefits.

POSITIONS - [Reputation for promotion] - (thread score for promotion)
Hireling - [0] - (none)
Worker - [10] - (60+)
Agent - [20] - (65+)
Proctor - [30] - (70+)
Officer - [50] - (75+)
Executor - [70] - (80+)
Commissioner - [90] - (85+)

Please note that in order to receive a promotion, you need only complete one of the two requirements listed above. So if you joined as a Hireling and wanted to become a Worker, you could gain 10 positive reputation in Salvar however you wanted, or complete a thread that scored a 65 or higher and involved your character doing something beneficial for the Company.

Hireling - A pair of specialty Vogruk-Stokes Co. gloves and VSC boots.
Worker - A pair of VSC bracers and a pair of VSC greaves, 1000 GP.
Agent - A VSC breastplate and a VSC helm, 2000 GP.
Proctor - A permanent 20% discount at the VSC Market, 3000 GP.
Officer - Two prevalida or liviol weapons of your choice, 4000 GP.
Executor - Three icemold weapons or a full icemold armor coating, 5000 GP.
Commissioner - An enchanted icemold weapon or armor piece, 6000 GP.

Vogruk-Stokes Company Armor: This is a medium-weight composite of specialty bones and scales available only by joining the VSC and receiving promotions. The armor offers excellent protection against blunt weapons, thrusting attacks, and arrows. It also provides decent protection against slashing attacks, but poor protection against magical attacks. While the exact process for creating VSC armor is a well-kept secret, the final product is a layer of composite bone armor with a layer of composite scale armor laced over it. As the armor can easily be dyed in the process of its creation, VSC armor comes in whatever color the wearer wants. Each piece, however, is always stamped with a small Company logo: a snorting boar with its tusks upraised, its body neatly labeled with the letters "VSC." This armor is prized by mercenaries and warriors all over Althanas, although the VSC frowns on its sale.

Other Notes: For more information about what prevalida, liviol, and icemold are, please see the store.


MetalDrago Scorpio [MetalDrago]
Leon Timyon [Artifex Felicis]
Séreméla Carnesîr Baxter [Séreméla]
Tarry Whealer [grim137]
Lian Vas'Garth [Lian Vas'Garth]







JOINING (please fill out this form and post it in this thread)
Character Name:
Salvar Reputation:
Reason for Joining:
Best IC Thread:

Your best IC thread doesn't have to be complete or judged. I'd just like to be able to get an idea of how well you write. If you don't have an IC thread yet and want to join anyway, just link to your character registration.

PROMOTIONS (same as joining, just indicate you're seeking a promotion)
Character Name:
Salvar Reputation:
Position Sought:
Required Thread Links:

Remember, you only have to have the required reputation OR the appropriate thread type and score to be promoted. Not both. So more than likely you're only going to need to fill out three of these four fields.

Note: If you join the VSC, you will not be allowed to join the Church. This does not mean that you will not be able to worship there, just that you won't be able to have access to their missions board.

09-01-06, 11:02 PM
Character Name: MetalDrago Scorpio
Salvar Reputation: 0
Reason for Joining: MetalDrago has been searching for years for a steady form of profit, and he enjoys the Salvic climate and people. He sees it as an investment in his own future, something which is very important to him.
Best IC Thread: Terramat's Deal (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=2207) (unfortunate that it seems to have died, but it is the best example of my roleplaying on this account that I have... Indeed it is the only one.)

09-02-06, 04:32 PM
Congrats, you are now a Hireling in the Vogruk-Stokes Company. Consider yourself presented with the VSC gloves and boots described above. I'll have the missions board up shortly.

09-04-06, 05:00 PM
You are approved as a Hireling and presented with the VSC gloves and boots.

Artifex Felicis
09-05-06, 11:01 AM
Character Name: Leon Timyon

Salvar Reputation: Zip Diddly (0)

Reason for Joining: Leon's basically trying to find some sort of niche at the moment. At least that would probably be the best way to describe it. He knows that he can't live off of tournements for his whole life, and joining a group that would help him in this case would be considerably easier than trying to begin his own anew. That, and considering his fur grows a bit faster than his razor can cut, Salavr's begining to look like the only place he can turly live comfortably.

Best IC Thread: My Cell Tread (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=1855) sd I think it's really the only "complete thread I've done.

09-05-06, 04:33 PM
Accepted as a Hireling and presented with the VSC boots and gloves!

Now that there's three of you, I'll try to get you a mission up soon.

09-17-06, 02:47 PM
Character Name: Séreméla Carnesîr Baxter [Séreméla]
Salvar Reputation: 0
Reason for Joining: Looking to find a steady income while trying to also find a place she can finally call her home.
Best IC Thread: http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=2688

09-17-06, 03:04 PM
Accepted as a Hireling and presented with the VSC gloves and boots. If you're interested in joining the current company project when it gets underway, feel free.

09-17-06, 04:26 PM
Character name: Tarry Whealer
Salvar Reputation: 0
Reason for joining: Profit, pure and simple. Buisness has been slow lately with the amount of peace between the vampires and everyone else at the moment and Tarry needs the money.
Best IC Thread: Return of the Monster. (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?p=29395#post29395)

09-17-06, 04:47 PM
Accepted as a Hireling and presented with the VSC gloves and boots. If you're interested in joining the current company project when it gets underway, feel free.

Lian Vas'Garth
09-17-06, 05:07 PM
Character Name: Lian Vas'Garth
Salvar Reputation: 0
Reason For Joining:He needs money and equipment, and has no moral objections to slaving.
Best IC Thread: None yet.

09-17-06, 06:10 PM
Accepted as a Hireling and presented with a pair of VSC boots and gloves. If you're interested, feel free to join the project when it gets under way.