View Full Version : Farewell

11-02-12, 07:31 PM
Dear Althanas friends and strangers,

In my time here I corresponded with so few of you I don't really feel an 'outroduction' is necessary, nonetheless, here it goes!

I didn't post much, but I observed quite a bit. I've been around (albeit, somewhat inactive) since Althanas was part of the ALLRPG website. I was really fond of this place, but unfortunately I never grew to be an adept in this style of writing and found too many times I just couldn't make a character work. Solomon has been my only success story, yet now I realize I no longer have the time to flesh out his journey as much as I'd hoped. Writing something worth your while takes more time then my life seems to allow me, and although I've never been the most talented of bards I not into posting something I already know is weak.

Admins, please close my two profiles: "Solomon" and "The Great Guardian".

Best to you all, friend and stranger,

- Mike,
A humble barista from Toronto Ontario

11-03-12, 09:52 AM
Hi Solomon.

Though we only wrote together once, fleetingly, and spuriously, it's always a sadness to see a member leave Althanas for good.

Whatever life brings you, may it be happy and true.


11-04-12, 10:58 AM
Never wrote with you, mate, but sad to see you go all the same.

No doubt, you'll be missed.