View Full Version : Dietric Broadcloak

11-04-12, 06:34 PM
Name: Dietric Broadcloak
Age: 28
Race: Human
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 215 lbs

Occupation: Mercenary/Soldier of Fortune/Killer for Hire


Dietric is a rather cold, domineering incarnation of the human condition. He often prefers solitude to companionship, and is often seen as a cruel, heartless bastard. In truth, he cares very little for anyone or anything that isn't him, or that can't be used to further his own goals and ends. He's the kind of guy that, without cause, might just decide to kill you for saying hi with the wrong tone of voice.


Dietric doesn't care much for what he looks like, and so it's always been that he's unwashed and nearly unsettling to look at. Scars and half-healed wounds from battles ravage nearly every inch of his body. For someone so young, it is evident that he is a "grizzled veteran" of conflicts, both wide-spreading and single-combatant.

He's also a very toned, muscled individual; a product of his upbringing. He begun learning to fight nearly as soon as he could walk, and so over that amount of time his body built up a decent set of muscles. Added to that the time he spent working as a blacksmith's apprentice (attaining the rank of Journeyman Blacksmith) and you could clearly see what kind of muscles are being referenced.

His clothing, because of his usual occupation, consists of little. Namely, a pair of light-black pants that are fairly straight-legged and fit comfortably, a shirt of the same color that is kept close to his body, so as to not get caught in anything or hinder his movements. His feet are clad in a pair of soft leather boots, which provides a decent footing on most surfaces, while softening his footsteps to near-silence when sneaking.

While he doesn't wear it often, he carries a lightly colored black mask, which holds his medium-length, black hair in place and covers all but his eyes when worn.


Battle-Sense: Having been fighting battles and wars since his father died when he was 13, Dietric has a deep understanding of how fighting goes, both in large-scale confrontations and singles combat. This isn't to say that he can predict his opponent's movements, just that he has an uncanny ability to find his way out of sticky situations. At the same time, it also allows him to predict likely hiding spots for ambushers, marauders, and bandits with a cursory glance around an area.

Swordsmanship: Dietric is good with a sword, very good, in fact. It is his preferred weapon, and though he's found people who can match him in bladed combat, he's never been truly bested.

Weaponmeister: Aside from being very good with a sword, Dietric is capable of handling multiple kinds of weapons with fairly decent capacities. Being a mercenary, he's a time or two laid his hands on the firearms of the Dark Elves, and while he -does- prefer sword combat, he's come to love guns just as much.

Blacksmithing: His time as a blacksmith's apprentice gave him an uncanny knowledge of metals and metallurgy. This allows him to see weaknesses in armor and weapons made from mundane materials such as iron and steel, which makes him able to hit the weak points of his opponents arsenal and defense easier.


Enhanced Strength: Through years of training, fighting, and blacksmithing, Dietric has become a stronger-than-average individual. Able to lift boulders most men wouldn't be able to even budge, he is quite beyond the average strength of a human. At most his strength is twice that of a normal human being.

Enhanced Speed: Because of the increased strength, which has added a good deal of muscle mass to his body, Dietric is able to move much more quickly than the average person; easily outstripping some of the fastest land animals in Althanas in a foot-race. Another by-product of his increased speed, and the battle-sense skill, is that his reaction times are very rapid. At most, his speed is twice that of your average human individual.

( I'm not sure if the reaction time increase should be its own ability or not. If it should be, let me know and I'll separate the powers out, or we can just call them stacked and leave it as is? I don't know. )


Steel Sword: Like it's name says, this is just a simple sword made from mundane steel that he forged himself. It looks to be roman in design, and is a simple gladius.

Steel shield: A mundane shield made from steel.

Leather armor: When going into a battle against superior forces or individuals, he likes to put on some armor. Nothing special about it, just some lightweight leather with patches of wolf, bear, and mountain lion fur stitched on for warmth and aesthetics.


Dietric was born to a mercenary couple, a man and a woman who; for many years, had fought alongside one another for money. As such, Dietric began learning the trade of his parents at a young age, from his domineering father and ne'er-do-well mother. At the age of 4, Dietric lost his mother in a battle-gone-bad, and his father relocated to Salvar, which he's always known as his home. There, with the money his parents had saved from fighting, his father bought a small homestead, just a few acres of forested land a three room hut. It was in these woods that Dietric began his training, and preparing himself for adulthood.

Bandit raids were constant in the area, and Dietric's first kill came when he stalked a group of five bandits for three days, taking them out systematically until finally only the leader of the group remained. With his blade stained with the blood of those others, and the slowly dying body of the bandit leader on the ground beneath him, he decided what he wanted to do with his life.
However, his father wouldn't hear it. Teaching his son to fight was one thing, training his son to kill or be killed, to become a mercenary like he had once been, was inconceivable. He was afraid Dietric would suffer the same fate as his mother, and so Graybeard (as Dietric had taken to calling him) would not hear of it, and instead apprenticed his son to a blacksmith in a nearby village.
There Dietric continued training for fighting while working toward becoming a Journeyman Smith. His training was done by a local man, who had once been an adventuring mercenary himself, having often fought on the opposing side to Dietric's father, they later found out.

After several years in the village, training and learning both of his crafts, he finally attained the rank of Journeyman Smith, and set about to make his way in the world.
After a few years of doing odd jobs, low-paying mercenary work, and cleaning out bandit tribes in neighboring woods he lost the vision in his right eye, and earned the first of many of his scars. This one is now white with age, but it cuts cleanly through the empty socket where the right eye had once been.

At some point, though even Dietric isn't really sure when, he returned to his father's house in the forests of Northenr Salvar, only to hear that his father had been killed by a tribe of Orcs passing through. Selling the farm proved to be difficult, and so he still owns it; even as he roams Salvar looking for work.

He still holds a deep, deep hatred for all Orcs, though, for causing him to lose the only parent he ever truly knew.

11-04-12, 06:42 PM
Alright, so I've been trying since I posted this to edit it so I could add ( Level 0 ) to my Thread Title, but the box keeps going gray and not letting me do anything. Sorry. :(

11-05-12, 11:18 AM
Speed and Strength can be at most twice that of a normal human. Please edit the descriptions accordingly. Reaction time is fine under Speed.

Also, does Dietric have any possessions? Weapons, armor and other apparel should be listed here as well.

Lastly, there's really no need to add "Level 0" to the title. There is a subforum for updates, while this forum is generally used for approvals of new characters, which are all level 0.