View Full Version : Lady Abigail, Queen of Egypt, Lvl 0 (3.0 revamp only)

11-04-12, 10:32 PM
Name: Abbie
Race: Changeling (Pooka)
Gender: Female
Apparent Age: 16-17 years
True Age: unknown (see history)
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 115
Hair: Bright red with gold highlights
Eyes: Deep sea green

Appearance: See image here (http://www.althanas.com/world/attachment.php?attachmentid=2732&d=1352065731), or here (http://www.althanas.com/world/attachment.php?attachmentid=2810&d=1352073794). Having three forms, Abbie is versatile in her looks. Her favored form is that of a human girl of delicate but vivid appearance. In this form, she often dresses in eye-catching attire in reds, greens, and if she can get them, silver or gold. Her second form is part black cat, part human, with furry, pointed ears, claws, a cute kitty face, and a long semi-prehensile tail. Her final form is that of a normal black house cat.

Personality: Being a pooka is not as easy as it seems, especially when they are of the cat variety. Naturally inquisitive and pleasure-seeking, these creatures will do most anything to get what they want. Almost. Abbie will steal from the rich, but won’t take things from those less fortunate than her. She has a fetish for cat statues and paintings, and will take those over just about any other treasure. Like other cats, she can be a little moody, especially when things aren’t going her way, but she quickly bounces back, especially when offered a gift to appease her. Often, she introduces herself as the Queen of Egypt, though she couldn’t tell you where that is, really. Oh, yeah, and she can’t tell the truth. Something about people being too lazy to work for their knowledge just drives her batty. Gotta love pookas!

Weapons: Specialized tail razors (iron). She is not yet proficient in their use, but she wears them during burglaries to fend of dogs and those who are fast enough to catch her.

Armor: None.


Leather satchel
Large sack
A few changes of clothes
Black leather outfit for burglaries
Lock picks (often worn as earrings)
Painting canvases
Paints and brushes
Small clay pots
Small chest (contain the paints and canvases)


Minor Forgery: Able to get down the basic lines and appearance of many paintings, but they are easily picked out by even the most untrained eye. She cannot paint anything original.
Burglary: At this time, Abbie prefers to burgle homes that nobody is in, or those with weak security. She is still learning some of the more intricate workings of breaking and entering without waking up the dog, for example.

Racial Abilities:

Agility: What do you want? She’s a*cat! Obviously this ability increases or decreases based on her current form. At most, she is twice as agile as a normal human.
Shadowstep: Once per thread, Abbie can step into (and out of) the Fae realm, a world of it's own located in a plane that touches the mortal plane where Althanas rests. The Fae realm is a world of it's own, with homes, regions, even kingdoms, but a thin veil exists separating that world from our own. Few are able to see through this veil, but the Fae are able to see the shadows on the other side, and step into those shadows, effectively moving between them. At this time, Abbie is not yet comfortable moving too far from her entry point before coming back out into the world, so she cannot move too far away or stay more than a few hours without getting stuck on the Fae side until she finds a new exit.
Transformation: Within a few moments, she is able to change her features to resemble a cat, or become one entirely. [see Appearance]

Once a high priestess of Baast several hundred years ago, Lady Abigail was revered as a living goddess and lavished with wealth in the extreme. Then, some stupid fae screwed things up, started a war, and somehow Abbie ended up with magically inflicted amnesia. To this day, she has no idea what happened or why, but she often dreams of being worshiped and rich. These dreams are so vivid, that she can’t always separate herself from them upon awakening. With these images haunting her sleep, she consciously searches for ways to achieve them again.

(Note: Her history is short due to the fact that much of it will be revealed during role-play, and I would hate to ruin *all* of her surprises.*)

11-05-12, 11:12 AM
Just add under "Agility" that she's at most twice as agile as a normal human regardless of her form and you're set to go.

11-05-12, 11:19 AM

11-05-12, 11:21 AM
You are approved. Thank you for your cooperation and welcome back to Althanas.