View Full Version : This Calling (Samantha Ambria Level 0)

Lavinian Dementia
11-16-12, 03:55 AM

Name: Samantha Ambria
Titles: Daughter of the Demon
Age: 17 years old
Sex: Female
Race: Half Homunculus
Hair: White
Eyes: Storm Cloud Grey
Height: 5’ 6”
Weight: 100 lbs

Appearance: Samantha is not your typical buxom beauty. She wouldn’t turn heads nor would she give anyone a reason to walk into a wall staring at her. Instead she is the more comely natural beauty found typical in nature, much like her mother before her. What will turn heads is her white hair, a gift from her father’s genes. Her stature is that of the slightly awkward teenager, all knees and elbows, but she is filling out, and the results will not be altogether unpleasant. She can often be found wearing linen outfits that are baggy to hide her full figure. Her white hair is pulled back into a tight ponytail, with two small bangs framing her face.

Personality: Samantha despite never knowing her father takes after him in so many ways. Refusing to back down when she knows she’s right, and willing to fight if it comes to it. Her temper is well known and despite her mother’s efforts curtail it is as explosive as her father’s getting just as violent. When she is allowed to be herself she can be a nice person, but with the constant hate and anger spat towards her as a child she is often defensive against any perceived slight.

History: Samantha Ambria was born on a lone winter’s night, brought into a world that already hated her. Though she was surrounded by family and friends when she came into this world, she soon found that these islands of comfort were few and far between. There was a secret about her heritage that only seemed to hover about her through her formative years. Children would relentlessly mock her, for perceived slights. She would see strangers often watching over her, though she could never figure out why.

Then, one day she found out whose daughter she really was.

Seth Dahlios, the infamous Lavinian Demon, had fallen for a young priestess by the name of Liliana Ambria. Despite trying so hard to reform Seth, his guilt at the sins and burdens he bore would forever stain their relationship. Even when he finally agreed to be with her for the rest of his life, he managed to slip away, by sacrificing that life to protect her mother, at the time carrying the unborn Samantha. He was never there to explain why people would hate her, or show her his love. He was never there to give her the encouragement she needed to leave the bitterness of the playground taunts behind. These festered and rotted within the young woman, and even when her mother finally got the young girl’s father back from the halls of the dead, a cancer had already gripped the young girl’s heart.

To be sure, Samantha recovered with her father there to explain to her who she was, what he had done. He had even warned her about unlocking the potential of her blood, claiming that power was never worth the happiness that came with other pursuits. Even still, a bit of resentment, a bit of hostility remained, anger he wasn’t there. Anger he hadn’t lived to protect her when she needed him most. Her life had taken a turn for the better, but the bitterness still clung to her. Unspoken accusations, always muttered at his back and never to his face. It was the righteous anger of the abandoned, never spoken of to the savior.

Even the mere act of looking at her hair in a mirror served to vex her, the white locks of her birth yet another gift from her father. Her hair was unique, giving her many stares on the streets to the point she had often tried dying it to avoid looks. Of course with time she had given up accepting that she could never hide who she was, despite many tearful nights to the contrary. Even training with the Lavinian Thief’s Guild had been an odd sort. Going from the most hated woman to a loved one was an altogether unpleasant experience. So many people trying to make her feel welcome despite the fact she knew, she knew, that they had to have hated her. No one loved her father, no one cared about him. She was the offspring of a man who had turned his back on all the supposed principles of the Lavinians.

When Seth had given her money and advice to go see the world, she immediately took it. She left her parents with a drive to find something in this world to give her peace in her soul. She would see the myriad of sites and locations that the world had to offer, but that dismal emptiness still gnawed at her, asking her what she truly wanted. She was an outcast in a world that had hated her father. She was more than certain it hated her too, but only withheld this information as a cruelty to give her hope of acceptance.

Then, one day while visiting her parents in the Castle of the Ixian Knights, yet another organization that Seth threw his heart into to atone for his sins, she was caught. Captured by the Cult of Blessed Torture Samantha Ambria became the first casualty of a war that would rage forever between the Remi family and the Dahlios clan. She was held for ransom to keep Seth from hunting down and destroying Cassandra Remi the first chance he got. The anger of betrayal yet again burned in her heart, as Samantha Ambria once more saw her father fall short of protecting her. Even her mother remained safe as she was told, and yet Seth couldn’t get that last bit of strength he needed to protect his daughter.

The fires of a consuming hatred had sprung to life once more, and the young woman who had been meek and mild was slowly dying, held in the gilded cage of the Cult of Blessed Torture.


Subtext – Samantha has learned quickly to pick up on the hidden meaning behind words. Often this has helped her leave before her presence would cause her to get pulled into a fight. When talking with a person that isn’t telling the whole truth, Samantha will immediately know if there is more to say, and often times can fill in the blanks herself.

However, the rage and bitterness she lives with has often ostracized people that would normally help her. The longer she talks to someone the more her mind begins to twist and contort the words she hears, turning them to vicious ends that the person never intended. Even if someone is being completely honest, Samantha might begin putting in subtext that isn’t even present.

Daggers – Samantha is no mere novice with the blade. While not the legendary fighter her father is she is experienced enough with them to not embarrass herself, and even catch a few fighters off guard.


Lockpicking – Despite her father’s complete ineptitude with locks, Samantha is capable of picking locks when given enough time. Simple locks can be done in a post, while more complex ones require more time as appropriate.

Pain Tolerance – Samantha like her father before her is a scrapper. The first thing she had to learn when she committed to fighting was to shoulder through the minor aches and pains an opponent would thrust upon her. Minor scratches and bruises will not cause her any discomfort.

Dementia – Samantha is a paranoid creature, incapable of feeling truly at ease. Any attempt to ambush the Lavinian is met with resistance of the utmost. This is not to say you can’t catch her off guard, only that she will be fighting back before she even realizes she’s fighting. If someone attempts to get the drop on her she will attempt to strike a blow as soon as they are in reach, and only if she recognizes someone will the blow be pulled to be non-harmful.

The downside is that she is constantly paranoid, unable to sit still for long, and must if at all possible find escape routes. This inclination gives her a skittish demeanor that does not engender much trust in the daughter of the Demon.


Twin steel daggers
Satchel containing the usual travel amenities and a few changes of clothing
Pair of leather gloves

11-16-12, 10:20 AM
I thought she was dead, dude. ;)

Dead or not, you are approved. Welcome to Althanas.