View Full Version : Another Webcomic: El Goonish Shive

08-27-06, 01:33 AM
Ok, this (http://www.elgoonishshive.com/d/20020121.html) is a somewhat wierd comic, but very funny and quite interesting(especially if you like Sci-Fi). The Comic Cast is complete with a Red-headed magic-using hottie (http://elgoonishshive.com/avatars/big/nanase_chibi_01.gif), a Purple-headed(yes purple) boy (http://elgoonishshive.com/avatars/big/tedd_chibi_01.gif)-dorkasaurus that is obsessed with temporary body transformation (http://www.elgoonishshive.com/avatars/big/elliot_chibi_02.gif)(that is Elliot in Cat-guy form), a very innocent, pascifist Squirrel- (http://elgoonishshive.com/avatars/big/grace_chibi_01.gif)Girl (http://www.elgoonishshive.com/avatars/big/grace_chibi_nami.gif)(no that is not a typing error, and the two words are separate links), a gay blonde guy (http://elgoonishshive.com/avatars/big/justin_chibi_01.gif)(for you Redeemer), a stick in the mud 17 year old boy (http://elgoonishshive.com/avatars/big/elliot_chibi_01.gif), and the blonde girl (http://elgoonishshive.com/avatars/big/sarah_chibi_01.gif) who loves him, a male-hating Tar-haired girl (http://elgoonishshive.com/avatars/big/susan_chibi_01.gif), and more....

Mind that this comic is not intended for audiences younger than 13(for obvious reasons). The story comes with a Transformation Gun that is programmed to change the way people look via energy blast. The gun can make them into many variations(including a bi-sexual pheromone-pumped Female Variation#5, always looks hot). The Squirrel-Girl is a 1/4 human, 1/4 squirrel, 1/2.....other things that can transform on a whim.....she is quite oblivious to moral behavior(when it come to clothing) and wonders why everyone is advertent to her being naked(she doesn't know of the affiliation between nudity and......nocturnal processes). Tedd, the "dorkasaurus" wears a pair of unneeded glasses to hide his femenine face(he really looks like a girl). There is alot of suspense, and the stick inthemud named Elliot gets a Female-"Clone" (http://elgoonishshive.com/avatars/big/ellen_chibi_01.gif) if you can really call her that....I read it twice through(took several hourseachtime) in 3 days, it was that good. Oh, dont ever ask about the title of the comic.....just.....dont. Well, enjoy! And feel free to leave feedback!

Note: all pictures are Chibis of the characters.
Another Note: Most of the comic is in Grey-scale
Again, another Note: The above link will take you to the first page. It is boringat first, but it gets WAY better.
Last Note: There isn't one, but I'm suprised you got this far. Want an acorn?(humor from the comic)

08-28-06, 04:04 AM
Hehe, that's funny. ^_^

The lineart and story is pretty simple, but it gets me crackin'. =P

08-28-06, 10:01 AM
Yet another good webcomic "informatively advertised" to you:) Im not an advertiser tho, I just like to bring word of worthwhile reads to people....call me a "graphic-literature critic" if you will..... I probably should have done a different one tho.....the last one I did is number 1, and this one is number 11(numbers from www.topwebcomics.com) (http://www.topwebcomics.com)
The next one I do will probably be Earthsong(you'll find out when I do...)

09-10-06, 08:39 PM
hey...its Shen here...duh...obvious*smacks forehead*....

Just reintroducing this thread.....um....is anyone even checking the comic out? I mean really...the last one got almost 500 viewers....this ones gotten little more then a tenth of that....please...if you read the comic, or even just some of it.... please leave feedback here...its the reason i dont just add the link to Asuka's Avatar thread

09-11-06, 12:17 AM
Well, that's good to know you're not spamming her art thread...