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Ezekiel Ramses
11-20-12, 09:00 PM
Name: Ezekiel Ramses
Age: 33
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Ashkenazi
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 143 lb.



Combat Training
Ezekiel serves as a warrior of his tribe, in addition to his duties as a magician and glasswright. He is above average in the use of swords, spears, and shields.

Elemental Affinity
Ezekiel can affect his surroundings to a small degree with the manipulation of elemental energies. This is a relatively minor power that has been honed over years of practice. He can, for example, call up a light breeze, cool or warm a room by a few degrees, or any number of other minor prestidigitations, so long as they are within the purview of the four classical elements.

Sand of Ramses
Ezekiel has learned to, through the use of rituals and meditations, infuse a quantity of sand, up to one pound, with the energies of his own aura. This grants him greater control of the affected sand, allowing him to pressurize it more heavily and maintain control of it even as it melts into glass. This has, as yet, no practical applications in combat.

Peladah Glass
Through a combination of Sands of Ramses and Breath of Flame, Ezekiel can forge items of glass with a strength equal to steel. This consumes his current quantity of sand of Ramses, and cannot be performed in combat.

Ezekiel is trained and practiced as a glasswright, using molds and his Elemental Affinity to create a variety of glass products, including calli and mukakkannati glass. All glass products, aside from his peladah glass, can be made from normal sand. Any items made must be approved as spoils by a judge at the end of the thread.


Elemental Magic

Breath of Flame
Ezekiel can summon a torrent of flame out to a maximum of fifteen feet. This fire spreads in a narrow cone, losing density and a small amount of heat as it blooms outward. The flames, at their densest, can cause moderate burns.

Hungering Earth
Ezekiel can command the earth beneath a target to grasp at their feet and legs, rooting them in place. With considerable effort, the target may break free, but the earth maintains its hold, weighing down the target and slowing them for one post, or ten seconds.

Zephyr Blades
Ezekiel can launch blades of pressurized air out to a range of fifty feet. These blades have the cutting edge of a sword, but only enough power behind them to break skin and cleanly slice normal clothing. Against anything more substantial, they are as strong as a hard punch.



Peladah Scimitar
Ezekiel's weapon of choice, a narrow-bladed amethyst scimitar he made using his own peladah glass techniques. It is as strong and sharp as an identical weapon of steel.


Peladah Shield
An amethyst round shield that Ezekiel made using his own peladah glass techniques. It is as strong as an identical shield of steel.


Glasswright's Kit
While the majority of his tools are too large, heavy, and bulky to be carried, Ezekiel often maintains a small supply of glass-working molds, and a set of several jars filled with sand.

Sand of Ramses
As described in the above skill, this is a jar of one pound of specially attuned sand. Ezekiel always carries a supply of this specialty material.

11-21-12, 11:11 AM
Please insert in the Glasswright description that any items he makes needs to be approved as a spoil at the end of the thread by the judge.

Also, Breath of Flame should only cause moderate burns at this point.

Ezekiel Ramses
11-21-12, 11:01 PM
Done and done.

11-22-12, 10:49 AM
Excellent. You are approved. Thank you for your cooperation and welcome to Althanas.