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11-23-12, 11:57 PM
I was told to, so... yeah. I'd like comments, preferably criticism. These are just favorite doodles and random side projects. Don't comment on how bad the pictures OF the art are, I have a bad camera and it was unfortunate lighting.


Thank you.

11-24-12, 11:28 AM
You have an interesting style. What I would suggest for you is to learn some basic Construction (For drawing) and really study that. You don't have to learn anatomy to be a good artist, but learning Construction is very effective for planning out a drawing. Using the same basic formulae for drawing you can repeat the same drawing over in different poses, and different expressions. I see that you have a lot of potential and you should definitely keep going. I am going to link you two resources you should check out.




Please enjoy them both. I am also an artist of many years drawing experience. So if you ever need someone to talk to about art, or critique your work I am always around.

11-24-12, 02:58 PM
Thank you, stuff like that is very helpful. I will definitely check out those sites.

Edit: For the record, these were quite literally doodles. Most of them done during classes, and none of them "intended" to be final artworks. Most of my final artwork seems to have gone missing...

11-30-12, 11:14 AM
Oh, I actually made some tutorials for Dragoart back in the day –– glad to see people use the site!

Your style is cool, very graphic/design-y. Have you tried working with vectors before? I can see that type of art looking really neat if done that way. Something like the watch/ribbon in this (http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mdz967Ef0J1rljerxo4_1280.jpg) would make a really neat avatar or something.

I don't see a lot of figures in your work so you might not want to go in this direction anyways, but I figured I'd share this resource since it plays off what Elthas posted. It's been super helpful to me just to get a hang of proportions and stuff, reference for quick sketches before moving onto finished pieces. http://www.posemaniacs.com/

If you find some of your finished work, you should definitely share!