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The Madd Hatter
11-27-12, 12:52 AM
Name: Frederick Von Maddsenberg

Aliases: “Freddy”, “The Madd Hatter”, “Madd”

Age: Old enough to drink, but not old enough to know God.

Gender: Male

Race: That’s a very good question, tell me when you find out.

Eye Color: A quaintly incredible amber that dives into your soul and carefully chips away at your inhibitions against love.

Hair Color: Soft brown, the color of fresh dirt as the sun rises and shines on it for the first time after a harsh rain.

Apparel: The Madd Hatter, of course, wears a top hat. Despite the common fad, his top hat is a dark blue with a soft black silk band around it. Tucked into the band is a tarot card with an engraving of Tyr, the god of justice, on the back. This is only one of his innumerable hats, however, but it is his favorite and he is most often seen wearing it. To match the quaint top hat, this noble wears a matching dark blue long coat that almost barely touches the ground; fancy black leather shoes, simple dark blue pants that match cloth and color with his coat, and a black silk shirt to finish his attire. The shirt is always buttoned up to the second to last button, showing his collarbones. Freddy is often described as drop-dead handsome, but with a very recognizable face. Everyone who sees him gets a strange feeling of déjÃ* vu, and even men feel an attraction to him. This is only a momentary experience, and as soon as he begins to talk the interaction fades and reality cuts in. Though nobody can seem to find out where he stores them or carries them, Freddy has an almost uncountable amount of hats, with suits to match. All of the hats resemble in some manner a top hat, even if distorted, and all the suits are of the same cut but with colors and designs to match the hat.

Manifest: Freddy is mad, yes, but he isn’t completely insane. He is awkward and strange and unpredictable, but he is also supernatural. With an endless imagination, Freddy can apparently summon things from his very dreams to manifest them into solidity. Like all dreams, though, those who do not believe in his manifestations aren’t effected by them. If this mad child brings out of his dreamscape a sword and lets it cut into someone, if that special someone truly doesn’t believe the sword is real, then it shall pass through them like a ghost. However, as he is mad, Freddy believes in everything he manifests and anything he summons is as real to him as anything else is, and thus can be used against him. If one believes in the solidity of the objects, then they are as solid as they should be.
--Limitations: At the current moment the Madd Hatter can only manifest small items or a large set of neutral items. This means he could create a dagger, or a table with tea. His manifestations can affect any non-sentient being or inanimate object as if they were real, for nature knows truth and believes in what is real. If any magic is cast directly on any of his manifestations they will lose solidity and break apart. A magically created candle flame would bring down a dreamed castle. Anyone within a manifestation will not be hurt by falling pieces, for they turn ethereal whether you believe in them or not.
--Possibilities: If it is a neutral item, Freddy can manifest almost anything that is within a 10’ (Ten Feet) cube in size. Neutral means that it isn’t designed for battle nor will it be used for battle. His manifestations can be summoned with any illusionary imagery he likes, making them simply pop into appearance, or grow out of something. It is his dreams; they come and go as he pleases. With neutral manifestations, he cannot hurt another person unless they hurt themselves by not believing. He cannot, for example, sweep a set of stairs out of existence whilst someone stands on it. Weapon wise, Freddy can only create an item within the limit of a 1’ (One Foot) cube. Damaging manifestations will be the strength of steel and also can be dispelled on command. If someone is wielding it, even another person, it cannot be dispelled. If it is within a person, it cannot be dispelled. If magic is cast on it, it will be dispelled despite the above conditions.

The Wardrobe: Like mentioned in his appearance, Freddy has innumerable hats and suits to match. He can walk into a room and walk out the next second and be changed, without any time elapsed. Just like any other manifest, the suits give no armor protection and can be changed with any illusionary nicety that is wanted. Really, it is only for Freddy’s own amusement.

The Reality: The Madd Hatter is so powerfully real that he can sometimes be mistaken for a facade. If someone begins to truly believe that Freddy isn't actual a real person, and is in fact a figment of their imagination, then Freddy will lose all ability to affect that individual. His touch will pass through them, his words will give no sound, and even him image will begin to appear hazy and transparent. Any manifestations used on this person will dispel upon touching the individual, since their misconception strengthens the illusion around them, forcing Freddy's reality out of existence. If someone or something convinces a poor victim of this condition that Freddy is a real boy, then the condition will rapidly fade and once again they will have the pleasure of being able to touch the Hatter.

Language: Freddy somehow is able to speak any language at any time. Though he only speaks the language when it is appropriate or when around a denizen of that language, he seems completely ignorant of other languages when he doesn’t need to know them. If someone speaks something, even if it is gibberish, he will understand the meaning intended to be conveyed. If it truly is gibberish and has no meaning, then he will hear it simply as gibberish.

History: Due to the very nature Freddy's greater reality, history hasn't caught up to him as of yet. Eventually the records will be made, but as of today, he exists far too much to be written in paper.

11-27-12, 10:52 AM
You are approved. Welcome back to Althanas.