View Full Version : Eric LonĂ*n Cahill

12-04-12, 01:49 PM
Name: Eric LonĂ*n Cahill
Age: 19
Race: Half-Elf
Hair Color: Raven
Eye Color: Ice Blue
Height: 6'00"
Weight: 159lbs

Occupation: Whatever comes by when money is low. Mostly a "Procurer of Valuables" for others and himself.

Personality: Abnormal in one who specializes in stealth, Eric loves being the centre of attention when he is not on a job. He flirts with whatever female he can and has gotten on more than one husband, father or boyfriend's fist-end for it. This has never dampered his mood though and he can usually be seen being his cheery self. When on a job though he tends to get serious, especially when picking a lock since it requires a steady hand and patience. Eric is also, for all his big talk, a coward by heart, avoiding straight up battles for the shadows and running as fast as his feet can carry him. Even though this does happen more often than not(the running), Eric can't stand it when people are taken advantage of and would thus not think twice about helping those less fortunate or in trouble.
Appearance: Eric, a pale skinned Half-elf, deducible by his slightly pointed and elongated ears. He is often seen wearing black leather boots that reach up to about the middle of his shin and fits over his equally black trousers, held up by a silver buckled belt. A gray woolish vest with a zipper at the front and no sleeves cover his torso, whilst a dark hooded cloak sometimes shades his blue eyes and covers his raven hair. The cloak reaches to his ankles and has no sleeves, able to be folded into a small parcel if needed to store. Eric's hands are also covered by fingered gloves. Even though he has a lean frame, a trait not uncommon in most with elvish blood, he has strength that makes climbing, swimming or carrying things of about his own weight an ease. He prefers dexterity and speed above raw power and strength and this is evident in his structure.

Mothered by Ailene, an elf, Eric never knew anything about his father, except for the name Eoghan and the fact that he was human. He was raised in the capital of Corone, Radasanth, after his mother moved there from Salvar where he was born. She never spoke about Eoghan and all questions he asked about his father were expertly evaded.
Ailene raised him like any mother would raise a child, though sometimes it felt to Eric like she was being a little over protective. While he was still young, and spending most days in the harbor near the stall his mother ran, this protectivity seemed normal and he, being a child, didn't mind in the least. Later though, he started to rebel against this and thus became pretty skilled in sneaking to avoid his mother.
With this rebellious nature also came new friends, people that quickly taught him the ways of crime. Eric had a natural knack for the skill he learned, like pickpocketing and lockpicking. He was also taught how to make good use of a dagger, but is far from being a master and only uses it when he has no other choice or is assured of victory.
This lifestyle continued for quite a few years, giving Ailene all her days and finally ended one night at age 18, when the thieves Eric ran with, decided to rob a merchant and ended up beating and killing him. Eric found out the next day the merchant had been the kindly man living next to them. A man with a wife and small daughter.It was then, for his own safety and that of his mother, he snuck away one night.

* Fairly skilled with a dagger - The bit of practicing he learned from the thieves has ensured that he wouldn't cut himself and he can protect himself fairly well in a tight spot.
* Sneaking: A skill Eric has spent years practicing and forms the basis of all his others.
* Lockpicking: Taught by the thieves so that homes and chests could be opened, Eric is able to open most simple locks.
* Pickpocketing: Also a skill of thieves, Eric mostly practiced on the working class and is capable of stealing for most preoccupied people.
* Eavesdropping: You never know what you might hear or what it's worth.
* Climbing & Swimming - Skills that Eric has ease in since he has great dexterity.

* Great Dexterity - Years of sneaking, picking pockets and lockpicking, as well as the natural dexterity of those with elvish blood in their veins has given Eric greater prowess (about twice that of normal humans) in anything that requires the use of dexterity.
* Dodging - Learnt through the times he had to avoid fights and even his mother's searches, Eric knows fairly well how to avoid an incoming blow or searches so he can flee and is about double the times successful at it, compared to normal humans.
* Disguise - Skilled at disappearing in crowds, Eric knows how to disguise himself it the most basic ways. Any perceptive person could notice the disguise, but in a crowd or walking past an unattentive person these disguise serve their purpose.

Equipment: Other than the clothes Eric wears, he also carries with him the following;
A Coustille dagger of steel with red cloth wrapped around its hilt;
A set of lockpicks;
Tinder and Flint;
Three small reddish brown pouches for carrying money, flint, etc;

Familiar: A black rat, named Radan. He found this creature one day after he fled home and it has been his companion for the last year. It never leaves Eric's side unless ordered to scout for something or the like.

12-05-12, 11:12 AM
I just need you to list the exact bonus to his attributes when it comes to dexterity and dodging. Twice the dexterity and agility of a normal human for those two abilities seems appropriate, though you can add an extra ability if you want to.

12-05-12, 11:49 AM
There you go, hope eveything is fine now.

Waiting in anticipation.

12-05-12, 02:54 PM
I'm afraid "twice that of others" could be a bit misleading, because there are "others" on Althanas who have enhanced dexterity/agility as well. That's why I asked you do define it as "twice that of a normal human" because that's the norm we've been using. It's a minor thing, but it helps keep everything clear.

12-05-12, 04:02 PM
Good now?

12-05-12, 05:31 PM

You are approved. Thank you for your cooperation and welcome to Althanas.