View Full Version : Talvana

Queen of Thieves
12-11-12, 02:21 AM
Name: Talvana Nivir
Age: 39
Race: Dark Elf
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Gold
Height: 5'6”
Weight: 120 pounds
Occupation: Noble's daughter by day, professional thief by night.


As a young woman of high birth as well as an accomplished con artist, Tal regularly shifts her demeanor to suit her needs. As a lady at court, she can hold a shy smile for hours and laugh at all the right times and remain dutifully silent as necessary. Among her criminal peers in Ettermire's underworld, she takes on an entirely different persona. She becomes sly and mysterious, mixing a sort of blunt, direct speech unheard of in high-class social circles with a steady supply of witty quips. Deep down, she is actually reserved and slow to trust, carefully guarding her secrets.


Lithe and waifish, Talvana combines acrobatic athleticism with the feeling that a strong wind might carry her away. Like most Dark Elves of Alerar, her skin is dark and ashen; hers has the slight blue tint common among the nobility. Like most members of House Nivir, her hair is black and her eyes bright gold. Her attire varies depending on whether she's attending parties with her family or climbing through windows. Under the night sky, a red scorpion tattoo will appear under her right eye, though it is prone to migrate...


Stealth: One doesn't become a master thief by stumbling through the dark like an oaf. Talvana has practiced and honed her ability to move silently and unseen to an exceptional degree.

Acrobatics: Besides simply being an elf, Talvana's noble stature provides access to professional dancing and acrobatics instructors. Her balance, gracefulness, and confidence when climbing, jumping, or running across narrow ledges, reflects this.

Burglary: As an accomplished thief, Tal can pick locks, pry open windows, and perform a variety of other tasks necessary to acquire whatever item strikes her fancy.

Sleight of Hand: Born from a youth of habitual theft, her hand movements are quick and subtle. Whether performing card tricks or picking pockets, Tal is skilled at controlling her mark's attention and manipulating items in improbably and unexpected ways.

General Larceny: Her skill set encompasses a wide range of illicit activities, including confidence schemes, basic forgery, item concealment, and so on.

Combat: Tal typically avoids fighting, unless she can get the drop on unsuspecting targets. Still, the streets of Ettermire are dangerous. She is proficient with daggers (melee and thrown), basic unarmed combat (especially technical grappling), and light crossbows (she lacks the physical strength and bulk to steadily aim a heavy crossbow).


(1) Agility: Tal is lithe and athletic, able to jump, climb, dodge, and perform a variety of acrobatic feats more effectively than those without the training and experience. Overall, her agility is about three times more impressive than average person. Drawback: her slight frame makes her considerably less resistant to physical punishment.

(2) Endurance: Her athleticism gives her considerable stamina, allowing her to run, climb, or otherwise physically exert herself twice as much as an average person.

(3) Night's Sting Tattoo: The strange scorpion mark that sometimes appears under her eye came from a traveling witch who claimed to hail from distant Dheathain. While its true origins and nature are unknown, it clearly possesses magical properties that strengthen as Tal commits criminal acts. At its most basic level, the tattoo provides subtle, uncanny luck (such as sentries looking away at convenient moments or being able to catch a falling vase without warning). With concentration, she can consciously unlock its power, muffling her movements and allowing her to seemingly merge into the shadow, making her exceedingly difficult to detect in darkness, especially if she remains still. For all of the aforementioned abilities, she must be in the process of stealing or attempting to steal something for them to work.


As a member of House Nivir, Talvana has access to all the finery one might expect of a noble, such as fancy clothes and jewelry. Much is technically the property of her family rather than hers specifically, however.

As a thief, her tools at a bit more limited as she must acquire them in secret. These include: lockpicks, pry bars, rope and climbing gear, satchels and bandoleers, and so forth. She keeps six steel daggers, designed for stabbing, slashing, and throwing, a hand crossbow, and two sharpened steel hairpins. When performing a job, she wears a well-crafted armored bodysuit made from intricate leather and metal strips, designed to allow moderate protection, free motion, and silence. Her leather gloves and boots were crafted for ease of climbing and fine-motor tasks.

Abridged History
(I'm giving the super-quick version because, let's be honest, nobody cares about it anyway.}

Talvana was born to Melandra of House Nivir, wife of Dralan, a power Graf in Ettermire. With two older brothers and two older sisters, and eventually two more younger sisters, Tal learned to go unnoticed at an early age. Her mother died giving birth to Tal's youngest sister, and her father spent much of his time traveling. This left the adolescent dark elf girl bored and rebellious. As she grew up, she began sneaking out at night, disguising her identity and running with various gangs, robbing shops. Eventually, she left those small-time groups and performed a series of heists that targeted prized art collections and family heirlooms of the rich and powerful. For her, thievery was about the thrill, not the money. She still keeps ties with various criminal elements, all completely under her oft-absent father's nose.

Somewhere along the line, Tal crossed paths with a withered old witch, from whom she purchased her magic tattoo for sum of gold, three drops of blood, and a future favor.

12-11-12, 11:43 AM
I'll allow the agility not only because of the drawback, but because Night's Sting Tattoo's limited usefulness. Just don't go crazy with it.

You are approved. Welcome to Althanas.