View Full Version : Thrommesh

12-11-12, 07:42 PM
Age: 14
Race: Orc
Hair: Black
Eye: Yellow
Height: 6’4”
Weight: 280 lbs


Stoic, good and wry-humored, and unflappable, Throm is as close to mild-mannered as orcs get. He is slow to anger but loves to fight, and once roused his fury is limitless. He trusts easily but not foolishly, and his guilelessness in turn makes him easy to trust. He values strength in any form and pursues self-improvement almost religiously. Once he determines a person to be of worth, he will defend and promote that person without reservation.

Throm is self-assured, observant, and intelligent. He is inclined to think himself above the pettier struggles of his own race and, since orcs are surely the greatest of the races, he believes himself above the fears and concerns of his non-orc cousins as well. He is an idealist and holds himself and his tribe to great philosophical expectations, but it remains to be seen if any orc has it in him to achieve such heights.


The orcs of Throm’s tribe are not so different from the orcs across the rest of Althanas. He is big and prodigiously muscled, with ashy grey-green skin, slightly curved tusks protruding upward from the lower jaw, and glinting yellow eyes set deep under a heavy brow. Among orcs Throm is stout, short-legged but with a long torso. He is markedly broad, with heavy sloping shoulders, and arms built for breaking men. His ears are long, large, and pointed, and his nose is short and rather flat.

His head is broad and naturally devoid of hair, but a thick, straight black beard grows in full from his jaw, which is itself wide and large to accommodate his tusks. Tribal tattoos stand out stark and black from his skin, wickedly bladed designs that run from either side of his neck, over his shoulders, and down along his upper arms. All orcs seem to stand with a perpetual slump forward, but Throm’s particularly big shoulders and broad neck accentuate the effect so that he always seems to be looming, apelike.

Throm’s tribe is full of particularly skilled metalworkers, so he tends to dress in the crude but effective armor of his people. He favors chainmail at the chest, with his upper arms unimpeded, and his legs and forearms defended by warm furs and leathers.


Soldiery: In the language of the orcs, there is no difference between the words “man” and “soldier.” Like all able-bodied male orcs of his tribe and many of the females, Throm has endured daily training in warfare since birth. Despite the popular view of orcs as beast-men and savages, this training has been focused as much on the mind and spirit as the body.

Survival: Throm is from Berevar. The females of his tribe do most of the hunting, trapping, fishing, and basic farming, but every tribesman can sustain himself for a few weeks in the dead of winter if need be.

Striking Appearance: Throm is short, broad, and muscular among orcs. Among men he’s a hulk, and orcs are feared by the smaller races across Althanas. He’s impossible to miss, and the myths, legends, and suspicions of the world’s peoples only serve to build upon his intimidating presence.

Master of the Grill: Throm is the closest thing orcs ever get to a damn good cook.

An Empty Glass: Throm learns fast and absorbs a great deal from his environment. Though orcs are shorter-lived than many of the other races of Althanas, their minds and bodies grow and expand much faster to compensate. It is not difficult for him to learn new languages given enough time, and he can be quite clever, thoughtful, and wise.


Orc: Throm is an orc of Berevar. His eyes glow, and so he sees as well in the dark as humans do in low sunlight. His body runs hotter than a human being’s, meaning he is better able to survive the harsh cold of his homeland. His senses of hearing and smell are more acute than those of a human being. He is capable of consuming things that would make a common man sick, such as poisonous mushrooms or raw meat.

Strength: Brawny, broad, and heavy, Throm’s physical might is undeniable. He is capable of great feats of muscle, lifting and moving heavy objects and striking with incredible force. (2X a normal human.)

Fortitude: A living tank, Throm was born and built to be a meat shield. Between his brawn, constant athletic training, and harsh environment, Throm’s natural ability to endure is remarkable. (2X a normal human)


Throm is blessed with a supernaturally powerful voice. When fully caught up in the delirium of combat, he has been known to ecstatically shout words in some tongue unknown even to him, which boom and reverberate like thunder from beyond the firmament. Those that hear these shouts are uplifted or shattered by them, depending on whether they stand with Throm or against him. Unless otherwise noted, Throm is not affected by his own shouts, and he can only give them voice in the midst of combat.

Rallying Cry: Throm can let out a long, terrible roar the likes of which would tear the throat of a lesser man asunder. When his allies hear this rallying god-song, their hearts are uplifted and a furious energy washes over them, taking all the weight of the world from their shoulders and making their weapons light. (Allies’ speed is doubled).


Orc: Being an orc of Berevar isn’t always all its cracked up to be. Bright sunlight is nearly blinding, for one. Because his body temperature is naturally higher than that of a human being, he is more liable to suffer exhaustion and heat stroke in warmer climes. His eyes are notably less effective as a distance, and he has more trouble differentiating between colors than a human. Many of the mainstays of civilized cooking – especially refined sugar – are inedible or toxic to an orc.

Brute: Throm has put a great deal of focus on training for strength and stamina, but not much on finesse. He is less capable of evading attacks or striking unexpectedly, and nobody would accuse him of being flexible. (Agility -2X a normal human)


Armor and Clothing: Throm owns a long chainmail shirt forged from steel and fur-lined arctic leathers to wear at the forearms, legs, feet, and waist.

Seax: A long iron knife for food preparation and basic utility, but handy in a pinch.

Orcish Sword: Forged from orcish steel. A subtly curved blade worn at the hip, this sword has a sharpened tip but is designed chiefly for slashing and hacking.

Shield: Mostly made of wood, with a frame of orcish steel. Arctic leather is stretched across the face of it, with tribal designs drawn across its surface in dried blood.

Orcish Heavy Crossbow: Big, mean, crude, and loud, this crossbow is proof that orcs are capable of ingenuity. It is not even remotely accurate at a great distance, especially in Throm’s hands, but it propels a heavy bolt with disturbing force. The crossbow is constructed from ash from Salvar, horn, bone, and sinew, and uses a stubborn pull lever to reload.

Leather Quiver with Bolts: For carrying crossbow ammunition. Since the bolts are forged from orcish steel and are therefore heavy, Throm does not carry very many in the quiver at a time.


To understand the pride of Thrommesh, one must first know of his mother.

Skogul has led a rich life of adventure and conquest, and has ranged across Berevar and deep into Salvar, and even claims to have wetted her blade on the blood of Corone. She returned to Berevar almost twenty years ago now, and raised an army that has burned a swath across the tribes. She formed her own tribe from the ashes, and took that tribe northwest to the Steam Sea.

Once there were mountains and volcanoes there, but when the direlings murdered their charges the sea swallowed the cities nestled between so that all that remains are the peaks rising above the surface and forming islands. Skogul led her tribe through the mists and chose one of those islands, and there they built a stronghold.

Skogul admits now that she was pregnant with Throm when the tribe arrived at their new home, and the longhouse was finished just in time for his birth. She will not say who his father is, and nobody else knows. As time has gone on, and as Throm earns his name, many claim to be his sire but Skogul laughs at all of them. She has lain with orc and direling and man since, and has other great sons and daughters now, but Throm remains the greatest of them.

Skogul has brought to her many great shamans and priests and poets, not all of them orcs. Some of them speak of a great destiny for the orcish people, and a great duty bestowed upon them at their creation. All of them foresee war. Throm has listened to them rant and muse and argue since before he could talk, and he has his own ideas about what the orcs are meant to do.

But for now he is his mother’s most loyal soldier, and he sees the tribe growing strong on the Misty Isle, and can see what’s coming as well as anybody.

Soon Skogul’s tribe will go to war.

12-12-12, 10:40 AM
Could you just add that his attributes are 2x/-2x that a normal human. Just saying 2x could be misleading. Otherwise, it looks good.

12-12-12, 07:22 PM
Done and done.

12-13-12, 10:42 AM
You are approved.

Thank you for your cooperation and welcome to Althanas.