View Full Version : Brainstorming

12-12-12, 10:31 AM
Name: Artemis "Arti" Brigham
Age: Young adult
Race: Human
Hair Color: Red
Eye Color: Grey-Blue
Height: Fairly Tall
Weight: A Healthy physique. (Stocky)
Occupation: Librarian, Acquisitions expert, Shop Assistant

Personality: Arti is not a terribly serious person. She is usually smiling, constantly taking in everything around her with an low-level wonder at the world. She can find almost anything in the world fascinating. she could study how music is scrapped from the strings of an instrument with as much intensity as figuring out an insect's physiology.She has a certain weakness for puzzles and mysteries, though the latter is usually sated from stories. Jokes, teasing, and even flirting come easily to her; though there are times where she can be flustered quite easily. However, this is all molded around a very practical, intuitive core. She sometimes ends up coming off as manipulative after a time, as well as crass and abrasive.

Appearance: Artemis is a bigger girl than most, used to looking people in the eyes or down at them. She has a heavier frame than most, much more solid and curvy. Beneath her skin, obvious muscle shows from a working life, and she has learned to carry her extra weight well. She has a handsome face with a wide mouth, dimples, and expressive eyes. Her skin is lighter than most, and burns easily despite her best efforts to avoid it.

Artemis generally wears practical clothes for the occasion. Breeches and a well-made cloak, if a bit old and worn, for traveling. Her clothes generally fall under some form of functional; though she tries to make them somewhat flattering to her figure, if not overtly pretty or fashionable. Her hair is dealt with to suit the occasion, but often hangs loose, mussed up and wavy.

+ Outdoors-man: Artemis is familiar with how to survive in the wilderness of Scara Brae, if a bit uncomfortably. This includes basic foraging and hunting of small game, setting fires and other survival skills people take for granted. Theoretically, this could apply to over forest locations. Other forests have giant spiders, right?
+Defense: While not precisely a fighter, Artemis knows how to defend herself a bit against

+Comprehension: Artemis has a natural ability to take in ideas and stories like a sponge. Though anything with muscle memory or magic tends to slip past any practical application or mastery without putting in the normal amount of time and practice.

+Intuition: The other side to Artemis' comprehension, her gut instincts tend to lead her in the right direction, to the point where she implicitly trusts them in panic situations. This has lead to problems before...

+Traveling clothes: Well worn, serviceable clothes, waxed against rain. Of particular note is her gray cloak, one of her favorite articles of clothing.

+Oaken Walking Stick: A very heavy oaken walking stick, which could service as a large club to a smaller girl. The head is as smooth as silk from long use, and it has considerably value to Artemis.

+Home in Scara Brae: While not entirely exactly in her name, Artemis always has a place in Lionel Brigham's home.

+Book Collection: while not nearly so extensive as an official library or shop, Artemis has a small library of various cheap books, ranging from poetry to texts on the song magic of Istien University.

Familiars: Arti has two cats named Rainy and Leon that she lives with. While cute, they could hardly be called anything other than normal.

Artemis Brigham grew up being passed around her family for the first few years of her life. Her family originally was of Corone, though they moved to Raiaera while Artemis' mother was pregnant. While the journey itself went well, and the birth itself safe enough, trouble was son the horizon. When the necromancer Xem'zund attacked, Artemis' family was forced to leave the Elvish land with many of the other refugees.

Her mother ended up passing away during this exodus, killed in an attack by the undead forces that Arti was barely old enough to remember. Her father, bless his poor heart, managed to keep himself together for the rest of the journey. Spending nearly all of the meager savings he was able to bring with him, the father and daughter were able to make it to Scara Brae. Artemis doesn't remember much of the journey, most of her memories twisted by emotions and made foggy with youth.

She was given to one Lionel Brigham upon arriving. The shop keeper was a retired adventurer, and good friends with Artemis' biological family. Her father ended up killing himself close to a year after they had arrived, though Lionel never had the heart to tell the young girl that her father downed in a bottle.

Since then, Artemis has had an interesting, if island confined life. She grew up big and strong, working for Lionel in his shop and for all intents and purposes considering him her father. He grew up, almost literally, devouring books for their stories and tales, growing up with a healthy appreciation for nearly every country. Her dreams quickly began to take shape to accommodate her hunger. She traveled Alerar's libraries while asleep, studied at the broken Istien Academy, seen the Citadels of Radanseth and Salvar alike. Lionel encouraged this heartily, telling Arti stories and tricks from his own adventuring days before he settled that she never would have guessed.

Now, Artemis Brigham's wanderlust has grown and she has amassed a tidy little sum of money. With connections to various other merchants and the various trade routes, she is more than ready to leave Scara Brae for a spell and make her own mark on the world.

12-12-12, 10:43 AM
Everything seems to be in order.

You are approved. Welcome to Althanas.