View Full Version : The Revival of the Bandit Brotherhood

12-12-12, 12:22 PM
The posters have sprung up all across Althanas.

"We are One.

The Bandit Brotherhood is on a path to return to the lands of Althanas once more. Under the leadership and guidance of psionist, Logan McCloud, the group is looking for new members to join their ranks. We are certain you will have many questions, and so we advise you to respond to this posting in haste. Write your letter and stick it into the box below, you will receive a written response within 24 business hours. And since we do business 24 hours out of every day, that would be one full day.

Thank you for your time,
The Bandit Brotherhood"

Below the poster rests a small wooden box with a slot at the top.

{{IC or OOC posts are welcome.}}

The current member list:
Logan McCloud
Arden Janelle

12-13-12, 09:56 AM
Lord Tiger, Arden Janelle wishes to join - offering the full support and affiliation of the Scara Scourge.

12-13-12, 10:02 AM
A puff of smoke appears from the hole at the top of the box, and a piece of paper flutters out from it and into the awaiting hands of Arden.

"There is but one thing you must do to receive approval to join the Brothers. Jot down on this letter your favorite wine and favorite food, and then return the letter to the box."

12-13-12, 11:16 AM
Well, this certainly is most curious, I mused to myself as I noticed the flyer posted in the alleyway next to the freshly-leased storefront that would become my new bookstore.

I searched my memory, looking for stories and legends I had heard about the previous incarnation of this Bandit Brotherhood; and if it was being revived by this Logan McCloud fellow, I had a feeling that its resources were something I could use to my advantage--both with the acquisition of rare books for back room, late-night clientele, and for other... tasks I have in mind.

I reached in my pocket for a pencil, and tore off a small corner of the poster to write on.

"I have no questions right now, but I wish to offer my services as an agent."

Signing the paper with a simple M.F. and a crude sketch of my family's sign, the one used to request our services as assassins, and dropped the scrap into the box sitting below the poster.

12-13-12, 11:33 AM
A small bird flitters about quickly and quietly, buzzing nearby Madison's head. In it's beak is a small folded piece of paper which it drops into Madison's hands and then flies away.

"Your presence is welcome within the Brothers and Sisters of the Bandit Brotherhood. We have a special task for you. If you are interested, please consult with Logan at the Bandit Retreat."

12-13-12, 12:19 PM
Arden could only frown at the note. Magic never phased him, but months of activity beneath the dark streets of Scara Brae had began to steal away his civility. Conversation and fine dining were the last things he expected to encounter in the famous company of the Bandit Brotherhood. The rumours about its return had reached fever pitch proportion in little time at all. This, somehow, seemed a touch anti-climatic.

"Wine," he said, softly, and candidly. Of course, he liked a very specific group of wines, vintages bereft of common knowledge and the tasting tongues of mortal men. He doubted he would see them, so when he scribbled down his preference, he added 'a strong bodied red' afterwords, just to at least ensure it was drinkable. He added 'Akashiman cuisine' for food, and deposited the letter back into it's slot. Waiting for just long enough to see if a reply came, or further instruction, the swordsman flicked up his crimson hood, tucked his long black hair behind his ears, and without fanfare, he faded into the night.

12-17-12, 10:01 AM
As a member of The Syndicate, Elthas knew his way around complex factions.

Growing up in the forests of Ruild, Elthas had heard of the infamous band of thieves known as The Bandit Brotherhood. It's original establishment was run by an enigmatic thief who had since gone into hiding. Word of the faction's reawakening quickly spread through underground circuits, and Elthas had a unique connection. One of his cousins had been a member of the original Bandit Brotherhood. It was his Syndicate associates, Seth and Theo Terrentius that informed him of the faction's revival.

Once they had encouraged him to act as liaison between to the two potentially powerful factions, Elthas agreed.

The Syndicate needed an inside man in a potentially powerful guild.

Elthas looked at the application box for a long moment. He had several items with him at the time. One was his application, perfectly filled out and written in the common tongue. Elthas was quite intellectual and always put forth tremendous effort with artistic endeavors. He had signed Clan Belthasar seal in wax on the fancy letter's envelope. There were two items. I am probably trying too hard. Elthas frowned as he knew the second item was letter of recommendation from The Syndicate. Such an item was akin to a military commendation. Both of the items were marked with appropriate symbols, and in the sealed envelope.

Elthas looked at the box, there was a poster of The Bandit Brotherhoods propaganda on it.

I've been a loner far too long. Time to make waves. Elthas deposited the envelop in the slot and went to a nearby tavern to unwind a while. A constant life involving chasing the next big hit, left one with very little time to unwind. He would have a drink and await the next step in his application process. It might actually be fun... A Syndicate operative in The Bandit Brotherhood. How ironic was that?

Connor Lacuna
12-19-12, 06:42 PM
Connor looked at the box, remembering the Black Hand he'd heard about before. He wrote on the slip of paper his interest, and that he'd be best served doing things the Black Hand's way. Connor slipped the paper into the box.

01-08-13, 10:34 AM
Within a few moments of Connor's paper being slipped into the box, a small boy bumped into the taller man and a small piece of paper found its way into Connor's pocket.

Welcome to the Brotherhood. I wish to speak to you about your purpose and desire within the Brotherhood. We will meet at your convenience. Remember, we are always watching.

Red Dawn
02-05-13, 08:07 AM
Unsure of where else to fit in, Russel eyed the box after reading the small poster. It was an interesting proposition... an entire league of misfits and outcasts banding together under one banner. He had never heard of The Bandit Brotherhood, but then again he hadn't heard of a lot of things around Althanas - had learned only recently what world he had landed on to begin with. Cautiously, and with the dexterity only an android could muster, he scribbled a note in an elaborate font:

"To whom it may concern,

I can join, ya? I can use a blade, know my way around projectiles, and I've got an uncanny knack of staying out of trouble while still causing it."

02-05-13, 08:25 AM
As Russel dropped the note into the slit of the box, a small puff of smoke seeped from the corners. A short while later, a small cat meandered over to him and rubbed up against his leg. It purred and he would notice the small hand-scribbled note attached to the cat's collar.

"Welcome, Brother. We have plenty of use for someone with your...specific set of talents. The Bandit Retreat awaits your arrival.