View Full Version : So. I'm new.

Proverbial Bookwyrm
12-15-12, 10:55 PM
I found Althanas through RPGateway and decided to check it out because I, theoretically, like the idea of having my writing critiqued by others in order to become a better writer. We'll see how that goes when the time comes.

There's certainly a lot of background reading to do to familiarize myself with the setting and that's proving to be a bit overwhelming. I'm thinking about sticking to character concepts I'm familiar with and have played before until I become more comfortable with the setting and community.

Otherwise I'm just an all around geek who reads a lot. I mean, a lot. I'm always looking for a good recommendation so if you've got a favorite title or author please feel to shoot them my way.


12-15-12, 11:11 PM
Welcome! : ) You're right, there's a lot of background material, but I think it's worth saying that it's there as a starting point and you shouldn't feel restricted by it. There's a way to make just about every kind of character and concept work here. If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask, and feel free to drop by the chat room sometime if you need help, too, as there tend to be a good amount of people who can help in and out throughout the day.

12-16-12, 01:38 AM
Greetings! Check out the Recruiting Forum or if nothing takes your fancy make a thread and see who's up for something.