View Full Version : Egill HerdĂ*sarson

Proverbial Bookwyrm
12-18-12, 03:28 PM
Name: Egill HerdĂ*sarson
Age: 15
Race: Human; Salvarian (and Skavian)
Hair Color: Copper red
Eye Color: Grey
Height: 5’5”
Weight: 145 lbs
Occupation: trapper


Certainly hardworking and astute, Egill tends towards gentleness and favors understanding; in combining these aspects we find ourselves with a boy, barely on the cusp of manhood, who listens, perhaps a little overmuch, to the words of others and speaking little in return, carefully weighing each thought before letting it run wild in the presence of others.

He is a boy untried and untested who has not faced great adversity in his life.


Unremarkable in appearance, Egill will never stand out in a crowd as he is neither handsome nor ugly. He is clearly from the north with his fair complexion and solid, but not stocky, build. Egill has yet to undergo the first of many growth spurts associated with growing into manhood and as such his features are fairly undefined - you might even say he’s still a bit baby-faced.


trapping (intermediate)
tracking (basic)
hunting: bow and arrow (basic)
target archery (intermediate)
fishing (basic)
skinning and tanning (basic)
leatherworking (basic)
tailoring (intermediate)
weaving (basic)
spinning (basic)
combat: knife (basic)
combat: unarmed - wrestling (basic)
music: drummer - bodhran (basic)
music: vocalist (intermediate)
music: flutist - bone flute (basic)


A Singularly Compelling Chant

Egill has discovered, much to his dismay, that he can through repetitive chanting, cause others to follow simple commands such as “leave” or “drop your weapon.” These commands cannot be anymore complicated than this, however, or it becomes easier for the intended target to resist the command. The intended target does not have to hear the chant to be affected by it; this being the case, increasing the volume of his voice does not increase the efficacy of the chant and subsequent command.

It should be noted that strong willed people can resist the chant.

The efficacy of the chant can be increased by increasing the rate of repetition and/or by including instrumental music, such as the reliable rhythm of drumming, although Egill himself is not privy to this information as he refuses to make use of this new found magical ability.


Worn on his person:

linen undertunic
wool overtunic
linen underwear
wool trousers
wool leg wraps
wool socks
leather shoes
leather belt
wool cloak with fur mantle
linen lined wool cap

Carried in his traveler’s pack:

linen undertunic
fancy wool tunic
hunter’s dressing kit
small cloth bag

Strapped to his traveler’s pack:

bodhran drum

Worn on his belt:


flint & steel
iron hand knife
small whetstone
line, hook, and tackle
sewing kit
bone flute
wooden spoon

steel hunting knife
iron hand axe
leather quiver with arrows

Carried by hand:

oak shortbow




For as long as Egill can remember he has lived with his mother, Herdis, in the small two room house tucked away in the woods about an hours walk from the village. When he was younger, Grandmother Bera had lived with them as well and he and his mother shared the loft above Granny’s room. When Granny had passed away, his mother had moved into the backroom of the house and while he was young enough yet to continue sharing the warmth of his mother’s bed during the long winter nights, Egill eventually took over the loft as his own. This suited both he and his mother, for their own reasons, and they lived companionably in the house for many years.

When Granny was still around to scold him for tracking mud indoors and sneaking him fruit pies on the sly, there was an older trapper who would come around bringing the rewards of his labors for Granny and Mother’s inspection and would barter eggs from their few, hardy chickens and milk from the goat, sometimes even pieces finished by his mother’s hands, for the furs he so carefully acquired. There was always a sparkle in Granny’s eye with the old trapper would come around for a visit and quite often he’d be invited to share dinner with them wherein there’d be much laughter and singing all around. Bjorn taught Egill the base of his trade, insisting that the young boy be able to bring security to his family through trade, and it was from this trader that Egill learned to track and trap, to skin and care for hides, and the rudiments of shooting with bow and arrow and fighting with a knife. It was also from the trader that Egill learned to play the flute and it was from the trader that he received his first bone flute - a gift for his naming day.

It was as an extra pair of hands in the household that Egill learned to spin and weave and sew; there’d be no one to stitch the rips in his pants from the underbrush while trapping and hunting, his mother had told him, and no reason he ought not learn to do it himself and every reason why he should. It’s hard not to learn the basics of a craft when you’re pressed into service by your beloved Granny and Mother to help with the carding of the wool and then the spinning. He earned his callouses learning to stitch neatly and evenly and it was with great pride he was able to assist his mother with some of her commissions when he was older.

Though the trader wouldn’t come around as often as when Granny lived, Egill did not lead a lonely life. His mother would take on students from time to time - teaching the girls of the village the finer points of stitchery and fancy embroidery - and there came a point where his mother decided to take on an apprentice. Finna, and her brother GuĂ°mundr, would spend many days and evenings working alongside Egill and his mother; GuĂ°mundr and Egill would fish and hunt during the daylight and in the evening they would settle around the fireplace with Finna and Herdis with Egill teaching GuĂ°mundr the basic stitches and GuĂ°mundr playing music for the others when he tired of sewing.

It was from GuĂ°mundr that Egill learned to play the drum and the four of them were never without music. Herdis made more than certain that her son could carry a tune and Egill was blessed with a fine voice for singing with friends and family.

12-19-12, 10:31 AM
Please make a note somewhere that the Singularly Compelling Chant can be resisted by strong-willed people.

Proverbial Bookwyrm
12-23-12, 09:49 PM
Edited to include note!

12-24-12, 02:50 AM
Excellent. You are approved. Thank you for your cooperation and welcome to Althanas.