View Full Version : A Dark Tale. (Open to all!!!)

12-18-12, 07:20 PM
(This is another socialization project. Much simpler than my first Syndicate project. Madd Hatter, this is also the thread you and I have been planning. Note: There will be some depictions of Sex and mature violent content in this thread. Thank you for understanding. Links: Am I Dreaming? (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?24822-The-Waking-Dreams-%28Solo%29) and Horse Thieves (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?24698-September-Guided-Quest-B-All-the-Queen-s-Horses))

"Okay." Elthas found himself saying. He looked at the dealer from the art museum and nodded. "We have ourselves a deal. I want usual price for the set of ten."

"Do you want them displayed in your usual gallery?" The dealer asked.

Situated in the art studio that Elthas owned, there were several painting easels across the floor of the chamber. The ceiling was elevated since the architecture of the moderately sized house was actually Radasanth in nature. Elthas wore black pants, quite baggy, and matching pair of dress boots. He wore nothing on his upper body. However, he did have a locket around his neck, it bore a very specific symbol. A stylized "T" that was short hand for The Terrentius Estate. A predominant establishment that had property on the fields of Yarborough District. The house Elthas owned was just one of many large units on The Estate. Elthas was not built like a Warrior was. He was built like a swimmer. His shoulders and chest were broad, but his figure was slender and well defined. It was the physique of a man who had to do a lot of extreme activity. There was a third figure in the room, a woman named Hylda Terrentius, Elthas's partner. She was actually stark naked. She was Elthas's preferred model of choice for his paintings. He knew her intimately.

Elthas noticed that the dealer was not uncomfortable at the nude woman. Besides, Elthas would never allow such a man to even touch his significant other.

"You can take the finished ones with you for display now." Elthas found himself saying. "I will expect my pay as soon as it is ready."

"Everything should be ready in a week." The dealer said. He then began to gather up a few of the painting, placing a certain cloth material over each piece to protect them. The dealer was obviously quite strong and took four paintings out of the studio as per their deal. Before the dealer left, he addressed Elthas. "Lord Elthas. You have improved a lot over the past few months. I look forward to seeing the next few paintings and sculptures from you." The dealer complimented.

"I thank you." Elthas said in response. "I will have more ready by the end of the month." Elthas promised. "You know the way out."

The dealer nodded and took the paintings, leaving Elthas alone with Hylda Terrentius. Elthas looked at her carefully from where he was standing and smiled softly.

"You always inspire me." Elthas said.

Hylda walked over towards Elthas and stood by his side. "Inspiration can sometimes be a dangerous weapon." She said. "Elthas, you are improving." Hylda said calmly. "The Elven technique you use, I wish I knew how to control the colors and tones the way you do."

"I've been doing it a long time." Elthas responded. "Besides, I enjoy painting you. It's just something that keeps me calm when the storm rages." Elthas said.

"You're being too modest." Hylda said. "There is no need for that. Remember what I've been through, Elthas." She said.

Elthas knew, she was the calm eye of the storm. In some ways, she was also the storm itself, dangerous and powerful. In many ways, perhaps, Elthas had sealed his own fate. Perhaps they all had. Elthas studied her eyes for a moment. Reading, and attempting to read their very nature. I'm good but I have never been able to read her right...maybe she's something else all together. And in a league of her own. Elthas knew that she'd brought down her husband whilst he was attempting to take over The Terrentius Estate. Hylda had lost a considerable fortune at the hands of that man she had once loved. Now, Elthas saw it in her eyes. A growing darkness that threatened to consume them all. Maybe I should have seen this coming...maybe...but when you're in my line of work. You do not say no to someone like Hylda. She could have made my life very miserable. Besides, there were worse fates I could think of. Elthas placed his hand on the side of her head.

In many ways, Elthas had already given himself completely to Hylda Terrentius though they were not wed yet.

He knew things about his partner, and also she knew things about him.

That knowledge could destroy me if I am not careful...

Elthas caressed the side of her face for a moment. He was waiting for something, and held his hand there until he saw it. For a moment, he could see her eyes shift to something like a hot hunger. There it is, that look she only gives me. My look. The very nature of our union...she can be herself with me and she knows it. Without warning, Elthas suddenly slapped Hylda across the face. He kept his expression neutral, almost cold. But there was a hunger in his eyes as well.

She did not even scream in shock or agony. She simply fell to the floor for a moment, looking up at him with that same look. She licked her lips sensually.

Elthas began to undo his pants as he walked towards her waiting person. He let them slide down, and he moved out of them, completely skyclad. The vulgar acts of the next few hours would have made a sane man's stomach turn inside out at the devious acts that followed.


Elthas awoke to the smell of freshly brewed Jadet style coffee. It was delicious. The area of the studio where the bed was located was now a mess. Elthas slid out of bed, still naked, he observed that Hylda was nude as well. Thinking about the acts of the previous night, made him accept what he was. I have grown into a monster... Elthas knew. Who he was then, was not who he had been growing up. Elthas walked up and approached Hylda from behind. In a way, he enjoyed their games of power and control. It's just my way of showing her that we're even. She can destroy me at will, but in the bed chamber...I am the boss. He placed his hands on her stomach, and pulled her close to him, kissing her neck.

"Hylda." Elthas began. "Breakfast smells good. What are the errands we must run today?" Elthas asked.

For a moment, Hylda enjoyed simply being held by her lover. She let his questions linger, but there were plans. "Elthas you have been home for a month. We have kept you in that situation for a reason."

"The paintings?" Elthas asked.

"That's your cover identity. On paper, you are a prominent painter and sculptor. You deal with the art museum of Radasanth to make a living. But that is only one truth." Hylda was speaking with a commanding presence, that certain side of hers had emerged.

"Go on." Elthas said.

"We have kept you here to test your resolve. To see if you could go through our training. You have passed every Syndicate test there is." Hylda said. "You never once complained, you never quit. You simply kept going. And that incident in Scara Brae aside, you have a flawless record of performance." She said.

"To be fair..." Elthas began. "That time with Herratya, I resisted until the very end. Things could have been worse." Elthas reminded her.

"Herratya should have been an ally to us, Elthas." Hylda suddenly turned around to face Elthas. "You missed a chance. You should never allow personal attachments to interfere with The Syndicate affairs." She said, she was scolding him.

Elthas released his embrace of her, knowing what it meant when she was scolding him. At those points, she was his leader, and not his lover. Elthas still had a hard time differentiating between the two women. Hylda became different when she took on the mantle of a Syndicate leader. In some ways, Elthas respect it. "She was trying to make me kill you..." Elthas attempted to correct.

She put her fingers against his lips to silence him. "Listen well, Elthas." She sounded harsh, and almost hollow. Not the alive woman he fell in love with... "As a member of The Syndicate, you must never allow personal ties to overshadow the organization. I have been trained. I am prepared to fight my own battles. You should have known that." She said. "Yes the bitch was strong." Hylda said. "But we are not weak, Elthas."

Elthas shook his head. "You don't understand what they are capable of doing!" Elthas was attempting to plead with her, reason with her. How can we be allowed to make such allies? I only did it to survive...

At that point, it was her turn to strike him. However, her strike was not a hit of love. It was one filled with malice and intent. Intent to harm. "Elthas." She said. "I am going to get dressed and I will not visit your bed chamber for a month. Think about that. And while you are at it, think about this." She said. "The Syndicate predates The Demon War, and in certain places was around during The War of The Tap. I am an avid historian, Elthas. We are prepared to deal with such threats." She moved towards her clothing and began to get dressed.

Elthas suddenly grabbed her arm, and held his hand on her arm. "You are only alive because I was able to break the spell...because of my people. Because we are gifted with the magics. Herratya wanted to harm you, Hylda. More important, I was meant to be the weapon. Think about this. It was my love of you that saved all of us in the end. You can leave now." Elthas felt disgust in his heart. She had wronged him, she was putting business before their relationship. Elthas's Elven heart could not understand such matters.

And in the end, Hylda did leave.


Seth Terrentius, and Theo Terrentius had called for Elthas later in the week.

In the main mansion of The Terrentius Estate, they had gathered in the main dining hall. A single, oak long table present and situated in the center of the chamber. Several chandeliers were above them, lit appropriately. Elthas was grim for the past few days, ever since Hylda had turned her back on him. Elthas had felt empty, something missing. A part of him that was complete was now barren and exposed.

Elthas focused on his paintings, and on the meeting at hand.

Those matters kept him from simply leaving all together.

I owe a debt to Seth Terrentius. If Hylda walks, then I am just going to focus on the job.

"Elthas. How are you feeling today?" Seth Terrentius asked of his pupil.

Elthas simply said nothing, he had grown cold and withdrawn.

"Elthas!" Seth called out to him.

Only after a full minute passed, did Elthas acknowledge Seth. "What?" He said with a hint of malice.

Seth sighed.

Theo carefully watched the interaction between both men. Theo knew the connection between the two, he had read the case file. Theo observed and opened a large folder entitled "Elthas". "Elthas. Please regain your composure here. It's just us today before you are sent on assignment again."

Elthas considered that Theo probably referred to Hylda. "It doesn't matter anyway." Elthas said. There was a growing darkness, anger and hatred in Elthas's beautiful eyes. "What business would you send me on this time?" Elthas asked.

"Elthas..." Theo began. "I don't know how to put this kindly, but you are being removed from The Terrentius Estate."

Her hand on my face again...she is cutting me lose. Elthas's worst fears realized. "Will I be allowed to return or are you doing this on a permanent basis?" Elthas asked.

Theo looked at Seth.

"Elthas...it has been decided." Seth had a very sad expression that didn't suit the old man. "You are too valuable an asset to simply cut lose. But you need to be removed from the danger zone as they say. Your house will no longer belong to you. Your things will be removed as well, you will have to start from scratch at the new location."

"Save it." Elthas suddenly said. "Just tell me what the fuck is going on." Elthas was losing his patience.

"You are being restationed to the chapter house in Scara Brae. The chapter house here in Radasanth is disavowing any involvement with you what so ever." Theo said.

Elthas was shocked to hear that. He looked at Seth, hoping to at least have one ally. "Seth...you're the very reason I even became involved with The Guild. Say something!" Elthas pleaded. His face was lit up with emotion, he wanted to break down right then.

"We are not without pity for you, Elthas." Seth said, his face cold, almost frightening. "Your act the night you saved my life was the only reason that you aren't completely cut off." Seth sighed. "Elthas. The opportunity you missed in securing allies with The Elementals you encountered was too great a failure. It has to be taken into account."

Elthas had heard enough. "Don't bother."

"What?" Theo suddenly asked.

"I quit. Tell Hylda I'm taking my personal things and she can do whatever she wants with the rest. I'm through. I'm done." Elthas said. He began to leave.

"E-Elthas, wait!" Seth said, trying to keep him there.

Elthas paused for a moment. He turned towards Seth and Theo. "You know what's sad about this?" Elthas asked. "The only reason you guys are not dead is because I was loyal to her." Elthas continued. "That is what separates us from the savages. Furthermore, she was gonna use me to kill Hylda. If those are the type of bed buddies you want, then I'm done." Elthas looked at Seth. "You of all people, I expected to be by my side no matter what. I regret ever laying eyes on you Seth Terrentius. Next time we meet, we will be enemies." Elthas gathered himself and simply walked out.

"Elthas! Come back here!" Theo called out to Elthas.

Seth was at a loss when he looked at Theo. "We were just following protocol...was protocol wrong this time?" Seth asked.

"Seth, my old friend. He has made his choice. Let him go." Theo said.


Packing a single bag with his personal things, Elthas knew he had to leave The Terrentius Estate immediately.

I am no longer amongst allies... Thinking back to the night he saved Seth Terrentius filled him with a great deal of regret. As he packed, he noticed Hylda's presence watching him from the chamber's twin doors.

"What do you think you're doing?" She asked.

"I'm out of here." Elthas said. "It's for the best."

"You can't just walk out on us." Hylda said. "You know what I can..."

That's it... Elthas snapped. He put down his belongings and walked over towards Hylda. "Listen to me. I want you to remember this for the rest of your days, Hylda Terrentius." He looked her dead in the eyes, and what he saw staring back at him was an ugly, awful monster. Not the Hylda he had loved. "I was the one who caught your husband who had taken almost everything away from you. I was the one who brought the man to you. Again, when facing Herratya, I remained loyal to you. She offered her ass to me. Begged and pleaded, and you know how much I like it when people beg around me." Elthas had lost it. "But me being a fool, I was expecting my loyalty would be rewarded by your lot. What do you turn around in do? Accuse me of failure." Elthas looked Hylda very dangerously. "I am going to leave this place and I am going to find the one you wanted to share a bed with. And I am going to let her kill you." Elthas was not a nice man. Loyalty did not make one a push over. Nor did it make one a good guy. He knew he was a member of The Syndicate up until that point, and now he had been cut off.

"Elthas." Hylda responded. "You will be hunted down for leaving." She said.

"Not before I allow Herratya to kill you." Elthas said. "Send your losers after me. I am good for it, I did not become the best that The Syndicate has to offer on a bunch of bullshit." Elthas went and grabbed his things. He looked at Hylda one last time. "Remember my face when that bastard Halfling in your belly is born. And remember, if not for you, he could have had a Father." He saw pain in her eyes at that point, it was subtle, but it was there. He knew Hylda, he knew how she ticked. And that pain made him smile. He was out in the hallway when he turned towards Hylda Terrentius, and his unborn son one last time. "Hylda. Give Herratya my regards when she comes for you."

It was then that they had loosed a new devil on Althanas...


Looking at Herratya, Elthas did not feel fear like he should have. Herratya was an elemental from The Tap and currently wore her human form.

"You have returned, Elthas, like I knew you would." Herratya reached towards him.

He took a step back and away from her. "Cut the bullshit, Herra. You know why I am here. It is not because I love you or some nonsense like that. I am here to warn you and to offer a truce."

"What could possibly be a threat to me?" Herratya asked.

"You don't know what The Syndicate, what Hylda can do. I know what both of you can do now." Elthas said. "I asked to meet with you on neutral grounds." They were standing in a grove deep in Concordia Forest. "To give you this." Elthas quietly gave Herratya a small parcel.

She took the package in her hand, a fancy envelope and opened it. Looking at the envelope's contents made her eyes go wide. "This..."

"Exactly. Do what you will with it. They are not aware that I stole it." Elthas said with a devious grin.

"Why would you give me this after what I have done to you?" Herratya asked.

"Loose ends." Elthas said coldly. "One last thing, Herratya. We're through after this. But I want you to do one last thing for me." Elthas said.

"Yes, of course..." Herratya had just been given an atom bomb to eliminate all her enemies with.

"The woman, Hylda has a son. Though I want nothing to do with him, I want you to take the child from her womb and make her suffer as you do so. Raise that child as one of your own. That boy does not deserve the cruel fate of a Halfling cause of our actions. He should be living with your people." Elthas said.

"Elthas, where will you go?" Herratya asked.

"I have heard of The Bandit Brotherhood in underground circles. I am going to apply and make myself useful to them." He said carefully. "Aside form that, I'll do whatever my heart desires." He looked at Herratya. "Herratya for what it's worth. I do not hate you."

"So that's why you have allowed me the chance to do this?" Herratya asked.

"We're even now. Oh, and Herratya...make them all pay for what they have done to us." Elthas said. And he walked away.


In a tavern in Radasanth, Elthas looked at his drink. It was still then, his reflection visible in the drink's surface. His goblet was simple. Elthas no longer painted those days, he simply worked. As a freelance Bounty Hunter he was capable of tracking down and hunting anybody that was wanted. Elthas was one of the best in Radasanth. He had become a workaholic, and had shut his heart to the world. Everyday, there was a growing darkness in his eyes and soul.

A girl walked towards his table, Elthas had been alone for hours on end.

Thinking, scheming.

"Can I have a seat?" The girl asked Elthas.

^(Taverns name is The Gilded Rose. You all can enter here. I do have a plan but for now I want this to be a social thread. I will be linking pertinent completed and incomplete threads in the text above. Thank you all for joining.)