View Full Version : Reputation and Factions in Salvar

08-27-06, 03:31 PM
For every thread you complete in Salvar, the judge will award you with between 0 and 5 reputation points depending on the quality of the thread and the events that took place in it. After receiving these points, you should take a look at the Salvar Reputation Chart and follow the directions there. This step is crucial! Otherwise no one will know what your reputation is and you may lose out on unique opportunities and fun events. Reputation points will increase your standing in Salvar, allow you to advance in Salvar's factions (and thus receive rich rewards, such as owning your own lands and receiving weapons and armor not available for sale,) and give your character a greater opportunity to influence how events in Salvar turn out.

You may earn up to 30 "general" positive reputation points in Salvar--this is reputation you can gain without being a member of any of Salvar's factions. However, I highly encourage you to join the League of Salvic States (which allows you to hold your own lands for the King) and either the Church of the Ethereal Sway or the Vogruk-Stokes Company. Although there is a general missions board available that, listing missions that you automatically get a small reputation boost in addition to what the judge awards you, the missions boards of the individual factions offer greater reputation boosts. For information on joining any of the three factions listed above, please see each faction's thread. Also, keep in mind that anyone can join the League of Salvic States, but if you join the Church of the Ethereal Sway then you will not be allowed to join the Vogruk-Stokes Company, and vice versa.

ON REPUTATION REPARATIONS: Feel like you've done enough quests or battles in Salvar in the past to warrant a higher starting reputation than 0? Go and post in the Reputation Ranking Chart with what you've done and what you feel you deserve. Provide links to threads if you can. If you can't, that's cool, just get someone who judged the thread or was in it to PM me saying that it existed. If you can't find anyone to do that, just give me a brief description of the thread--I've been the Salvar mod for a while, so there's a chance that I'll remember your thread if you give me a good description.