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12-19-12, 12:29 PM
Name: Calihya Windstaff
Age: 16
Race: Human
Hair Color: Dirty blonde
Eye Color: Ocean blue
Height: 5' 3"
Weight: 115 pounds
Occupation: Tinkerer, Alchemist


The emotional malnourishment and overall structure of the girl’s childhood have resulted in several erratic traits. As a workaholic inventor’s daughter, Cali is easily occupied, to the point of obsession, by whimsical thoughts. She is prone to, and undaunted by, intense hours of work and research with little to no reward. Her analytical personality often makes her critical, and she has always viewed the world through a narrow lens. She works to very rapidly break situations and individuals down to their fundamentals. The girl has also developed a set of defense mechanisms, each generally employed to manipulate how she feels others may be perceiving her. Situationally, Cali may become sassy and bold, shy and introverted, loud and erratic, or calm and analytic. Although sometimes unpredictable, her moods will generally polarize to an extreme.


The young girl is of average height, and carries a slightly petite frame. Her wiry fingers often fidget with her mid-length, dirty blonde hair. Her deep blue eyes are her most striking and most lovely feature, and they possess great depth and knowledge for a girl so small. The clothing she wears is indicative of her working-class existence. Soft leather boots and a leather apron accent a bluish gray gown which has been laced in a frilly white outline.


Natural Sciences - As opposed to her father, who has mastered the traditional elements, Cali has always felt a subtle affinity to the natural world and to its building blocks in particular. She has also spent a great deal of time watching her father and toying in his laboratory in order to build those predispositions into practical knowledge in:

Chemistry and Alchemy: She possesses an exceptional understanding of chemistry, chemical bonds, and the relation of certain materials to others for purposes of creating mixtures or transmutations.

Particle and Waveform Physics: Additionally, Cali's subtle intimacy with nature has led her to theorize or, more appropriately, to feel as though there are energies and materials at work which cannot be directly perceived. Though working with limited resources, a portion of her tests have been on sound, light, electricity, magnetism, etc. Her expertise with such matters would be considered exceptional.

Biology and Genetics: Of the hard sciences, biology is her weakest subject. Cali’s understanding of biological systems, biological functions, and heredity are only slightly above average.

Applied Sciences - Not unlike the time spent in her father's lab, Cali also occupied herself in his workshop. She pushed herself to be an inventor and researcher, as her father was, and had warded away many boring days by building or destroying small machines.

Smithing and Tinkering: At an early age, Cali would dismantle and “repair” or improve various objects using the tools and methodologies shown to her by her father. She is adept at working with malleable metals, and maintains a solid understanding of how to fashion simple parts such as gears, cogs, pulleys, cranks, etc.

Mechanical Engineering: Closely, but not directly, related to her knowledge of tinkering; Cali possesses an expert ability to conceptualize the transition of ideas into reality. Her execution is limited to her skills in smithing and tinkering, so it is often the case that she will design or envision something that she cannot construct. Her knowledge in this area also allows her to reverse engineer existing constructs, within acceptable limits, based on her other skill levels.

Technology: Though she herself has no traditional magic abilities, Cali has an above average awareness and knowledge of the pairing of magic and machines in order to produce technological devices. So, while she cannot create anything, she can at least conceptualize such devices in the abstract, and could reverse engineer such machines at an obvious disadvantage.


Weak Nuclear Force: When angered, Cali will unwittingly decrease the half-life (and therefore accelerate the radioactive decay) of naturally occurring radionuclides which exist in the object of her scorn. The ability is currently unknown to her; requires line of site; and causes extremely mild, short-term radiation poisoning which results in a slight headache or nausea. The affects would hardly register to the victim and can be easily ignored.

Strong Nuclear Force: This ability is the foundation for her strong affinity to nature’s building blocks. Cali can currently identify the existence of basic elements as well as the chemical composition of most simple mixtures and compounds. The accuracy of the ability is dependent upon the duration of observation, proximity, and complexity of the material. It requires active observation for at least 30 seconds. As an example, Cali would be able to identify the existence of C-N (Cyanide) gas in a room if she were standing in its doorway and actively examining its interior.

Electromagnetic Force: At the current level, Cali can manipulate or manifest extremely weak electromagnetic fields. She can cause a mild electric shock within melee range, can produce a slight magnetic charge, or slightly dampen or increase the affects of electric or magnetic manifestations (ie. she could, through much effort, construct a field that would afford very little resistance to the affects of lightning or magnetism).


A small leather tool belt and apron which contain various, rudimentary tools of the tinker trade: a hammer, various wrenches, pliers, screw drivers, a loupe, wire, small parts, etc.
A small and specialized tinderbox which produces an intense and focused flame. It can be used for soldering or as a makeshift Bunsen burner.


Under a rare celestial sign, Calihya was born into a long and proud line of elementalists. Having believed the sign to be an omen, the girl’s father had hoped that it would weave power and luck into the birth and the birthed. He had built the event up in his mind, anxiously awaiting the child who would carry on his line and the magical traditions which flowed rich in its history. Finally, after a long and complicated delivery, the man held his child for the first time. A little girl. His initial disappointment was quickly worsened when his wife, who had already suffered much, slipped into a critical state. Under the night sky, with their newborn pressed between them, she gradually expired.

As an unspoken commitment, and half born of denial, Cali’s father fought through pangs of resentment in order to maintain the legacy of his beloved. Alone, he cared for and nurtured the girl; teaching her in hopes to develop magical mastery of the elements which never appeared. As the years whore on, and the memory of his wife faded, the man slipped further into depression. He developed an addiction to his occupation as an inventor and then later as a researcher for the Corone Empire. During those times, he was often given to fits of anger at the frustration of his “normal” little girl.

Still, he tried to teach her the skills of his trade and he desperately sought to bring out the magic which he felt should be inherent to her being. Through it all, Cali vainly attempted to please the man who showed her naught much other than contempt. It was a strained relationship, but it was all that the little girl had ever known.

Through her adolescence, Calihya continued to aid her father in his endeavors and she developed a great deal knowledge in several trades and fields of study. However, as she matured and established friendships beyond his father’s shop, she also became more aware of her dysfunction. She developed a resentment of her own – for her father and for the Empire – until, at the age of sixteen, she gathered her belongings and disappeared into the streets of Radasanth.

12-20-12, 10:23 AM
Looks fine. You are approved. Welcome to Althanas.