View Full Version : Tukkari Khlughujad

12-27-12, 07:51 PM
Name: Tukkari Khlughujad
Age: 15
Race: Goblin
Hair Color: Blue, with streaks of Indigo and Violet
Eye Color: Turquoise
Height: 3”10
Weight: 58 lb

Personality: Tukkari can be described as an adventurous and free-spirited girl. She possesses a natural curiosity and open mindedness towards new experiences, though she is prone to holding petty grudges over the mildest of offenses, often being too stubborn to even consider changing her opinion. Overall, she tries to be as shrewd and unbiased as possible in her day-to-day life, but certain factors, such as money, can impair her judgment. She is very religious and unlike the rest of her immediate family, who have all converted to the Thayne faith, she still worships the old gods of her people.


*Fairly skilled in archery, and she is able to make her own bow as well. She will occasionally resort to throwing daggers as a form of weaponry if out of arrows.

*Fluent in Goblin, Common/Tradespeak, and Orcish. She can speak and understand basic Elvish and Dwarfish, and can even hold a conversation or two in Akashiman. She is illiterate, however.

*Great cook, has grown up helping prepare many of the meals for her family and their guests

*Has a large knowledge of the many natural herbs and poisons that can be found in the forest, and the symptoms and ailments that they either cause or heal.

*Knowledge of the animals of the forest as well, having been in contact with them on a daily basis

*Skilled at pick-pocketing. While growing up, while she would have never stolen from a traveler in her village, Tukkari had no guilty conscience about stealing from travelers in other villages. A regular pastime of hers would be to fetch water from the neighboring village's well just to steal from the non-locals.

*Skilled at lock-picking, her own mother taught her, as some form of "tradition", though she promised to personally beat the crap out of her should Tukkari even think of stealing from the family

*Tukkari has a remarkable memory that could be described as eidetic. She is sometimes able to recall events that have happened many years ago and describe it in great detail through all five senses.

*a leather-bound journal, given to her by a Thayne missionary, even though Tukkari can not read or write herself, especially useful for whacking others on the head
*bow and arrows
*steel daggers
*extra clothing
*a few coins
*small idols of the sun Goddess Nureni, the moon God Dhujaak, the earth God Koâp, the forest Goddess Tameâka, and the celestial Goddess Yasewa.

History: Tukkari was born in a family with 7 children and raised in a large Goblin village located some distance southeast of Underwood. Its inhabitants are descendants of a few dozen of the many hundreds of Goblins that migrated to Concordia during the prosperous Age of Dawn and built settlements that became gradually isolated over the years. From her birth to her departure from her village, Tukkari’s life had been closely intertwined with that of her home.

Her village was rediscovered only a few generations ago by outside travelers during her grandfather’s time and since then, there had been increasing contact with the outside world, especially with Orcs, introducing new styles of clothing, new cuisine, new styles of architecture, literacy, undergarments, etc.

This became fuel for conflict between Tukkari’s home village and the neighboring villages that were wearier of outsiders, and even between entire families. Tukkari found herself caught in the crossfire between old and new while growing, with the constant feuding between her progressive immediate family, whom have adopted many mainstream Coronian customs, and her more traditionalist relatives, whom insist on clinging to the ancient ways.

The increased outside contact has also brought both good and ill. While the living conditions in the area had certainly improved and the mortality rate dropped remarkably, the heightened birth rate and population explosion caused crowding and lack of enough resources for everyone. Prevalent greed among everyone in the community only quickened this deterioration.

Many young Goblins soon found it necessary for them to leave the comfort of their home villages and find their place in the world elsewhere. Tukkari found herself to be among their ranks shortly after receiving her nose piercing on her fifteenth birthday as a mark of womanhood. She plans on sending gifts back home when she can.

12-28-12, 04:26 AM
I just need to know the materials of the bow and arrows. Any real world wood will do.

Max Dirks
09-16-13, 10:47 AM
Please contact an administrator if you'd like this reopened.