View Full Version : LCC Rules

Enigmatic Immortal
01-08-13, 04:55 PM
LCC Rules - Post your questions here.

-Only registered teams and players will be allowed to participate in this tournament. If your character has not been approved you will not be allowed to join the tournament at all.

-The battles will run exactly like a Citadel battles where each fighter will be completed healed between battles. Between each Round there will be a 5 day period of rest for updates to be posted around Althanas.

-The first person to post, as determined by random pairing, will set the setting for the battle. Remember that Lornius is a closed off island far north of Corone. It is very remote, desolate and intolerable. All battles must use a portion of the island as their setting.

-The standard rules of battle of Althanas also apply for the duration of this tournament. That means no power gaming will be tolerated. OOC should be kept to a minimum, if it is anything more than a clarification it should be kept in a PM.

-There are NO disqualifications due to absence. If it is certain that a fellow team member will not return for a short time or falls during the battle, the other player can remain to battle. There are no EXP penalties for non-participation, however wildcard points will be deducted for non-approved extended absenses.

-Each Round will last exactly two weeks, and must be over 10 posts of actual RP to receive EXP for the battle. At 12:00 AM Pacific after the round is over, and the fights will be judged over a short resting period.

-Teams will be randomly paired against one another for each round.

-All judgments are final.

Enigmatic Immortal
01-08-13, 05:00 PM

Enigmatic Immortal
01-12-13, 11:56 AM
Please forgive me, as I thought I put this in, but under no circumstances can you pair with an Alt of your own creation. These are meant to be 2v2 battles with 4 players. Please adjust as necessary as we will be checking this. In light of thia mis-step I'll leave Registration open for an extra day.

Have fun!

Zook Murnig
01-23-13, 09:06 AM
When the judgments are posted, I understand that the scores for each team will be averaged from the individual scores of its members. Will the individual scores also be posted?

Zook Murnig
01-29-13, 12:55 AM
I'm sorry to double post, but I was hoping to get an answer on my question.

Enigmatic Immortal
02-01-13, 02:11 PM
Judgements will be posted in 1 and a half to 2 weeks! Best of luck to everyone!

Zook - I've been reaaaallllly busy, sorry I didn't see your question until now. There will be no individual scores posted, just the team average.

Silence Sei
08-21-13, 09:24 PM
Announcing the prizes for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place teams of the LCC

Immovable Object & Unstoppable Force: Armor and weapon (respectively) that, once bound to the user, take the form that best suits them (Breastplate/chainmail/whatever for the armor, sword/hammer/whatever for the weapon). The armor can not be broken by anything but its weaponized counterpart, and the weapon will damage any armor. Naturally, these two prizes together would make for a sheer destructive force on Althanas, which is why one member of the team gets one of these items, and the other goes to their partner. It should be noted that the Immovable Object -only- covers the chest area of the user, nothing more. Furthermore, if the Immovable Object and Unstoppable Force hit each other, it causes a huge magical explosion that could very well incinerate both users, leaving nothing but the armor and weapon left.

The Chicken and The Egg: The Egg is a small golden chicken egg that has the amazing ability to heal 3 moderate wounds, or 1 fatal injury per battle (or 24 hours quest-wise). The Chicken is a small baby chick that, when on ones person, grants the amazing ability of allowing one to continue on beyond death. For example, if one were to have the chick in their breast pocket, and then got decapitated, their body would continue on, their head no longer around. When under the effects of this magic, the body is not capable of conscious thought. Furthermore, the chick must remain on whatever part of the body is continuing on. If the bird flutters out of your breast pocket, your body falls lifeless to the ground.

The Pen and The Sword: The pen is a fine black tipped pen that can bring to life whatever is drawn with it for 5 minutes. The sword is a prevalida blade with the ability to disenchant any enchantment for 2 posts. The sword must hit the enchanted item (Or, in the case of the pen, whatever the enchantment creates) for the disenchantment to work. This does not work on spells or skills, just enchantments/buffs.

It should be noted that the Unstoppable Force does not instantly destroy armor, but deals huge damage to it to the point where it's rendered useless. It's strength is slightly lower than adamantine. The Immovable Object is also a tier lower than adamantine.

For any questions about these prizes, please post them in this thread.

Rayse Valentino
09-05-13, 01:19 AM
Does it matter if the event never ends?

09-05-13, 04:03 PM
I dont think it will anytime soon.

Max Dirks
09-05-13, 04:08 PM
I dont think it will anytime soon.False. The judgment is done. It is being held until all of the round one judgments are done to put the beast to bed.

Silence Sei
09-05-13, 04:10 PM
Does it matter if the event never ends?

Apologies for the delay, but we've transferred the finals to three judges, the third now in the process of judging the whole shebang. The second judge did say he finished those first rounds that were not judged as well.

Rayse Valentino
09-05-13, 06:14 PM
Good on ya.

Max Dirks
09-10-13, 03:12 PM
The tournament has been judged and all EXP and GP has been awarded.