View Full Version : Hello

01-09-13, 02:28 AM
Hello everyone :)

I'm just getting back in to the play-by-post thing again, used to do it a few years back. Quite excited to start - Althanas looks like it's pretty active and a lot of fun, so with any luck I'll be having my grey, orcish backside handed to me in battle by you all soon enough.

- O

01-09-13, 09:45 AM
Hello and welcome!

You might consider getting your feet wet in our Lornius Cooperate Championship (http://www.althanas.com/world/forumdisplay.php?332-Lornius-Cooperate-Championship). You can toss your name in without a partner and be matched with a partner, or you can find a partner on your own.

I look forward to seeing your work!


01-09-13, 10:11 AM
Welcome to the site Otto. Please don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions.

I look forward to reading your work.

01-09-13, 07:42 PM
Thanks for the welcome :)

I'm currently waiting on character approval, Sage, but I will definitely check out the LCC. Fixed a couple of things that Letho required, so I should be good to go in a day or two.

01-09-13, 08:33 PM
Welcome to Althanas! :)