View Full Version : Draed "Vice" Krudar

01-14-13, 11:10 AM

Name: Draed "Vice" Krudar

Age: 19 by human standards

Race: half demon/half elf

Hair Color: red

Eye Color: ice blue

Height: 6 feet 2 inches

Weight: 227 pounds lbs

Occupation: none currently

Personality: Vice just as his nickname is full of vices, he smokes, drinks and enjoys brothels often. His bloodlines make it very apparent to him the true nature of all beings, and as such he doesn't hide his animal instincts like most. He is very bright, decent with a blade, and also with his tongue. He treats every one the way they treat him, he can be cold, ccalculating and cocky. When he shows kindness it is genuine, 100% though.
Appearance: just like the picture, except ice blue eyes

History: In one universe, several thousand years in the future from the time period of now, Radasanth lies in ruins, the rubble has become overgrown by nature again, and it is once again just a vast forest. The area is still inhabited, but not by knowledgable people, but by barbarian like tribes. At the head of one such tribe Vice sat. He was the decendant of an unholy union of a male elf and a female demon. This left him more inclined to give in to his inner demons so to speak. At a young age he trained as a warrior for the tribe, and eventually won a battle to become the head. One day while exploring the ruins for more weapons and armor, he found an odd egg shaped crystalline object, something within him reacted when he touched the cold smooth surface. In a brilliant flash of red light he was teleported to here and now, since arriving he has begun to take on odd jobs, and learned the local language.

Swordsmanship: (Skilled) Being from a warrior tribe Vice picked up a blade at a very young age, learned to wield an elven designed short sword with lethal skill.

Seduction: (Above average) His mother being a demoness of lust and his father being an elf of true and noble blood, made for a child that was not only very easy on the eyes but skilled with his words.


Demonic Attributes: Every 5 levels strength and speed increase. At current level they are roughly twice that of a normal human, at 20th level will be 4 times that of a normal human, a 50% increase every 5 levels.

Supernatural charisma: Makes persuade, and seduction easier to accomplish due to the mixture of his bloodlines. This will rank up making him even harder to resist.

Hands on Learner: The more he does something the more proficient he becomes allows him to take on odd jobs only.


Shortsword: Elven designed and made of steel, thought to have belonged to his great great great grandfather.

Leather Armor: Made of a mixture of animal hides native to his time.

Red hooded short robe: Covers to about his knees and is dyed red.

Coin purse with some gems and gold from his time, flint and steel lighter he found in the ruins, a small mirror, and a tobacco pouch and papers

01-14-13, 02:14 PM
I'm not entirely certain what you mean by 1 extra attack. As we don't really follow any particular rules (like D&D), there are no rolls and the number of attacks you can pull of really depend on your speed and strength and skill with a sword. So having an extra attack doesn't really mean much in such environment. I would instead advise you to increase your speed and strength to twice that of a normal human, which will make you strike faster.

01-15-13, 08:32 AM
edits made as requested, thanks for the heads up.

01-16-13, 06:48 AM
That will suffice. You are approved. Thank you for your cooperation and welcome to Althanas.