View Full Version : Lornius Encyclopedia and Map

Max Dirks
01-17-13, 10:51 PM
Here is a map of Lornius for your reference. I've added a numerical key to help you learn key locations. If you see an area (city, forest, etc.) without a name, feel free to name it and make reference to that area in your threads! Credit to my man Pavel (Lorenor) for coming up with the map. Please also use this thread to ask me any questions you might have about the demographics of the continent. I've lost my original notes so I will try to be a walking encyclopedia for the duration of the tournament. Thanks!


Silence Sei
01-17-13, 11:10 PM
Could I have more information on The Floating City, please?

Max Dirks
01-17-13, 11:31 PM
The Floating City is the capital of Lornius, situated nearly 10,000 ft in the air. It stays afloat using a combination of steam generators and massive helium balloons. It is the site of the Lornius High Council, created after former dictator Max Dirks (the very same) was ousted five years ago in a coup. There are roughly 5,000 people in the city, and all are xenophobic. No other races are allowed into the city except diplomatic representatives on official duty. The city is reached VIA a 100 person shuttle connected to the city by a massive pulley system. A small slum has grown beneath the city on the ground, though it faces constant risk of being flattened should the helium balloon system fail (as the city would use it's Harrier style generators to land if necessary).

If you absolutely must visualize it, go look up some previews of Columbia from Bioshock Infinite. Yes, 2K games copied me ;)

01-18-13, 12:04 AM
Could you please describe the Grande Lighthouse?

Also, how is the tournament actually set up? People live in these places, but are there designated, closed-off areas for the matches, or is it just sort of go nuts...?

Max Dirks
01-18-13, 12:20 AM
Also, how is the tournament actually set up? People live in these places, but are there designated, closed-off areas for the matches, or is it just sort of go nuts...? Go nuts. With setting as a rubric category you're only limited by your own imagination. You don't even have to fight on the island. Just consider with continuity having a major impact on several categories of the rubric that using real Lornius locations may actually help boost your score! Also, most players will refer to the actual tournament in their writing, so you might hurt the overall battle score and make interaction difficult if one team refers to a tournament and the other doesn't. As for the rest: some people play these things in normal locations, others play in giant arenas. Our first winners actually had their final battle take place in an amusement park. In contrast, when Thoracis and I won the tournament our final battle was on Terrinore.

The Grande Lighthouse is a 2000 foot tall white stone lighthouse powered by mirrors and flame that still runs today. It is used to direct ships into Lornius' only port, Lyridia. For reference, Lyridia was the former capital of Lornius until the people turned xenophobic. The port is limited in that only cargo ships and a single passenger ship (you can see Pavel deleted it from his map for some reason in the lower left hand side) is allowed to dock there. Visitors are then recorded and sent to do their business on short visas. Those that arrive by other means in other areas, particularly if they are non-human, are considered illegal aliens and are usually killed on sight. If you are a visual person, think some of the borders for the former Soviet Union.

01-18-13, 11:21 AM
Could you offer some info on the Ferrinore Aisle (shouldn't it be "Isle" :P)? Is the picture of it in scale with the rest? Who lives in that castle, if there are inhabitants? Thanks in advance for any additional info.

Aurelianus Drak'shal
01-18-13, 11:24 AM
I believe that's Terrinore Isle, home of the largest prison in Althanas.

Max Dirks
01-19-13, 04:37 PM
Correct. Terrinore is prison. Feel free to make it populated, unpopulated or whatever you see fit.

01-19-13, 04:57 PM
Can I get some information on the slum growing underneath the Floating City?

Max Dirks
01-19-13, 07:42 PM
There's really no story, so feel free to write your own. The general premise is that the slum was started when the High Council started restricting entry to the Floating City. At first it was mostly industrial, as merchants would set up warehouses nearby to supply the city. As more merchants came, others came to offer services to the merchants. Those others build a small shanty town below the city and live in shacks with tin roofs. For visualization think the slums of Rio, or where the aliens live in District 9.

01-21-13, 09:57 AM
What's the actual climate of the island? I've seen differing mentions of this.

Max Dirks
01-21-13, 12:27 PM
It's only slightly north of Corone in terms of latitude. I suspect the climates would be similar.