View Full Version : Scott "Scar" Matthews

01-20-13, 07:39 AM
Name: Scott "Scar" Matthews
Age: 26
Race: Human
Hair Color: Chestnut
Eye Color: Hazel
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 200 lbs
*Occupation: Realtor

*Personality: Scott is a charismatic individual; he has to be in his line of work. People trust him easily and he constantly tries to remain worthy of their trust. He has a slow sense of humor, preferring to stick with more serious lines of conversation. While his job has him traveling and meeting new people almost constantly, Scott usually prefers to just retreat to his study and read. His current passion is fantasy novels; these books allow him to escape to a world where he can be anything he wants to be...

Appearance: Almost average to a fault. He uses ample gel in his hair to make the unruly mop slicked back (he thinks this makes him look more like a businessman). His hazel eyes are usually tired, but few look at him long enough to notice. Although he visits the gym weekly, his largely sedentary lifestyle has gained him a few extra pounds. He's certainly not as 'fighting fit' as he was in college. He can typically be found wearing a suit, smoking a cigar, and sipping scotch after a long day's work. While not the cutting edge of fashion, Scott does enjoy some of the finer things. If someone were to peek in on him while he's lost in a fantasy book though, they'd wonder at the transformation. His eyes light up and the worry-lines on his face smooth away as he loses himself in the stories. Only when reality pulls him back does the joy leave his countenance, but if only for a fleeting moment, the man seemed to have found some escape...

History: Scott was born to two working class parents and raised frugally. While some would have been content to continue in this lifestyle, it made Scott hunger for the chance to rise above his station. In school, he studied hard and was rewarded with a full scholarship to the local state university. There, he branched out and grew into his dreams. He studied Law and Business Management, dabbled in Accounting, joined the boxing club, became president of several organizations around campus, and began seeing the girl of his dreams. Weeks before his graduation from the university, his girlfriend became the unfortunate victim of a random mugging gone sour and Scott lost the love of his life. After a period of grieving, he collected his diploma, moved across the country, and began showing real estate with an established firm. He quickly proved his worth and became one of the top earners in the state on a yearly basis. Now, five years after graduating, Scott has found his routine in the adult world. He makes enough to buy nice suits, expensive cigars, old scotch, and strange books. While his coworkers head out nearly every day after work for a night on the town, Scott goes back to his empty house and loses himself in his books.

Skills: Intuition, Charisma, University Learning, Social Networking, Amateur Boxing, Realty Knowledge, and Love of Fantasy

Abilities: I'll explore these in my first quest, but here's what I am thinking of giving Scott:
Murphy's Law- For some strange reason, it seems that (minor) bad things are just a little bit more likely to happen when Scott voices them out loud. [non-battle related]
Translation- Scott perceives other languages as English (or Tradespeak) when they are written down. This applies to only the most common languages on Althanas and does not extend to speaking.
Boxer's Stamina- Scott can push through pain better than most; his tolerance is 2x that of an average human. Additionally, it takes him longer to succumb to physical exhaustion; his endurance is 2x that of an average human.

Equipment: I'll explore these in my first quest, but here's what I am thinking of giving Scott:
Portal Book to Alerar- While Scott thought this was just a fantasy tale about a fictional world, the book has pulled him in (quite literally) and transported him inside its pages. Here, he finds himself physically in the land of Alerar. If used again, while inside the book, it merely transports him to the dusty basement of a tavern in the city but it loses one page. Also, the process takes several minutes to take effect, making it useless in battle. Scott is in wonder of this book and wants it kept intact; the book has 400 pages. (I'm hoping to expand the book's abilities later, I won't be warping Scott 400 times)
Gauntlet of the Saighdiur- Upon arriving in Alerar, Scott will be given this gauntlet to help protect himself. It has only one special property at this point; off his body it appears that the gauntlet would only cover his hand and his wrist, however, when Scott wears it, the gauntlet extended midway down his forearm.
Case of Cigars- When the book transported him, it transported a fair few other things along with it. Namely, the objects in close proximity to him. He has a small wooden case containing 11 cigars.
Bottle of Scotch- Scott has a half-bottle of Scotch with him.
Reading Chair- Scott's oversized easy chair also managed to make the journey with him.

01-20-13, 05:09 PM
A couple of minor things.

Scott's tolerance and endurance can be twice that of an average human.

Murphy's Law is rather vague, but if you don't plan to use it in battle to like call down the wrath of heavens and plan instead to use it as more of a quest device, then it's fine. I would like you to limit yourself to minor things for now, though. So if Scott says that it would be fun if he's get waylaid by some robbers and it happens, that would be fine. But if he said that it would be fun to get waylaid by a dragon, that would be too much.

Portal Book to Alerar - shouldn't be used in battles.

That is all.

01-20-13, 06:29 PM
I can agree to those things. Thanks!

01-21-13, 10:48 AM
Excellent. You are approved. Thank you for your cooperation and welcome to Althanas.