View Full Version : Devonus Draconum, revisioned revised and reworked.

01-20-13, 12:23 PM
Well my old character is very outdated, and needed a re-imagining. I had intended to wait till i leveled up but as i intend to do a few RPs before then that may necessitate some of the reimagined Devonus i figured id get a head start. Also a link to his previous/past incarnation can be found in my signature.

Name: Devonus Draconum
Age: Roughly one century, 23 when he joined the ranks of the undead
Race: Half-Elf/ Vampire
Hair Color: Bright blond
Eye Color: Ocean blue
Height: 6’2”
*Occupation: Former Druid and ranger of the Red Forest

*Personality: Naturally charismatic, his powers of persuasion have only been enhanced by his new vampiric gifts, however this façade hides a dark and brooding mind, still in anguish over his loss of life. However the past century has withered away much of his original personality and he has come to enjoy the hunt and kill.

Appearance: perhaps the first characteristic to be noticed by someone would be his luminescent hair which seems to shine in no matter what the lighting, second would be his blue eyes which seem to bask with an deep intelligence and give the impression of a man of emotion as well. Then they may or may not notice his pale skin, but in the moonlight where he is normally found it usually goes unnoticed. That’s if you’re lucky enough to see him when he’s not trying to kill someone that is. When hunting his appearance seems to change completely, that is if you see him at all. The blood lust over takes him and his eyes turn an iridescent red and his nails become natural weapons as they grow to a length of 2 inches

History: Devonus lived out much of his teenage years learning the ways of woodsmanship and hunting under his human father, learning the art of tracking and archery at a young age. His mother a moon priestess for the local clan of wood elves taught him several of the ancient magics and bestowed upon him a deep understanding and love for nature, as is common among her people. However due to his bastard heritage as a half elf he was unable to join the druidic community. Angered by the racism of his mothers clan he moved on at the age of 17, leaving his family behind to test himself in the wilds of the red forest. He versed himself in the ways of that dangerous crimson forest and learned where he could go safely and where not to even think of venturing. As his experience in the red forest expanded he set himself up as the unknown warder of it’s border. He guided travelers safely around and through the red forest and became the protector of its grounds from those who would destroy it.

However, when he chose to hunt a feral beast that stalked the red forest and killed both innocent human and beast alike he doomed himself to death. A savage creature of immense power, Devonus sought out and tracked this creature, only to be attacked and killed by the creature……. He was turned by the creature which he later came to know as a vampire. It taught him the ways of the vampire, but Devonus forever missed nature which forsakes his unnatural life, and he lost most of his druidic powers, though some of them have been warped to dark necromancer like powers.

Characteristics: scale of 1-5, 1 Being average, 3 being 2x average human, 5 being 3x average human (Blood Sated) [Blood rage] see Abilities

Physical Attributes:
Strength:1 (2) [3]
Dexterity: 2 (3) [2]
Constitution:1 (1) [2]
Vision:1 (2) [0]

Weapon Proficiencies:
Archery: 2 (3) [0]
Staves: 1 (2) [0]
Claws: 0 (0) [3]
Fangs: 1 (1) [2]

Knowledge (nature): 2 (2) [0]
Knowledge (undead): 2 (2) [0]
Natural Alchemy: 3 (3) [0]
Tracking: 2 (3) [4]
Survival: 2 (2) [0]

Vampiric Enhancements:
Devonus's vampiric Abilities are totally Dependent on the amount of blood coursing through his veins (blood points), and dependent on that amount he has 3 different states. Blood Points decrease at the rate of 1 point per day regardless if used or not and also decrease as he uses his druidic magic.
Blood points Max/total: 10

(Blood Sated): BP 10-5 In this state Devonus has full use of his enhanced vampiric abilities. He gains an increase to his natural Strength, Dexterity, and awareness (sight and scent). Due to his relatively young age this only takes a minor 1 point increase on his scale of natural abilities. These in turn affect his proficiency with Bows and staves. In this state he can use his Druidic magic. He is also able to regenerate from minor to moderate wounds with a full days rest, but expands BP at twice the normal rate per day while recovering.

Normal: BP 5-1 In this state Devonus is a largely normal, if undead, Half Elf. He is still naturaly agile and dexterous and has his previous ranger skills and druidic magic to fall back on. He does retain the ability to regenerate, but only from minor wounds and still expends twice the normal BP per day

[Blood rage]: Bp 0 In this state Devonus succoms to his bestial need for blood and loses all use of his mental faculties. He only knows the need to kill and to feed. While in this state his Nails grow into natural claws and his fangs elongate. He loses all uses of his weapons as the claws interfere with his ability to draw a bow or use a staff, nor does he even have the coherent thought to use such things. His strength and constitution increase tremendously, a result of his blind rage and his inability to recognize his bodies limitations, and loses all awareness of anythign but the kill and blood. In this state Devonus can not use his druidic magic, nor can he regenerate. He either feeds, or he dies. If he does feed before dying he must rest for one full day to recover from the strain this state puts on his body, however no BP are used during this rest due to the catatonic stupor he falls into, however he also does not regenerate any wounds, due to his body being to tired to use its regenerative abilities.
Drain: Devonus's fangs are no more deadly than a normal persons bite (except in blood rage. see equipment below), with the exception that he is able to gain BP by draining the blood of others. While draining the blood of others Devonus regains 2 bp per minute (post) he remains draining them.

Druidic magic- Due to his undead nature and the natural revulsion nature feels at his current state, Devonus has lost almost all of the druidic gifts he once knew. However by using his blood to infuse natural creature and plants with his blood regains some of his Druidic powers over them, albeit with a curropted twisted effect.

Explosive growth: By infusing his blood with a seed or plant Devonus can cause it to grow in an explosive burst that would normally be the equivalant of 10 years natural growth. This expends 2 BP per use, and the plant dies within a day or two of its unnatural growth and aging.

Enhanced potential: Devonus can increase the latent properties of a plant by infusing it with his blood. This effectivly increases its natural benifits/negatives by two times, increases its longevity, and permanantly curropts the plant with his vamipiric blood, giving him a weak psychic connection with it. This power can also be used to sustain and nourish plants effected by explosive growth, supporting them for 1 week in this manor will give over grown plant the ability to survive on its own. Costs 1 bp per use /day.

Yew Long bow
Oak Quarter staff
Leather breast plate and bracers
Back pack
[claws] Function as steel in blood rage
[fangs] Function as a small wolfs bite in Blood rage

*Familiars: Agar- A crimson wolf hound from the red forest, it is the only animal companion which remained with Devonus after his turning, and he shared his supernatural blood with it. It seems to be gradually gaining some of the supernatural powers of it owner, though now it remains largely normal

01-20-13, 05:19 PM
I need a bit more info on the Enhanced Potential. What exactly can he do with a plan infused with his blood? Can he control it with the weak psychic connection to attack someone?

The rest seems to be in order. The various Blood states more or less just shuffle around his attributes, so it's fine.

01-20-13, 05:24 PM
The enhanced potential doesnt necessary give him control of them, that falls more along the lines of his explosive growth. It just enhances its natural characteristics. Like say the thorns on a rose get longer, the rose gets darker and deadlier looking. It also has a few utility uses, making poisonous plants more poisonous or increasing the healing properties of a plant (like making aloe and even better burn cure, or making poison ivy's rash more potent, like say blistering the skin.).

Its mostly a utility use and doesnt grant any power to control said plants, though that may be a benifit of it at a future level.

01-21-13, 10:48 AM
I can allow that.

You are approved. Thank you for your cooperation and welcome to Althanas.