View Full Version : February Writing Challenge - FAQ

01-30-13, 05:43 AM
In a shake up of the traditional Althanas vignette, this month, we'll feature a few shorter writing exercises, designed to get the juices flowing and to inspire a new approach to writing. The normal rules for posting apply to each exercise, but the rewards are a little different. Each entrant will receive half the traditional experience a vignette post would receive, but anyone who posts in all four will receive the normal experience rewards for each entry - if you win 2 of four, you'll receive additional gold, and if you win all 4, a unique item, for your literary efforts!

1st -7th - Combat Brevity
Describe a brief exchange of blows between two individuals - word capped, highlighting short, sharp, and quick action to keep the reader on their toes.

8-14th - Dialogue-less Writing
A writing challenge designed to test your ability to communicate without vocal components; write an exchange between two or more people without words, song, or writing.

15-21st - Word Challenge
A simple 'include these 5 words' in a 500 word post in the most creative way challenge! Designed to increase your vocabulary and make you think about how you use your words.

22nd - 28th - Fight Club
The final challenge will include all three of the months'e exercises, with a longer word limit, and a focus on drawing all the aspects of planning together to deliver a finished product.

Please use this thread to direct any questions, chat OOC with the other contributors, and general idea brainstorming. Do PM me if you wish to contact a member of staff on a private matter.

02-14-13, 08:31 AM
Slight delay with dates, entirely my fault - keep up the good work.

03-20-13, 08:07 AM
Thank you to everyone who entered.

I will be awarding experience and so forth, and some light commentary, in the coming few days!

04-06-13, 08:29 AM
First and foremost, I would like to apologise for the delays both during, and after the event occurred. I am entirely to fault for that, and I hope that this 'test' run leads to more challenges like it. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated, though of course, you can feel free to not mention the delays! Hehe. On to the rewards:

Experience, Gold, and Additional Rewards

Challenge 1:

Letho receives 800 experience.
Red Dawn receives 100 experience.
Flames of Hyperion receives 500 experience.

Challenge 2:

Itera receives 150 experience.
Inwuhou receives 150 experience.
Flames of Hyperion receives 500 experience.

Challenge 3:

Ihimirsyn receives 100 experience.
Flames of Hyperion receives 500 experience.

Challenge 4:

Flames of Hyperion receives 500 experience.


For posting in all four challenges, the experience awarded to Flames of Hyperion is doubled (set to the normal vignette winner entry). He thus receives a total of 4000 experience.

For winning two or more challenges, Flames of Hyperion receives the prize of 750 gold coins!

As a special award, Letho Ravenheart receives a 10% experience and gold boost on his next successful victory in the Citadel (excluding Wager matches), for winning the Combat Brevity challenge.

04-06-13, 01:32 PM
EXP/GP added for all challenges. I'll see if someone can close and move them.