View Full Version : Gentle Winds of the Sand

Rhaenar Talon
02-01-13, 11:13 AM
Rhaenar Talon
[Basic Info]
Name: Rhaenar Talon
Age: 27
Race: Human
Hair Color: Black
Hair Style: Tight Tapered Hairstyle
Eye Color: Wise Gray-Blue
Skin Color: Olive skin colored
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 204lbs
Occupation: Mercenary
Location: Fallien
Languages: Fallien (Native Language) and Tradespeak (Profficent)
Hand Preference: Ambidextrous

Like most humans that call the ocean of sand known as Fallien home, he is paranoid of the humans that come across the water. However, his paranoid feelings towards outsiders are not as bad as most other Fallien natives are. His constant interaction with the outsiders has caused him to trust in them more easily, but he always sleeps with a blade nearby, that paranoid still lingering.

Rhaenar is an adventurous soul that would love to see the rest of the world, and leave this arid hellhole. This adventurous soul has caused him to be friendly of sorts; always starting up a conversation to pry out that small tidbit of information of the outside world. He has a welcoming aura around him that seems to make anyone around him more calm and comforted.

No matter how in depth Rhaenar’s knowledge this desert wasteland he calls home, he is still naïve to the outside world. He is clueless to the events that occur outside of Fallien, and the customs of the outside world. If he was anywhere else than Fallien it would seem he lived under a rock for most of his life, because of the lack of knowledge of the world.


Around most other Fallien natives his height clearly shows that he is not a pure-breed Fallie native. His father was a skavian journeyman historian who came to Fallien. He is a prime example of Skavian heritage with a stubble up from his that curves downto his chine which he has to shave twice a week. He is rather physically bulky from the mass of muscles.

However he still has some of that exotic physical traits of the Fallien naties, like his olive skin tone. He also has the dark black hair of the people. His eyes are however, a clear sign of Fallien heritage. Those silver pools are the color given to the people of Fallien blessed by Suravani.

•Swordsmanship [Combat: Above Average] - Living in the Blight at a young age, and then traveling with his father as mercenary guards for the caravans that travel through the desert of Fallien has required Rhaenar to become skilled in the art of swordsmanship.

•Dual Swordsmanship [Combat: Above Average] - Look at Swordsmanship

•Summoning [Magic: Unskilled]- Both his mother, a shaman of the Glasswalker, and his father, journeyman foreigner, where skilled in the magical arts. However, his parents never truly taught him any magical skills, except for his father who briefly taught him of summoning he learned from Suravani's Oasis magic-users at a young age that he only can briefly remember.

•Cooking [Life Style: Average]- Life on the road traveling and guarding a merchant's caravan from the Outlander's Quarter into the unforgiving Fallien desert and back required him to learn how to survive. One of these survival skills was learning how to cook. He can cook edible materials from the desert into food that does not want to make you throw it back up.

•Survival: Mountain / Desert [Survival: Above Average]- He is able to survive in any kind of harsh desert environment and mountainous environment. Also he knows about the many different animals, wildlife, and humanoids that call these harsh environments home.

•Vajramushti [Combat: Above Average] - His mother was part of the Glasswalkers that spent most of their days collecting glass in The Blight. His mother's people used some of these glass to create an unique weapon known as the Knuckleduster. Luckily, Rhaenar was taught to use this unique form of weapon.

•Stealth [Miscellaneous: Slightly Above Average] - Many years of sneaking through the glass fields avoiding the danger of the Blight has given him the ability to be able to work slightly stealthier than a normal human.

•Tinker [Miscellaneous: Average] - He had a natural fixation on broken things and fixing them. As he fixed more and more he became quite able at repairing small things.

•Leather Working [Creation: Below Average] - He slightly dappled in leather working when he created both his crude leather pauldrons and chaps.

•Ambidextrous [Natural Advantage] - He is able to use both of his hands wielding to weapons at the same time. He can do many tasks with both hands like writing.

•Unarmed/Knuckleduster Combat [Combat: Slightly Above Average] - Look at Vajramushti

•Desert Strain [Natural Advantage] - He is 2x stronger than a normal human than a normal human. This is because of the physical work he had to do most of his life to survive in the harsh climate of Fallien. The only way he is able to strengthen himself farther is by focusing on working out his body strength.

•Inner Summoning [Magical Trait] - Both of his parents were highly skilled magic-users, and he inhertited their magical prowess, except he was never trained in the ability to use this magic except for the few lessons his father gave him at a young age. His magical ability is very erratic and uncontrollable. During most situations the magic seems to slip through his grasp like water unless he is in dire situations. When he is in a life threatening situation a massive hound-like beast like the Deklan Tribe appears out of a watery portal in the air. The beast is the size of a full-grown wolf. [ He can only use this in life-threatening situations. He can only use it once during a thread, and it lasts for two-three posts. The only special quality of the hound is it size and the ability to see in infrared at night. ]

•Keen Senses [Natural Advantage] - His perception is 1.75x better than a normal human. From collecting glass in the Blight he has learned to use of all his five senses when he travels through the Blight. From the his private lessons with his father is able to focus on details of objects and things.

Desert Tongue(Bastard Sword, Black Steel) - A weapon that was given to Rhaenar when his mother died. It is a bastard sword that has a leather scabbard. The sword is not like any other sword, the cross-guard of the bastard sword is missing, it's hilt is just a grip with a pommel at the end. The pommel has a design of a desert drake that is coiled up ready to spring made of white steel. He is always sharping the blade with a whetstone so both sides of the sword are razor sharp. The leather scabbard is inscribed with designs made of steel that resemble a desert drake hunting a herd of. On the ends of both scabbards, locket and chape, the leather scabbard is made of iron.

Knuckleduster(Knuckleduster, Bone/Valaiyalman Glass) - It is ellipse shaped that is slightly larger than the size of perfectly fitted knuckleduster for him. The slightly large size allows him to move the knuckleduster farther up his hand in order to wield a sword without taking off the knuckleduster. Four Valaiyalman glass shards were shaped into two inch long spikes, and then was embedded into the bone. Then they were placed into a fire to be welded into a more secure place.

Dirk(Dirk, Iron) - It is a iron dirk that Rhaenar gained off of one of the many dead raiders that fell to his sword.

Breastplate(Armor, Iron) - During the destruction of the caravan his father and he was guarding, he was able scavenge this off of one of the few dead raiders. It has many scratches on it from the many battles the armor was in.

Leather Chaps and Pauldrons(Armor, Leather) - They are handcrafted from Rhaenar. They are both made from different pieces of leather he scavenged from merchants. They are extremely uncomfortable and crude because of his lack of experience in leather working, but they are better than nothing.

Leather Helmet(Armor, Leather) - They are more handcrafted leather work from Rhaenar. He created them from different materials he scavenged from merchants. Like the chaps and pauldrons they are uncomfortable and crude.

Leatherworking Manual(Skillbook, Worn) - A worn-down book that he traded from one of the merchants he guarded during their travels through Fallien. It has designs of rather ancient and crude leather armor.

Mother's Locket(Accessory; Damaged) - It is the size of a fist and made of steel. The locket never seems to become dirty or get damaged and this stumps Rhaenar. The locket will not open. On the front of the locket is of a desert drake. Even though it is strange and broken it is the last thing his mother gave to him, so he keeps it close and out of danger. [ Damaged - Locked Until Level 3: He learns his mother and race's history and earns the ability to use magic with control once it opened ]

Journal(Miscellaneous) - It is just somewhere where Rhaenar can practice his writing and also a place where he can write down about things he learns and sees.

Breeze(Mount, Horse) - Rhaenar works for the Deklan Tribe to protect the the trading caravans that travel from the Outlander's Quarter to the tribe and back. After many years of loyal service the Deklan Tribe gave him a stallion of one of their legenedary steeds. The stallion seems to understand the most complicated commands and will face any danger of the Fallien desert with its iron-shodded feet.


~The Beginning
I was born to a strange pair of parents. Their names were Ghiles and Rye. Even to this day when I look back to the days when my parents were still with the living, they are shrouded in a veil of mystery. My father was a strange Skavian; he seems to represent everything that was against the Skavian way. He was a rather short man for a Skavian, standing at only five feet eleven – which was still tall for most Fallien natives – with a shiny, hairless chin. He had a crazy gleam in his eyes that seem to always be soaking in information, however, never been satisfied. He was a man of logic, instead of a muscled brute like most Skavians. I would call him the Brains of the Skavians, and he would chuckle lightly and tousle my hair. I loved my father.

My father would always tell me fantastic stories and tales whenever I questioned him about his past and who he was. One time he told me he was a rogue wizard who killed a witch from the Circle of Evil, the most terrible group of witches ever to taint the ground of Salvar. Other times he told me he was a gentle king that was dethroned by his evil half-brother, Kirth. At the end though of each his fantastic stories though, he would always end up in the arms of my beautiful mother.

Rye. My mother was a strange person that was even distant from her own people. She was a bronze-skinned beauty that stood higher than anyone else, even my father and I, in crowd stood taller than any other. She was different than the rest of the shamans in the tribe; it was like she was above all. It wasn't really any action or thing said by anyone that gave me this view of my mother, it was simply a feeling I had. Yet, the most strangest thing of all was here story.

Once every month she would come to my tent in the middle of the night and sit with legs crossed on the floor and slowly drag her fingers through my black locks. As she did that she told me a story of the lost tribe, The Children. The Children were once just simple humans back in the day when Fallien was not a desert wasteland, but instead a flourishing land of greenery. When most of the natives off Fallien back then were being seduced by the outside world, a group of a few Fallien stood strong against the influence of the mainland. The diverted any outsiders from coming into their land, and killed those outsiders that would not turn away if they had to. These groups of Fallien held true to the wishes of Suravani.

When the day came when Suravani delivered her punishment on those who were tainted by outside influence she reward the ones that were pure. She made them her true children. Suravani blessed them with the strength of a Desert Drake, the beauty of a Siren, and the wit of a Red Eyes (Panther like animal). The humans changed into something else. The Children.

One of those nights after my mother told me that story she disappeared into the desert. Soon after my father and I left the tribe never turning back to search out for her. Eventually, without a single sign or sighting of her we gave up, and journeyed to the Suravani's Oasis where we contracted with the different tribes as mercenaries to protect the caravans that traded with them. However with my mother missing my father was never the same and died a few years later unable to continue without her. I on the other hand did not give up, and instead trudged on promising to find what happen to my mother and to get off of Fallien and start a new life away from this wasteland.

02-05-13, 02:19 AM
Could you elaborate a bit on the beast he can summon? Mostly I'm concerned about size and capabilities. Is it just a wolf-like creature, or does it have some special attacks? Everything else looks fine.

Rhaenar Talon
02-05-13, 06:24 PM
Alright. I will elaborate more on the summoning beast. Also I was not completely finished with the app anyway lol.

Rhaenar Talon
02-05-13, 09:35 PM
I finished i think.

02-06-13, 04:07 AM
You are approved. Thank you for your cooperation and welcome to Althanas.