View Full Version : Surgeon Weiss

02-02-13, 09:01 PM
Surgeon Weiss


Name: Surgeon Weiss
Age: Twenty-Seven
Race: Human
Hair Color: Dark Red
Eye Color: Emerald Green
Height: Six Foot; One Inch
Weight: One Hundred and Seventy-Five lbs
Occupation: Protectorformer | Convictformer | Mercenarycurrent

Personality: Surgeon does not present himself as the hardened criminal one might assume him to be. Beneath layers of sarcasm and cynism, dwells a man of charm and intellect capable of engaging almost anyone in conversation. Although a determined man, he possesses a rather exceptional adoration for his own well-being and has no qualms about cutting his losses if it means saving his own skin. Despite this somewhat cowardly trait, Surgeon holds firm to his own sense of honor and decorum, which he refuses to compromise (barring any unforeseen circumstance.) Surgeon is quick to offer a smile in favor of a sneer and prefers diplomacy (or bluffing) over violent action. A charismatic individual, Surgeon at times let's his verbosity run rampant, particularly if he feels the need to stall for time. His easy going nature makes Surgeon a difficult man to enrage and even harder to predict. While he has, no doubt, been scarred by his experiences, the charisma laced facade prevents all but the most astute from observing this.
All in all, Surgeon employs a certain eccentric charm to all that cross his path.

Appearance: With a lean frame and a rather wolfish appearance, Surgeon is not necessarily displeasing to look upon. Well defined features lend credence to the theory that Surgeon could be the proverbial prince in the guise of the pauper. Regardless of this, Surgeon is able to mingle within a crowd easily enough and not attract much attention to himself. While fairly tall, he is hardly a behemoth and lithe enough that he appears gawky, at times. His hair is medium length and unkempt and it is not uncommon for stubble to adorn his jaw. Deep set eyes appear hollowed and dull and make Surgeon seem as though he is in need of sleep. Scarred hands and tattooed wrists mark him a convict and no stranger to abuse or manual labor. Rather than explain his sordid past, Surgeon wears gloves and wraps his wrists in bandages.

Skills: Pick Pocketing
Lock Picking
Climbing & Free Running
Hand-to-Hand Combat Proficiency
Knife Fighting & Throwing
Gifted Liar

Abilities: Amateur Magician- Sometime during his youth (See History), Surgeon began learning the art of sorcery. His lack of formal training prevents him from fastcasting spells as quickly as experienced Althanan mages and he has yet to build a considerable reservoire of power to draw from. Regardless of this his instructions in the basics were quite thorough, with Surgeon showing a preferred application of *Evocation spells over other schools of magic.
* Evocation-manipulate energy to produce a desired end.
[i]Known Spell(s)|
Energy Bolt: Essentially a Magic Missile spell. A missile of arcane energy bursts forth from the caster's fingertips.

Dexterous- (2x Avg human Dex) A lifetime of crime and sticky situations has left Surgeon with fast feet and gifted hands. He can bob in and out of a sword slash or pike thrust as he might a knook or an alleyway. His sleight of hand has seen him through a great deal of trouble, allowing him to pick some rather tricky pockets.

Manual Labor- (2x Avg Human Str) Several years as a convict and forced labor has hardened Surgeon's body, granting him a fair amount of strength.

-- Stacked abilities: N/a
-- Sequential abilities: N/a


Equipment: Leather Jacket
Leather Boots
Leather Chest Guard

Field Knife: Overall length: 413mm - 16 1/4"
Blade length: 285mm - 11 1/4"
Width: 44mm - 1.7"
Blade Thickness: 5,5mm - 0.216"
Weight: 630g - 22.223 oz
Explanation: Composed of Steel there is nothing remarkable or exceptional about this knife, save the way Surgeon handles it.

Throwing Knives: (4) Hidden about his person. Made of steel.

.oO(I don't know what the rule for firearms are, so if this is a deal breaker the gun can remain unattained and be quested for or bought at a later time.)
Revolver:Weight: 1.3 kilograms (2.9 lb)
Length: 305 millimetres (12.0 in)
Barrel length: 165 millimetres (6.5 in)
Caliber: .44 Russian, .44 S&W American. .38
Action: Single Action
Muzzle velocity: 244 metres per second (800 ft/s)[1]
Feed system: 6-round cylinder
Sights: fixed front post and rear notch
Explanation: a single-action, cartridge-firing, top-break revolver.

History: There is a great deal of conjecture and assumption surrounding Surgeon's childhood and he's more than happy to keep people in the dark about it-- oftentimes telling outlandish and conflicting tales of his early life. The general consensus seems to be that Surgeon had an average, if not slightly charmed life, before his father disappeared. Surgeon's mother is believed to be alive and well, given that he references her in the present tense during conversation.

Concrete details of Surgeon's past did not surface until his early teens, when he began to seek employment as a sword-for-hire. It is known that he began serving as the personal bodyguard of a wealthy slave trader when he was 15, before a falling out with the woman forced him to seek out work elsewhere. It was as her protector that Surgeon earned the occasional mention as an up and comer in the mercenary game. Upon leaving the slave trader's service, Surgeon moonlighted as a semi-successful thief and soldier of fortune until his arrest and subsequent conviction; he was eighteen at the time of his incarceration.

Given that a dungeon is hardly the ideal place to come to terms with oneself as an adult, it should come as no surprise that Surgeon is rather close lipped about his incarceration. He claims that he learned what magic he knows from a fellow prisoner and that this same man also saved his life in a later altercation. Although shrouded in mystery, there is no doubt that the Surgeon Weiss presented to the world was born within the prison's walls.

Regardless of what occurred, Surgeon emerged from his experience a ghost of the brash and overconfident youth that had strolled in. Time had tempered his patience and served to shape the hardened youth into a far more dangerous tool. His motives largely unclear, Surgeon seems intent on enjoying as much of the world while he can.

02-03-13, 04:49 AM
Yeah, we don't allow firearms at level zero, so you will have to obtain it later on, whether via spoils or purchasing.

Also, I can't allow Evocation as such as an ability, as it covers too many spells. You'll have to pick one spell from the Evocation school and obtain others at later levels.

Throwing knives are steel, I assume? If so, please make a note somewhere.

02-03-13, 05:35 AM

02-03-13, 06:24 AM
Excellent. You are approved. Thank you for your cooperation and welcome to Althanas.