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Cyanide Ruin
08-28-06, 04:00 PM
Architect of Fate’s Design ~

Name: Cyanide Ruin
Age: 22
Race: Human
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Emerald
Height: 5`11
Weight: 174 lbs.
Occupation: Architect, Royalty

Personality: The charming aristocrat has a conniving nature. He is truly a brilliant engineer, not only in the technical aspects of construction but in building and establishing relationships with those who are of use to his own ambitions. Driven by motives and aspirations of tinkering with artifacts and magicka, he believes building automatons and machines powered by magicka, steam and clockwork can pave the way for the future. Although his father, believing his sons skills to be invaluable in comparison to statecraft and the other fine and delicate arts of the sword & aristocratic duties. He is inclined to stay locked in the castle tower all day, working on his next creation that will earn him the credit and fame he believes he long deserves.

Appearance: He is of average height and build, lean yet with the hint of muscles that show the daily sword practice his father insists of. Short ashen-locks veil his pristine features, pallid flesh suggests his nobility, often locking himself in the castle tower, he scarcely gets any sunlight. His eyes glow a radiant emerald, burning with the gleam of some form of magic gem. Despite their resonant glow his eyes are completely normal, albeit his vision slightly exceeds that of peak condition. He has a keen eye that allows him not only to see every nook and cranny of a miniscule artifact but gaze to the sea cascading on the shore from a distance, seeing the rhythms of the waves with his hawk-eye vision.

History: Born of noble heritage his father is a minor Lord of a small estate he was raised near a trade route allowed Cyanide to learn of the vast mysteries that lay beyond the veil of the horizon. Traders often brought and sold artifacts and gemstones of mysterious nature, having a fascination with these trinkets – his mother occasionally bought him some of these, the boy was enthralled by their origins and power. His collection slowly grew, often doing whatever tasks he could in hopes of earning gold to purchase more toys to tinker with.

His father at first willingly accepted the boys fancy of these objects, assuming it was a phase in his life that would soon sway in favor of his inevitable training as a Lord. But as he aged and his interest in these ‘toys’ only increased, his father slowly began worrying about the effect this love for the arcane may have on his son. Hiring both a sword master and a tutor to train Cyanide’s mind and body into the needed aspect of a respected leader – he hoped that one of these influences would shift the favor towards the more practical and accepted hobbies. To his father’s pleasure Cyanide excelled in both fields, proving to be a capable swordsman and leader. His father now slightly more at ease with his sons future, yet still sensing an ever growing interest in the boys constant study and design of mechanics left the matter alone. Soon, the boy had come of age and now able to enter the service of an army as an officer, to gain respect and the future promise of lands for his own. Instead Cyanide took long trips into the barren wastes and deserts that had long been uninhabitable, exploring these wastelands he constantly returned with several new rare artifacts or books which had been uncovered. Always easing his father’s patience with a sum of gold that he earned by selling some of the more useless trinkets, that he found had no practical uses except as a symbol of wealth and power that many other nobles or upper-class merchants wished to purchase as a display of their large pockets.

In a long and slow process he began construction of his first automaton; the construct of metal which he hoped would prove to his father that his constant efforts had finally bore fruit. Working days on end without sleep in the silence of his tower, with the candle’s glow keeping his warm on the cold and dismal nights, he finally emerged from his mechanical sanctuary with the cloaked automaton following in his wake. His guest surprised his father who had not seen anyone enter the tower nor leave, but there the being was who lumbered silently behind, stirring and buzzing with an almost inaudible cacophony. With a quick tug he yanked the cloth from the automaton, revealing the metallic creature, the first of its kind to his father and all those present. In shock and silence, the people stood in awe at the steel creation, with cables and wires connecting the limbs and clockwork gears spinning inside. His father cursed the abomination he created, infuriated, Cyanide’s mother soon soothed his temper, calming the enraged Lord as the servants all cowered. In an exchange of words over the future his father wanted for him, and the future he wanted for himself. His father banished him from his lands, Cyanide accepting his fathers decisions packed his belongings and quickly prepared the automaton for travel set out to earn the service of a nearby Lord. His mother, giving him a small sum of gold which she had been saving for him, exchanged farewells and the tapestries of his future unraveled before him like waves cascading across the ocean into the inevitable end.

Skills: Adept Swordsmanship, High Level Intellect, Engineering Brilliance, Masterful Tinker and Mechanic, Great Understanding of Energy & Mechanical Processes.


Fate’s Design – The blade of his own creation and specifications, the lightly curved sabre capable of both slashing and piercing attacks. The two-fold weapon is a display of his aristocratic wealth and genius. The blade is made of a super-light ore, capable of bending slightly and remaining fully intact. When the blade clashes or is struck a blow, the entire blade shutters and absorbs the impact along the full length of the blade, instead of breaking or shattering beneath a focused point. The blade’s razor edge allows lethal and precise attacks.


Valgrim – The first of his automaton creations that are powered by two magically enchanted runes, one of fire and the other of water – which creates the steam. This gives the prototype the light weight and small size of its humanoid construct. Gears and wires spread through its metallic frame, gems in place of eyes add to the humanoid appearance. The limbs consist of legs and feet, and arms and hands that enable it to both walk and carry things. Its sentience is limited to reacting to verbal command; two stones are required for this task – the command stone and the submission stone. The submission stone is implanted into the torso of its metallic frame, while the command stone is worn around the neck of Cyanide. Due to his limited access of the needed materials, artifacts and man power he has only been able to create one such automaton. Although his plans to create several new automatons with the sole task of creating and repairing more are underway.

08-28-06, 04:16 PM
I'd like you to elaborate on what you mean by engineering brilliance and identify any abilities your familiar has.

Otherwise, this looks pretty interesting.

Lastly, I'd like you to specify that your sword is relatively as strong as bronze. Given all the other nice attributes about it, I don't want to approve it as Iron or Steel.

Cyanide Ruin
08-29-06, 01:00 AM
I'd like you to elaborate on what you mean by engineering brilliance and identify any abilities your familiar has.

Otherwise, this looks pretty interesting.

Lastly, I'd like you to specify that your sword is relatively as strong as bronze. Given all the other nice attributes about it, I don't want to approve it as Iron or Steel.

Engineering brilliance: as in he is excellent at building stuff.

The familiar's only power is raw strength. Being a machine it is capable of lifting heavy things, albeit the first creation is quite sluggish and slow, it's strength is twofold of a human. It is also capable of holding weapons, due to it's jointed fingers and apposable thumb.

&lastly, what I meant by the sword is it's flexible. Similar to the chinese Jian and other types of weapons. When it is hit, the entire blade shutters instead of taking the impact in a focused point of area which would mean more damage to the weapon and possibly breaking.

08-29-06, 09:03 AM
Thanks for clearing up the the familiar, but I'm still a bit sure what you mean by engineering brilliance. Could you elaborate a bit on what kind of stuff he can make? I mean, an engineer could be almost anything. I assume he's a mechanical engineer, but is that all?

Also, my problem with the sword is that its flexibility and lightness make it better than the average starting equipment should I let you start with it as an equal of steel. That is why I want it to be a bit weaker.