View Full Version : Jonas Boyd

02-18-13, 12:22 AM
Name: Jonas Boyd
Age: 28
Race: Human
Hair Color: Chestnut
Eye Color: Blue
Height: 6'1"
Build: Lean and Athletic
Occupation: Skilled Fisherman, currently a sideshow performer

Jonas is seemingly very serious, hardly ever cracking a smile, but at times he seems to have a dry and sarcastic sense of humor. More importantly he's a chronic liar. Anything he says at any given time is almost always a lie of some sorts. Maybe he has already revealed his real history but it's been scattered between so many fables that it's impossible to tell.

Jonas is fairly tall with carefully combed auburn red hair, several piercings and tattoos, blue eyes and a prominent nose. On one ear and his shirt are pieces of gold and blue costume jewelry from someone who he used to care for and he wears them like a solider would wear a medal.


-Sailing: (small boats)
-Dagger Throwing: (high accuracy up to 30 ft.)

-Hypnotism: Only works on those who are open minded to the idea of hypnotism or are easily influenced by mysticism (may require some talking before hand to get them in the right state). Once he has them in a daze he can only command short and specific actions that do not act outside of the subjects morals. This hypnotism lasts 3 minutes on one person or 30 seconds for a group of up to 5 people. A physical jolt can bring them out of the trans before the time limit.
-Water-breathing: As soon as Jonas is submersed he is able to breath underwater.
Enhanced Hearing: Helps him navigate through murky water or when doing tricks for his dagger stunt show. (x2 human hearing)

-Chronic Liar: Telling the truth is extremely difficult and he avoids it.

-10 small steel throwing daggers

Jonas grew up along the coast of Scara Brae to a long line of fishermen. Even as a child he was serious, though his lying didn't start until he reached his teens. He met the daughter of a nobleman and convinced her he was also from wealth and prestige, going as far as giving her gifts of fake jewelry. Jonas' false lifestyle bought him the girl's love until his lies caught up with him and he was humiliated in front of his village. Now terribly embarrassed and his pride hurt beyond repair, he left his village in the most dramatic and stereotypical way possible, by joining the circus.

He started at the bottom (cleaning up after the animals) and worked his way up. Jonas now preforms in three shows, a throwing dagger stunt act, embarrassingly pretending to be a merman in a water filled tank for the freak-show and finally as an apprentice to the circus' hypnotist. He hopes the latter talent will help him get his revenge on the next pampered 'princess' he meets.

02-18-13, 10:17 AM
Looks fine. You are approved. Welcome to Althanas.