View Full Version : Koharu

02-21-13, 01:26 AM
Name: "Koharu" [小桜] "Little Sakura"
Age: 15 Human Years
Race: Fox Demon [妖狐]
Hair Color: Light Brown
Eye Color: Amber
Height: 155 cm.
Weight: 45 kg.
Occupation: Miko Trainee

Personality: Koharu is a bubbly young Youko (Fox Demon) who, metaphorically, is more interested in the journey rather than the destination. At worst, a naive optimist who's a helpless fool too excited about all the wonders of the world. At best, an energetic young adventurer who strives to be as helpful as she can. She is known to be quite an idiot and will do certain things just to see how it will turn out, regardless of common sense.

Appearance: Koharu is a short girl with shoulder-length light brown hair and bright amber eyes. She wears a white yutaka trimmed with red ribbons and a knee-length bright red skirt. She has on a pair of thigh-length toed socks and wears a pair of wooden sandals with a single teeth on each (Tengu geta). Being a fox demon, she has fox ears atop her head (as opposed to human-like ears) and three fluffy tails which stick out from under her skirt. She carries a large curved sword in her hand. (Reference image (http://www.pocketonline.net/g2engine/d/135759-1/lk9ohvp0bh80vd7bs.jpg).)


- Sword Art [Field-leveling Sword][平野平準剣] : A wide horizontal swing. Covers an arc roughly 100 degrees in front of her body, biased towards her right hand and about one meter above the ground. Due to the size of her sword, the swing might not be very fast but has a considerable reach.
- Sealing Art [Five Piece Paper Ensnarement/Five Pieces Land Mine][五枚地雷] : An array of five magical o-fuda (paper amulets) laid out on the ground. Once something moves to the center of the array, the trap triggers and ensnares the target with etheric chains. The strength of the chains vary from rope-like to iron, depending on the concentration of magic within the target. The chains can be broken if the target is strong enough to overcome the bind's strength. The skill is primarily used to ensnare large demons to which the bonds are at its strongest, but may be triggered by magic-using creatures. Against (non-magical) humans, the trap fails to trigger at all. (Simply put: A magic-detecting mousetrap.)
- Sealing Art [Spirit Cleansing Charm][幽霊祓い加持] : An exorcising ritual. After a short incantation, a single enchanted o-fuda is stuck on the bewitched object or person. The paper amulet will glow briefly as the "demon" is exorcised from the target. Whether the exorcised "demon" manifests itself or moves to a different target depends on the demon itself.


- Physical Attributes: Despite being a fox demon, Koharu is rather young and does not possess the more outrageous attributes normally associated with demons. All the attributes listed below are compared to humans her age (15-year-old girl.)
--Reflex is above average.
--Hearing is slightly above average.
--Stamina is below average.

- Racial Traits: Being a fox demon, Koharu has a few racial traits that are different from humans.
-- Light Step. Koharu is light-footed compared to humans of comparable size, but that does not make up for her relative lack of athleticism. It also doesn't help much when there's a large sword weighing her down.

- Magic: Koharu is trained primarily in the Youkai Exorcism Sword school of magic. The school focuses primarily on integrating purification magic in conjunction with physical combat against supernatural beings. Not particularly useful against non-magical beings, especially humans. She is currently a trainee-level miko (shrine maiden). She has access to very little magic, primarily those which aid her in performing low-level exorcism and purification rites.


- Blessed Odachi [Great Swallow Sword] [大燕刀]: Daiento is a long curved sword used primarily for exorcising demons. It is a 1.5 meter long steel sword (1.2 meter blade) with a single cutting edge on the outside of the light curve. It has a simple iron handguard and cotton-bound grip. The sheath is polished wood with a brass cap. The kashira (pommel cap) is enchanted to track the number of purification rites successfully performed by the miko. The enchanted pommel cap glows weakly after each purification rite successfully performed. The property of the sword is otherwise identical to any typical curved sword.
- Purification Charm [Blessing of Izunome][伊豆能売の祝祷]: A stack of enchanted o-fuda (paper amulets). They carry the purification blessing of Izunome, a relatively unknown native goddess. Koharu can write new ones should she ever run out, but it would take some time as proper rituals are required for their enchantment.
- Secret Dictation [Koharu's Travel Journal]: A diary book Koharu bought from her hometown. It is a plain, run-of-the-mill paper notebook with an indigo cover. She writes on its pages using a pencil.


Koharu came from a faraway land as part of her shrine maiden training. She was raised in the countryside before attending the grand shrine at the capital. As part of the training into full priesthood, all shrine maiden trainee are to travel the world and perform cleansing rituals to anyone who requests it. Most trainees stay within the country, performing rituals at the shrine in their village while a few venture into nearby nations. Generally, a personal belonging is enchanted to act as a tracker so the trainee could bring back to the grand shrine as proof. In Koharu's case, she had the pommel cap of her heirloom sword - Daiento - enchanted as such.

After many months of oversea journey from her homeland, she arrives in Corone as her first stop. This marks the beginning of a grand journey the small fox demon had never foreseen.

Note: Koharu's nation is populated by a wide array of humans and youkai (eastern demons), therefore it is not uncommon to see youkai working alongside human and vice versa. However, she had never seen elves, dark elves, dwarves or "western" demons.

02-21-13, 10:42 AM
I need to know if the binds from Sealing Art can be cut/broken as if they were made of rope/iron. Also, will the trap react to creatures other than demons that might be magical in origin, like vampires, werewolves and similar?

Also, I need to know exactly how her attributes compare to an average human. I would suggest reflex at twice that of an average human, hearing at 1.5x average human, and stamina at average. I suggest stamina at average because you'll need to drop one of your abilities, be it Good eyesight or Hearing (or any other if you desire, but I think you'd lose least with either of these two) because we allow only three abilities at level zero. And I have to count the Sealing Art as an ability.

That is all.

02-22-13, 12:47 AM
Alright, done. I've changed the wording in Sealing Art [Five Pieces Land Mine] to make it easier to understand. Hopefully :p

Also removed some abilities as you suggested. They were there as a list so I can remember how strong or weak she was, but I guess not listing them would mean "average."

OK. If there's anything else that needs change, please do tell.

02-22-13, 11:10 AM
Nope, you're all set.

You are approved. Thank you for your cooperation and welcome to Althanas.