View Full Version : Sam I Am

02-23-13, 09:49 PM
Name - Samiria Courteswain
Age - 24
Height - 5'6"
Weight - 130 lbs
Race - Human
Occupation - Sacred Prostitute
Appearance - Samiria has gingery auburn hair kept shorn in short waves. She has bright, large brown eyes, an easy smile and a natural flush to her cheeks. Her skin is lightly tanned, though burns easily so she generally wears floppy hats to protect her face from the sun. She prefers to wear light linen sundresses with a wool cardigan over the top, and simple flat shoes.
Personality - Exuberantly open to new experiences and people, Sam is a social butterfly that tends to act on gut feelings. She is a healer at heart, forgiving easily and treating others with compassion. She is not naive to the fact that dangerous and cruel people are in the world, though she generally keeps an outlook that the majority of people she meets are inherently good. Due to her line of work, her instincts tend to steer her clear of danger.


Staff of Holy Pleasure - A rowan-wood staff inlaid with silver runes. The top has been carved and turned to resemble a phallus. It serves to enhance her spells. If she casts a spell in which sex is not a catalyst and is not holding the staff, the effect is reduced by half. The staff itself is not meant to be a sex object.

Caution - A small steel dagger.

Amulet of Childlessness - A blessed trinket that renders the wearer infertile. This protects Samiria from unwanted pregnancy, however it also renders her unable to perform fertility rituals.

Herbalism - Sam is highly proficient in recognizing herbs and preparing poultices, salves, and potions from them for use of long term healing of diseases and injury. This includes salves to help with pain and heal skin from a burn. She can also identify and prepare fragrant herbs to create incense.
Belly Dancing - From an old Fallien friend, Sam has learned the seductive art of dance.

Sex Based Spells

Purity of Mind - Calms rages and banishes evil influences from the target. This calming, euphoric effect lasts anywhere from 2 hours to a day depending on the subject's stress level, willpower, and in the case of an outside force causing the panic or evil influence, the power of the force acting upon the subject. This cannot at this time banish curses or fully shield from evil forces. Can be performed once per night.

Healing Touches - Minor (nonlethal) wounds can be healed fully, and moderate wounds reduced in severity to a point where they can then be healed over time by more conventional methods. Can be performed twice per night.

Non-sex Based Spells

New Life - Sam can bring back to life a target that has been dead for less than 48 hours. At this time, the feat can only be performed once per lunar cycle, and only revives life in the organs of the target. Whether the target retains personality or becomes one of the walking undead is subject to the willpower of the target. This spell is a ritual that requires three hours to cast and as a focus for the spell, an object that was dear to the target. Note: If Samiria attempts to cast this without her staff, the rate of failure (no effect on the target) rises from 50% to 80%.

A note on abilities - These abilities cannot be used in the midst of combat, and when used on a PC are subject to the approval of that PC's writer.

History will be revealed in first thread.

02-24-13, 05:03 AM
I can't let you heal mortal wounds at this point. Let's say that you can heal minor wounds in minutes and close moderate wounds (though not repair the damage, just stop the bleeding).

New Life, I'm afraid is also too strong for now, as it's basically a resurrection spell. However, if you make it a ritual spell that takes a long time to cast, then I might allow it.

Lastly, Purity of Mind. If I understand correctly, this too can't be used in combat. Regardless, I would like you to drop the duration to a single day.

02-24-13, 06:06 AM
Zook was just teasing me the other day that all of my characters are underpowered and here I've managed to make a character with zero combat abilities that manages to be overpowered across the board. I feel kind of proud of that.

I hope my edits are satisfactory?

02-24-13, 12:52 PM
Yeah, some sounded overpowered. And while I don't think you would actually abuse them, especially since they are mostly useless in a battle, I had to put some limitation to them. Otherwise, you'd have nothing to enhance on level up. ;)

Edits are fine. You are approved. Thank you for your cooperation and welcome to Althanas.