View Full Version : Zela-Tsulth

02-24-13, 05:08 PM
Name:Zela-Tsulth, the Baleful Fire of the Deep, the Keeper of the Darkness, the Tidings of Evil, the Corruption of Stone, the Abyssal Blackness, Kitty, the Final Twilight
Age: 11363
Race: Genius Loci (was human, long ago)
Hair Color: Null
Eye Color: Null
Height: 0
Weight: 0
Occupation: Administrator, Protector, Sovereign, Conqueror

Zela-Tsulth is a serious and driven ruler who is forever looking to expand the nation's power and attain world conquest. Zela believes that ultimate power can be attained through a combination of magical/technological inventions and industrialization. Therefore, Zela sees minions and political games merely as a way to stall for time, weaken the foes (which is all of the rest of the world), and obtain more knowledge/power.

Zela thinks nothing of sacrificing minions and puts on just an act of caring to reduce the cost of making sure that they are doing what they are told. Those who had sworn fealty to Zela are subject to Zela's power, but that takes attention away from more valuable tasks. Along the same vein, Zela has no friends, only interests.

Zela-Tsulth appears, at most, to be a black cloud outlined in a dim, blood-red light. This appearance only occurs when a possessed creature is suddenly unpossessed, just before the Heart calls back Zela-Tsulth. More commonly, Zela-Tsulth appears as a formless fear that pervades where its will and thoughts are bent.

The current Speaker for Zela-Tsulth is a Raiaeran girl-elf, barely 11 of age. She has a perpetually doll-like blank expression, dull green eyes, and long blonde hair. Starting around the neckline is an extensive network of arcane tattoos in black ink to permanently mark her as Zela-Tsulth's property, all secured with a brand burned into the flesh just over her heart.

When the peoples of the world were young and the ancient magics were not so ancient, there was a human. whose name has since been erased but later some called the Unraveler of Mysteries. The Unraveler heard the stories about the world, the place of the Tribe in it, and the way of proper behavior. What separated the Unraveler was that the Unraveler would cease asking questions, even through great admonishments. They threw the Unraveler out. For that, the Unraveler returned from the wilds a great and terrible sorcerer, full of cold wrath, and destroyed the Tribe so thoroughly that not one of their descendants survived.

Revenge complete, the Unraveller fell into a fugue of purposeless existence and random destruction. A hero, hearing (erroneously) of great treasures within the sorcerer's vaults, reminded the Unraveller of mortality and the encroaching grip of death. The hero was rewarded with a swifter demise than usual.

Oral traditions across the world still bear whispers and hints of the ruthless, voracious quest of the Unraveller for immortality. It was a close thing and the final ritual sacrificed the body into the first Heart. Zela-Tsulth was born.

The dwarves and the dark elves best know the stories of the nameless terror that sometimes rises from the deep places, commanding vast hordes and terrible magics to ravage the sunless world. The deep mists of time had turned those histories into stories, the stories into legends, and the legends into myths. It has been so long since the final, costly battle that the Enemy is believed to have been destroyed forever.

In the roots of an uninhabited mountain, one of the last Hearts of Zela-Tsulth, buried away as one of many, many contingencies, felt the passing of Xem'Zund in the world above. A dull beat thumps through the deserted caverns. Evil slumbers no more.

Zela-Tsulth is a master of the Art of Sorcery, but is hampered and frustrated by the lesser minds through which power must be channeled. Many of Zela-Tsulth's efforts are geared towards ruthless magical research in the quest for more power.

Zela-Tsulth is a master of the Art of Mechanisms and, indeed, had contributed to several classical texts on the subject before turning to evil. The secrets of gears, shafts, springs, and machines are all laid open to this mind.

Zela-Tsulth is a master of the Art of Alchemia, knowing the contents the the more mundane tomes as well as many secret and terrible concoctions whose purposes should not be mentioned in polite company.

Zela-Tsulth is a master of the Art of Deep Architecture, knowing how to fabricate even the most complex and intricate of underground structures as well as some above-ground constructions.

Heart of Boundless Malice, that Corrupts and is Corrupted - This is a complicated magical and technological device built in a dark ritual that tears a weeping ulcer in the world and binds the hole to the soul and will of its owner. It is a cylindrical object some ten meters across, whose outer shell is thick, solid stone, whose inner contents are a morass of pulsating flesh and magical energies, and whose top is an enormous glass sphere that pulses with a red-white light. It beats slowly with a low, thumping sound that echoes through the stone that the Heart is usually embedded within. So long as its owner has claim on at least one Heart, their soul is anchored to this world and will always find this beacon, this abode, if its current container should fail. At the same time, the Heart serves as a practically bottomless pool for storing mana and magical energies, accessible to its owner.

The Heart is usually embedded in solid ground, often underground. When it is planted this way, it allows its owner to claim magical ownership of the ground around it, though it still requires someone or something to perform the actual, simple claiming rituals. The ritual is a short dance, taking perhaps half a minute to perform, and each instance claims a 2-meter-square area. All claimed ground must be contiguously connected back to the Heart.

Objects that are dropped on owned ground or on owned objects become owned objects. Creatures that swear fealty to the owner on owned ground become owned creatures. Unintelligent creatures that enter owned ground become owned creatures.

Owned creatures, intelligent or unintelligent, have a telepathic link to its owner. Intelligent creatures have self-control over what is sent along the link. The owner can seize

Eye of Ill Will - This ability can only be targeted on owned ground, an owned creature, or an owned object. It grants perception as if all of the caster's senses are at that location. If targeted on an owned creature, the owner possesses the creature instead. There is an immense sense of dread watchfulness about the targeted area. The caster can perceive into at most 2 different places at once.

Conjure Imp - This ability can be used three times per day and creates a magical servant bound entirely to the will of the conjuror. The physical form of the magical servant is mutable, but is generally bipedal, cannot be larger than 4' tall or weigh more than 5 stones. Regardless of shape, it has only half the strength of a typical man, is rather dim-witted, has no imagination, and is very cowardly. It relies entirely on mana from its owner for sustenance. The ability can only be targeted on owned ground.

02-25-13, 11:04 AM
First off, given the effect of the Heart of Boundless Malice, I think I'll have to consider it a separate ability. Because, once surrounded by owned ground, it can capture other objects and creatures, which by itself can be an advantage even without the other abilities. So you will probably have to lose one of the other abilities. Also, you will have to limit the number of owned creatures/things to three. Lastly, the last sentence in the description of the ability is unfinished ("The owner can seize...").

Eye of Ill Will - I need to know what exactly happens when he possesses an owned creature. Do you just gain perception of the creature's/object's point of view, or do you actually gain control?

Hand of Oppressing Evil - Three objects/creatures for now, and what exactly do you mean by "time is suspended"? Is it suspended for the creatures/objects or suspended in general?

Conjure Imp - Only one should be summoned at a time.

02-25-13, 12:02 PM
I can drop the Hand to keep the Heart. By Eye, I meant seize control.

I'm not sure if this was clear, but I has no physical form with which to act. The only things that I can do are communicate/see/possess through owned creatures. If it helps, you can think of Sauron by the time of the end of the Third Age. Alternatively, you can think of any of the nameless, faceless, bodyless entities that the player takes up in strategy games. You play chess, but you are not something on the board.

I'm not sure why there is now a limit on ownership? I don't think anyone else are limited to things like "You can only have three swords at any one time."

It is going to be very difficult to work with anything if I only have one imp at a time. How will I dig out and furnish my evil lair?

02-25-13, 01:53 PM
The problem with ownership is that it allows you possess multiple objects and creatures on top of summoning familiars. And all of this while being incorporeal, so nobody can stop you from keep possessing and summoning. The only limitation is the owned ground. But on that owned ground, you can easily have two possessed creatures under your control and three imps running around, and if someone kills the creature and robs you of a possessed objects, you could still technically have ten more in storage. Far too easy to swarm someone all the while being untouchable yourself.

I can allow three imps at the same time for quest purposes (so you can build your lair), but in battles you should keep only one out at a time. Or you can have two if you don't have a controlled creature on the board.

I'll let you have ownership at ten only if you can retrieve one object/creature at a time. This simply so you don't pull out ten swords and turn somebody into a pin cushion. ;)

02-25-13, 02:07 PM
Well, once I've dropped Hand, there's no way to actually manipulate the objects without commanding/possessing a minion to do, so that whole line of inquiry regarding the whole Hand business is moot. I won't be pincushioning anyone. The possession only applies to minions.

The imps are supposed to be 'worker' units and not actually do any fighting; they always run away (or try to). They are also pants at it when forced to do so by possession.

So, in summary, I'm taking it down to the Heart, the Eye, and the Conjure Imps. And there is no freaky floating sword thing.

02-25-13, 02:20 PM
Very well. In those circumstances, I can allow all three imps out at the same time. Please make the edits to the first post, removing (or simply locking) the Hand of Oppressing Evil, and you will be approved. I apologize for the lengthy process and any inconvenience it might've caused.

02-25-13, 02:43 PM
I think that did it. Unless I was mistaken about no longer needing to limit "how many things can you own?"

02-25-13, 03:05 PM
Nah, you're good to go.

You are approved. Thank you for your cooperation and welcome to Althanas.