View Full Version : I cannot linger here for much longer...

The Aeromancer
03-01-13, 05:47 PM
Name: Yosef Von Malichstein (Yo-Sef Von Mal-ick-shtein)
Age: 28
Race: Human
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Height: 5’10’’
Weight: 165 lbs
Occupation: Unemployed

Personality: Yosef seems to have an air of paranoia. His eyes dart around as much as they can, to make sure that no one sits in the corners of his vision. Sometimes he mumbles under his breath, to confirm that he is indeed located where his mind perceives it is. He can talk to people, but usually it seems to devolve around to meaning nothing, even if he intended to say something in particular. He is generous and kind, but makes sure the person he assists cannot betray him.

Appearance: Average size, average height, average looks. He can go into a crowd and even lose himself sometimes. He never dresses beyond that of a peasant, hoping that a look of poverty would keep the thieves at bay. It doesn’t always work.

Brawling – Unskilled: He can brawl with the best of them! Kids that is. In a fistfight, he isn’t much help, but can take a few hits to distract the attackers before feigning unconsciousness. The trick is to really pass out.
Swordsman – Unskilled: He knows how to swing a sword and which end to hold. He may not hit the target though, but he will sure get close sometimes!
Marksman – Unskilled: Shooting an arrow is rather easy for Yosef. Hitting the target is rather difficult though.
Persuasion – Unskilled: He can talk his way out of any conversation. Whether it is from him getting arrested, knocked out, or boring the other person to vacating the premises.
Covert – Skilled: The one thing he is decent at is leaving little to no trail.
Mathematics – Skilled: He learned to count at an early age, and learned to estimate and do the math soon after. He can quickly assume probabilities of his defeat, and make an escape readily available.
Woodcraft – Skilled: Growing up in the mountain ranges, he learned to make small traps out of minimal materials. He will never stop his ongoing war against the tyrannical Red-Mouth Chipmunks that plagued his home.

Lightfoot – with some concentration he can limit the amount of footprints he leaves behind in muddy, snowy, or other areas that would normally leave a nice trail.
Second Wind – if being chased, Yosef can usually tap into a hidden reserve of stamina that would hopefully help him get away.
Probable Escape – whether it’s intelligence or magic, Yosef can know within a very precise number, how likely he is to survive in a given situation. Normally it’s 99% with him fleeing.

Average Strength (1)
Above Average Endurance (1.5)
Above Average Stamina (1.5)
Average Speed (1)
Average Dexterity (1)

A rucksack for travel rations.
A couple waterskins made from the devilish Red-Mouth Chipmunks.
Peasantry clothes with leather under-armor.
A small wood-carving knife, made of iron.
A cloak, waxed to protect from the elements.

Yosef Von Malichstein, even though that is not his birth-name, was born in Salvar in a small village amongst the pined mountains. For the first few years of his life, he was under the tutelage of a merchant that retired to the village, but the other boys in the village began to torment Yosef. He was trained unintentionally in the art of retreating. He has never looked back since.

He claims that a small clan of Red-Mouth Chipmunks had killed his family. Many believe it to be a joke. Many do not understand the danger that those tiny mammals inflict upon those who live in the mountains.

There was a brief stint of his early twenties where he stayed in a single village for more than six months. It was seven months, but he did learn how to effectively hunt Red-Mouth Chipmunks that wander too close to villages. Those fiends got lazy when they thought their prey was settled down, but Yosef knew better.

When he came of age, he left the village and set off on his own. He would gain work here and there doing small manual labor tasks, but never staying too long in one place. He never really left the vast lands of Salvar, but has travelled a decent amount of it. Of course due to his abnormal normality, many would never even guess he was a traveler in their very own village.

He keeps moving forward, making sure nothing is following him.

03-01-13, 11:48 PM
I'll allow it.
