View Full Version : Dalamus Rothari

03-03-13, 04:39 PM


Name: Dalamus Rothari
Age: 136
Race: Dark Elf
Skin Color: Cerulean
Hair Color: Teal
Eye Color: Teal
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 132 lbs.
Occupation: Guide


At first glance one might say that Dalamus is uptight, quiet, and shy. In retrospect he is actually a very approachable and kind-natured individual. His seriousness and conservative nature might give off the impression of snobbery, but this is not so. Dalamus strives to to be successful through methodical and tireless work. He is overly concerned about punctuality and is hardly ever late for an engagement. "Irritated" is a kinder word used to describe how he feels when someone doesn't meet his expectations of punctuality. Somewhat of a penny-pincher, Dalamus is very careful with how he chooses to spend his money. If offered, Dalamus will refuse to take anything from others that he hasn't yet earned.

Dalamus is the epitome of a gentleman. He has impeccable manners, rarely uses harsh words or vulgarism, and hates fighting and animosity. When arguments occur he will usually try to change the subject or completely wither under criticism. He hates to embarrass others and when he hurts another's feelings he will always be the first to apologize. If Dalamus' feelings are hurt he will keep to himself and try to solve the problem on his own. He hides his emotions well and it is difficult to know what he is thinking. When he is upset he will plunge himself into his work. He disdains his weaknesses and for that reason he never wants to appear weak in front of others, especially those he deeply cares about.


Dalamus' ashen skin not only denotes his racial class but also his physical condition. Sickly, pallid, frail and delicate are synonymous with Dalamus Rothari. When it comes to clothing, Dalamus prefers to dress in a gentlemanly fashion. He sports an indigo Edwardian club collar shirt, burgundy striped vest and trousers, golden y-back braces and a burgundy deluxe western bow tie. Spectacles are his accessory of choice. They may be removed in day to day life, but are necessary when performing activities such as reading, stargazing, or surveying the land. Dalamus is very particular about the state of his hair. His hair is kept long on top and cropped short on both sides. He'll part it to either side and fusses with it constantly when out of place.


With a wealth of knowledge at his fingertips, thanks to the The Library Of Ankhas, Dalamas is well versed in the written and spoken forms of Aleran (Native), Common/Tradespeak (Fluent) and Elven (Intermediate). Dalamus is currently studying Salvic (Novice).

Astronavigation, also known as celestial navigation, is the use of angular measurements between celestial bodies (the sun, the moon, a planet or a star) and the visible horizon to locate one's position on the globe, on land as well as at sea. The sun is the most commonly used celestial body, but navigators can also use the moon, a planet or one of the many navigational stars whose coordinates are tabulated in almanacs.

Land Surveying:
The science and art of making all essential measurements to determine the relative position of points or physical and cultural details above, on, or beneath the surface of the Earth, and to depict them in a usable form, or to establish the position of points or details.

The study and practice of making maps.


Eidetic Memory:
The ability to recall images, sounds, or objects in memory with extreme precision.


Navigational Tools:
In a worn leather case fastened together by brass rivets, it contains charts and drafting instruments, measuring tools, celestial navigation instruments, bearing instruments, compasses and timekeeping tools.

Steam Inhaler:
A device for breathing in steam through the nose or mouth for relieving nasal congestion or asthma. Steam has been proven to relieve some of the symptoms by providing moisture to the airways.

A mask-like device attached to a component that filters the air inhaled by the wearer. Worn to protect the face and lungs against noxious gases and fumes.


The New Elves fascination with the strengthening of the mind left Dalamus' body comparably weak. Dalamus suffers from a chronic upper respiratory disease that leaves him feeling tight in the chest and short-winded much of the time. To ease his suffering a variety of tools are used to manage his condition including a respirator to combat the toxins and ash of Ettermire and a steam inhaler to moisten his air passages and battle inflammation. Yet, Dalamas has found the most effective way of combating his respiratory problem is by not overexerting himself or exerting himself physically at all. Having never stepped foot outside of Ettemire, Dalamas fancied himself an explorer by immersing himself in the tomes of The Library Of Ankhas. He absorbed the imagery, history and lore of the foreign lands he so desired to explore, but his frail body and debilitating disease restricted him to Ettermire.

After more than a century confined to Alerar, more specifically Ettermire, Dalamus finally succumbed to his desire of exploration. The ability to actually see in person what he has admired for over a century in books is finally coming to fruition. With navigation tools in hand and his illness somewhat managed, Dalamus Rothari set off to realize his dream.

03-03-13, 04:53 PM
Very nice profile.
