View Full Version : Redsarath Ingren Loanstra

Unknown beast
03-03-13, 11:26 PM
Name: Redsarath Ingren Loanstra
Age: 5 (human years, 45 Anstar years
Race: Anstar
Hair Color: black
Eye Color: red
Height: 5ft
Weight: 250 lbs

Personality: Trusts very few. Very kind unless provoked. Easily angered and quick to fight.

Appearance: Rough fur, scar on left eye, bright red eyes, wolf like figure.

History: Redsarath was born in secrecy for the mother had now wanted him. As he was born, his mother fled the building, leaving him to fend for himself. Redsarath was soon found by Farkans Loanstra. Farkans took Redsarath in ad his own, caring for his every need. As Redsarath grew older he was taught to fight and hunt. As Farkans grew older his ability to hunt lessened, leaving Redsarath to keep them from starving. On Redsarath's 4th (human year) birthday came, Farkans life came to an end. Devastated by this loss, Redsarath ran, not knowing his mistake. As he moved farther and farther from Farkans, he grew weaker and weaker. If it wasn't for Brittany Kelsey, a human who found him while out for a run, he would have died. Brittany took Redsarath home and nurtured him back to full health. After he was fully healed and able to speak again (through mind, almost as if he was in your mind, although can only send messages mentally, not receive.) at which point he told her his story. Brittany had then made a deal with Redsarath. She would give him $200 and a ride to fallien as long as he was to visit her every now and again. Redsarath agreed to this and set off on his new journey.

Skills: hunting-master hunter

Abilities: Extreme Strength - twice that of a normal human
Extreme speed - 2X as fast as a normal human
Keen eyesight - 2X that a normal humans

Equipment: A necklace given to him by Brittany in which allows him to contact her whenever he wishes.

03-04-13, 11:22 AM
I can't let you be 4 times as fast, even on short distances. Sorry, you have to leave it at 2X for now. Also, you're missing the Description segment of your profile.

Unknown beast
03-04-13, 04:54 PM
Description segment? Like, when I go to "my profile" or in this thread? (I copied and pasted the sample character sheet)

03-04-13, 05:38 PM
Actually, I owe you an apology. By "description" I meant "appearance", which you clearly have. Don't know how I missed it when I read the profile.

At any rate, you are approved. Thank you for your cooperation and welcome to Althanas.