View Full Version : Otto's sketches

03-10-13, 09:59 AM
Hello, folks. Several things pushed me to dust off the old sketch pad, namely inspiration from the other fine artists here, a growing envy of people's awesome avatars, and some healthy procrastination in the face of uni course work. I hereby present: Otto's upwardly mobile sketch thread!

Updates may or may not occur past this point. That said, my first piece: I finally have an avatar!


Isn't he a jolly looking chap? Soft Pitt charcoal on crappy printing paper, with some minor touch ups in GIMP.

Red Dawn
03-10-13, 10:09 AM
I like it. He looks like a disgruntled blacksmith, with tusks. A much more human look for an orc.

03-10-13, 11:17 AM
Yeah, I may have to change the nose, make it flatter - perhaps more like a gorilla? He's still quite young as well, if he's anything like Erirag's orc concept (which I plan to make him), so I may be justified in 'maturing' those features into something much more orcish later on.

03-10-13, 01:08 PM
Ooh, this is awesome! I really like the idea of him changing as he matures, that should be interesting to see as he grows as a character. I look forward to seeing more Otto art. : )

03-11-13, 09:50 AM
Thanks! If I get better, I'd like to do other people and NPCs as well. I just really miss my tablet now :(

Red Dawn
03-11-13, 12:39 PM
I was doodling Red Dawn's armor/appearance and weapons today, as well as a sugar skull design for the gf's tattoo. All I could think was that I wish I had a tablet or something similar to draw on instead. I'll have to look into getting something like that as soon as I get a chance. If you're interested, I'd like to see your take on Dale. I can't draw faces to save my life, but I'm doing well enough with everything else so I'd like to try and do Otto sometime too.

03-11-13, 05:49 PM
Art swap? You're on!

Skie and Avery
03-13-13, 12:42 AM
He looks fantastic! :D

05-08-13, 10:44 AM
A sketch I did to work out details for a larger, more intricate ink pic I plan to do. Might take a little while, as I have a certain cat to illustrate first.


05-08-13, 10:51 AM
Heh, he really does look more human than orc, which totally fits. Well done, sir.

05-08-13, 10:56 AM
Damnit, not what I was going for at all!

*cries uncontrollably*

I appreciate it, though :P

03-04-14, 05:02 AM
Recently completed a thread with Luned's alt, Resolve. I promised her a rendition of one of the key characters in the thread, so here it is. I also decided to throw in his owner, Grimhildr:


I really channeled the derp with this one, though that at least was intentional. On the other hand, I've never been much good at colouring. Had planned to use inks to do it, but forgot I lent all my brushes to a friend... so I had to do some basic, two-tone shading on the computer. Still, not too bad considering I don't have a tablet any more (also lent it to a friend. What is wrong with me?!), and that I suck.

03-04-14, 06:36 AM

03-04-14, 06:45 AM
I can't get over it, I keep coming back to look at it. NUGGETCHOP'S BROW. Please draw more often, you're so good at it! (and for the love of pete, stop lending people your stuff)

03-04-14, 09:31 AM
Yes, mum.

PS and thank you :)

03-04-14, 09:55 AM
Adorbes. Well done grey-skin.

03-04-14, 10:00 AM

03-04-14, 04:11 PM
That's really well done dude! The owner also kinda looks like an albino Otto...

03-04-14, 07:00 PM
I do tend to revert to a 'default face', unless I spend a bit of time and effort working on new facial features which seem to gel. Here I made the nose non-upturned and bulbous, the cheeks more round, the eyes a little larger and the hair style slightly different, but I do see what you mean. Maybe it's the beard :/

Still, thank you :)

03-04-14, 08:24 PM
Can you draw me like one of your French Cats?

Maybe in a realistic setting leik slaying teh dwagon?

03-04-14, 08:44 PM
So long as it's a derp dragon, I don't see why not. Shall we go all Conan with this (scantily clad women clutching your heavily muscled thighs, you standing atop the freshly-slain corpse of Derpdragon with a few token but non life-threatening injuries), or something a bit grittier, perhaps with you leading a desperate band of dragonslayers in a pitched, life-or-death struggle?

03-04-14, 08:49 PM
Yes. Much awesome!

Don't forget I wear a bumbag around me for my stuffs.

03-04-14, 08:55 PM
I won't :)

Doge added to the queue!

04-03-14, 10:30 AM
A sketch done for Weave and the Wind. Not very happy with how Otto turned out, but despite some derpy spatial awareness, I'm super pleased with the others (especially Carrin rocking the tambourine).

Left to right: Otto, Orlannes (dat ass), Carrin, and Aaron.


And Doge, I haven't forgotten your commission. Just waiting until I can get either my tablet or brushes back :)

04-03-14, 10:32 AM
We need to talk about a commission for Leopold in God mode...

BEASTLY a' shiz.

04-03-14, 10:39 AM
I'm listening :D

04-03-14, 12:02 PM
This (http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-nf19EQqzznk/UJiJagTM28I/AAAAAAAAFHs/WIBCXgS_qIM/s1600/northpreviewsworld04+copy.jpg) is what I'd planned to use...

04-03-14, 12:12 PM
Omfg this is amazing aaahhh

04-03-14, 11:06 PM
Such art. Much like.

I like the eyes of Carrin, very crazed musician.

06-22-14, 02:08 AM
Okay, apparently I did forget about Doge's commission. But I may be getting around to it very soon.

Andy recently challenged me to draw everyone on Althanas as orcs. While I doubt I'll get around to absolutely everyone, I am pleased to present the first installment: orcish Maddy! Just a quick sketch, but I think it has potential, so it's something I might touch up later.


Finally, everyone needs to go here (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?5588-Lye-s-Art-Dump&p=231812&viewfull=1#post231812) and bask in Lye's majestic creation. You won't regret it.

06-22-14, 05:02 AM
Ironically, as an Orc Madison looks much friendlier.

06-22-14, 07:39 AM

this is glorious

shut down the site, dirks, nothing will ever be as awesome again

06-22-14, 08:37 AM
You manage to draw the most charming orcs! Cuuute.

06-24-14, 07:22 PM
lol, that orc of Madison is totally adorable.

...can I rip her heart out of her chest?

06-25-14, 06:59 AM
Witchie, you can rip anything out of anything.

06-25-14, 07:04 AM
Installment #2: it's been a long time coming, Doge. At first I was wracking my brains, trying to figure how I could do the custard pooch as an orc, but then it hit me: there's only one true canine equivalent. Thus I present my second rapid sketch of orcish conversions, 'Puge':


Alyssa Snow
06-25-14, 07:29 AM
Oh. My. God. Yes.


06-25-14, 07:33 AM
Ha! Pug-tastic. Shame you didn't give him an underbite :p

06-25-14, 08:22 AM

06-26-14, 08:24 PM
In the words of my generation, yoink!


06-26-14, 08:44 PM

You monster, stealin' mah reaction .gifs...

Expect us to do you up a treat on the next podcast, sunshine.

06-26-14, 09:15 PM


The Inventor
06-26-14, 10:49 PM
Um, Doge, you do know that's a cat right?

06-29-14, 09:32 PM
Oh goodness who is this debonair orc

Why it's Duffy Brandybuck of course

Fun fact: each consecutive iteration of this picture had progressively less shirt. It's a miracle we can't see his nips, or at least, the patch of hair where his nips would probably be lurking.


Alyssa Snow
06-29-14, 10:24 PM
Lol, excellent. Keep up these Orc version doodles!

06-29-14, 11:45 PM
Otto you glorious bastard :o

06-30-14, 04:36 AM

Can we give pictures a JC?!

06-30-14, 06:01 AM

06-30-14, 01:19 PM
Wonderful! Marvelous! Spectacular! Magnificent!

Rayse Valentino
06-30-14, 02:11 PM
I would pay you absurd sums of money for an orc Draug.

07-06-14, 09:41 PM
Did someone say an orc Draug?

That's too bad, because I just remembered the user account and did an orcish Rayse instead (whoops). I hope it's okay! In any case, here's the shady gentleman now, perhaps inspecting his latest shipment?


07-06-14, 09:50 PM
Haha, dat look on his face doe

07-06-14, 10:28 PM
Lets see you try to draw Sorish as an orc.

Rayse Valentino
07-06-14, 10:35 PM
Is it legal to marry you where you live? Because I'm coming over right now.

12-19-14, 09:33 AM
Got a tablet recently, so I celebrated not having to use my cruddy scanner any more by fumbling around with GIMP. Colour is hard :(


This is Ceridwen, my 5e warlock, and someone who should fit in nicely with the rest of my group's evil party...

12-19-14, 12:42 PM
You, me, and Sarah should do a three way live streaming session. Go nab a free account at picarto and download on of those broadcasting tools. I think the one I use is OCR.

We can doodle Pugthanas.

12-19-14, 06:54 PM
You mean... I could draw live with Jack-san and Sarah-san?


This definitely sounds like a thing we should do. Ta :)