View Full Version : Saint

03-16-13, 04:33 PM
Name: Rykard Saint (Chooses to go by Saint)

Age: Unknown

Race: Human

Hair color: Varies

Eye color: Varies

Height: 5'7

Weight: 120 lbs.

Occupation: Rogue, professional criminal (on occasion), womanizer


While Saint's appearances may vary, his personality remains constant. He's entirely too fond of women and liquor (and any combination thereof) for his own good. Saint is anything but a do-gooder, but he'll offer his aid if the endeavor promises to be profitable, interesting, or the person requesting his aid is a woman. Especially an attractive one.

He personally detests violence, but isn't above using force if it suits his needs. Saint only takes orders if he's entirely sure that its in his best interest.


Saint's appearance fluctuates wildly. He constantly maintains layers upon layers of glamour magic. He can appear anywhere from twenty to fifty, and his hair and eyes are seldom the same color twice. He almost always chooses to look attractive, exept when the situation calls for discretion.

Saint typically wears expensive but battered clothes. He is most often seen in a wolf-fur greatcloak.


His exact origins are shrouded in mystery, and he prefers to keep them that way. The figure known as Saint first appeared six years ago. At that time, there was an incident involving the wife of an important Coronian baron, a party going terribly, terribly, wrong, and a substantial amount of stolen gold. To this day, people are still trying to sort out the details of what happened.
Since then, Saint has performed a variety of similar exploits. His name is far from legendary, but if you ask around about the latest scandals you can safely assume that Saint is involved somehow.


Etiquette: Saint knows the basics of etiquette. He's a decent dancer and he always knows what fork to use at a fancy dinner.

Charisma: Saint's greatest strength lies with his gift of gab. Aided by his magic, his already substantial social skill reach new heights. He's never short of a well placed comment or a retort.

Deception: Saint is also an excellent lier. He can (and has, on various occasions) convinced people that he is much more powerful and important than he really is. This is also aided by his magic.

Combat: Saint isn't fond of combat, but when he's forced to fight he uses every dirty trick in the book. He goes for the eyes, the throat and the groin. He knows how to use daggers and knives proficiently, but prefers to use magic or avoid violence in the first place.


Though no one's sure exactly how it occurred, Saint managed to acquire a ring from the Fey Lords. This ring allows him to use magic like they do, but it is still limited by his knowledge of spell casting. Fey magic is flashy, but consists mostly of smoke-and-mirrors effects.

Glamour: Saint's knowledge of Fey glamours allows him to subtly alter the appearances of people and objects. This doesn't actually change them physically into something different, it just makes them look different. He's still learning how to use it properly, so it is severely limited. It can only affect him or something that is actively touching him. For example, he can alter his own appearance or the appearance of his clothing. He couldn't make someone else look different unless he was touching the general area that he wanted to glamour. It also can't change the appearance of the basic structure of something at this point. For instance, he could make a rusty sword look like the work of a master, but he couldn't make it look like a spear or an axe. It also can't make him invisible, though it can help him blend in shadowed areas. It's main use is to either intimidate enemies or to impress the ladies. He is constantly covered in layers of it.

Feyfyre: Another spell Saint has acquired is the conjuration of Feyfyre. Feyfyre acts like normal fire, but with a few exceptions. The most obvious difference is that it is brilliantly white in color. It puts off no light or heat unless an object is touched directly by the flame itself. It can't be doused by water, only smothered with sand or the like. The main thing that sets it apart from normal fire is that anything it burns, from flesh to wood, is restored by the coming of the next dawn. No one can die of it, but they can definitely be hurt by it. Incorporeal creatures like ghosts and spirits are burnt by it normally, but don't regenerate. Saint can conjure and hurl fist-sized spheres of Feyfyre, but it drains him.

Charm: One of the first bits of Fey magic Saint learned was how to imitate their ability to ensnare and beguile humans. Using this spell, he can make someone like or trust him. He can't force people to do anything, but he can persuade them powerfully. This spell only works on creatures with minds. This includes humans, animals and other sentient creatures, but excludes undead and incorporeal creatures. Those with enchanced willpower can also resist it.


Stiletto: A long, thin, steel knife. Saint usually uses his magic to make it appear flashier, but in reality it is simple, cold and deadly.

Saint's Ring: The ring that allows Saint to use his variety of magic. It appears to be made of some sort of glass or mirror, but it is as hard as steel. If lost or stollen, it returns to Saint's hand within the hour. Due to is its strange make and material no merchant will buy it.

03-17-13, 05:03 AM
I just need you to make two small edits, then you'll be set to go.

People with enhanced willpower should be able to resist Charm for now. And Saint's Ring can never be sold.

That is all.

03-17-13, 08:59 AM
Sure thing. Edits have been made.

03-17-13, 11:52 AM
Excellent. You are approved. Thank you for your cooperation and welcome to Althanas.