View Full Version : Adonis' Character registration

Solar Haven
03-16-13, 09:39 PM
Name: Adonis Michael Cedric Cannon
Age: 24
Race: Human
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Hazel
Height: 6'4
Weight: 250
Occupation:Bounty hunter

Personality: Adonis is extremely shy around people he doesn't know, as he has never had a single friend to just talk to. He has trouble initiating conversations,as he has had no real social interaction, besides short brief talk's with his father's subjects. He will endeavor to continue one once it is started. He is over confident in his abilities and most of the time will like to flaunt them in front of people as he has never received recognition for his talent before.. He refuses to kill any sentient creature as it effects the environment whenever someone dies. while out on missions, once he has acquired his target. He will follow them for week's until they're alone to ask them nicely to come back with him, as he wants to avoid any pointless fighting. If a life is in danger he will put his own life at risk to save it, even if he hate's the person.

Appearance: Standing at 6'4 250 pounds he is tall and quite muscular, although his long nites in pub's have started giving him a small belly. He wears a brown t-shirt with a white cloth over shirt and blue jeans. His hair is medium length coming down to his ears, if he doesn't push his hair to the side it tends to obscure his vision.

Skills: above average hand to hand combat.
Beginner level swordplay
average tailoring and leather working
meditation (out of combat only)

Abilities: Matter Manipulation (Beginner): Adonis, through the task of meditation, has learned how to control the untouched matter in the environment he is in. if the matter has been modified or altered by human hand's he is unable to manipulate the matter. The downfall of this magic, is that once he has manipulated the matter. He can not manipulate the same matter again. all abilities have a total up time of 15 second's or one post

“Wall”: Adonis uses the matter around him to create a solid wall in front of him, protecting from Moderate harm, can block several weak attacks (arrows and weak spells) before crumbling or up to two strong attacks. Adonis can choose to collapse the wall at will, but will render the matter useless. (lasts one post)

“Unwall”: Opposite of the Wall ability, the Unwall speed's up anything going through it as opposed to stopping it's momentum. The Unwall is normally translucent unless made out of air, as the opposite of translucent air, would be opaque. Object's traveling through the Unwall get their momentum tripled.

“Horseplay”: Adonis uses small amounts of matter around objects to cause them to move,(he can not control the object itself) seemingly on their own. (example: having a chair in a pub move out for him to sit down then slide back in on its own or having a mug of ale slide down the bar to where he sat.) Can only manipulate each individual object for a max of fifteen seconds before he is unable to use that matter again. Objects being manipulated can not pass through an Unwall as the objects themselves have no momentum just the matter around them.(maximum twenty pounds)

He can only have One wall or Unwall up at a time. As having either one up is a drain on his life force, after a large battle he needs day's of nourishment and rest. Before he can even use his magic again.

Equipment: Rusted iron sword
pouch of perfectly smooth pebbles(10)

Familiar: A baby Fox, Nicknamed Kit by Adonis. Its only purpose is to keep Adonis company on the long travel's he has to do for many of his job's. While in inclement weather, “Kit” can lead Adonis to shelter and safety.

History: Adonis was just a young lad when he and his father started butting heads. His father was a tyrannical king of a kingdom, his father would destroy the landscape, and slaughter the living for fun.

When Adonis was six he confronted his father about it as innocently as a six year old does ask a parent why they do what they do. It wasn't long after that Adonis' hatred for his father started to grow, upon the assistance of his mother who also hated needless killing and massacring. He began meditation, at first for short bursts a day, but as his hatred grew so did how long he needed to meditate to cool off.

One day when he was fifteen his mother came in his room while meditating and was shocked. Adonis was hovering two feet off the ground and the energy in the room was thick to walk through, Almost like water. This was a shock as Adonis had no idea what happened when he meditated. At that moment he knew he was special and needed to get training.

Everyday while his father was busy, Adonis and his mother went off to the forest and continually repeated the incident until Adonis could trigger it. Upon being able to trigger it, Adonis told his mother he would never use his magic to kill another human being, Only to defend those he cared about or to support them.

One day after years of training he entered the main hall, on a request from his father. Once there his father started talking about how he had to man up and become like him. Within seconds the door burst open and prisoner's were brought forward. Adonis had to make a ruling over them, and had to kill at least one.

When a guard gave Adonis the sword he went behind the prisoners and cut them all free and told them to leave. When his father started yelling and threatened to kill Adonis. Adonis let go of his sword as it floated in mid air. Adonis' father looked around the room as everything started floating upwards. When he looked back at Adonis the sword flew towards him and embedded itself in the wall inches from his head.

Adonis stormed out of the room while his father was in shock saying only one thing, if I was like you, you would be dead. Consider yourself lucky you hopeless king. As the Adonis snapped his fingers and the door's slammed shut.

Adonis had been roaming the land's of Althanas for two year's, picking up jobs that required someone brought back alive. And refusing any assassination mission's. The last thing he wanted to do was become like his father. But as to stay connected with his mother. At the end of every week he would write a letter back to his mother and send it by carrier to the queen's personal maid.

03-17-13, 05:00 AM
Just need you to limit the weight of objects he can manipulate with Horseplay. Some 20 pounds sounds fair?

Solar Haven
03-17-13, 01:39 PM
Added in the twenty pound limit to horseplay.

03-17-13, 03:32 PM
Great. You are approved. Thank you for your cooperation and welcome to Althanas.