View Full Version : The Terrentius Estate.

03-17-13, 12:18 AM
(Solo unless people take an interest in this one. Continued from: The Waking Dreams (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?24822-The-Waking-Dreams-%28Solo%29), thank you very much. All bunnies approved.)


It flowed with an ebb and current all it's own and at some point it blurred to a pin point certainty: Elthas was not sure how much of it had passed. Since the girl, the elemental, Herratya of the Tap attacked him with a dangerous lightning bolt spell. Elthas was hurt badly, he'd been taken to a critical state for protecting the only person he gave a shit about: Hylda Terrentius. Thinking back on it, Elthas was vaguely aware that he was awake in some form. He no longer felt his body, but he felt something. When his eyes adjusted he was surprised to find himself wearing the attire of his people and standing somewhere he had not stood in for a long time. Ruild. Concordia Forest. Within the depths of Ruild there was a whole community of Forest Elves. Elthas saw someone he had not seen in a long time. Elder Hendricht. The leader of the Forest Elves. Elthas narrowed his eyes and prepared himself to leave.

"Wait." The man spoke before him. Elthas knew the man well, he had grown up being educated by the men and his subordinates, the council. Hendritch was a taller Elf, standing at approximately eight feet in height. He wore elegant green and blue clothing, his long bow worn around his right shoulder, with several quivers of arrows attached to his side. Visible was a dagger at his hip. He also wore an amulet attached to a silver chain that had a symbol emblazoned upon it. The symbol was glowing. Throughout the immediate surroundings, there were various of his kin working and playing, studying the ways of his people. The people he had left behind. Elthas sighed. I am in for one of his famous lectures now.

It did not matter that Elthas was a man amongst his people, or that he had left his people a lifetime ago. "Elthas, Belthasar." Hendritch said. "It has been a long time has it not?" Hendritch added.

"It has. Not long enough..." Elthas was a little more harsh than he had meant to be...

"No need for that here, Elthas. You are amongst friends, here." Hendritch saw that Elthas hesitated. "Elthas. You have grown into a fine young man. You being here means you have discovered a way back, a way to reach out back to us." Hendritch continued. "Elthas. You are needed here back home. In your town, amongst your people. Your clan; Belthasar, stands without it's heir. Your Mother is sick, and your Father has passed a full moon prior."

"Elder..." Elthas began. "...I have a new family now. New friends...you have no idea what I've been through since last we have spoken."

"I have some idea. Your coming here in this method is not an accident. It is a mark of the power that lays dormant within you even now. The power you have attempted to forsake." Hendritch looked at Elthas. "Listen, come back to us. You are needed here. I am not asking you to leave your new allegiances behind. I am asking you to take care of a dying friend's wish."

"My Father..." Elthas sighed. He knew where this was heading. "Elder. What would you have me do?" Elthas knew he had to someday return to settle old business in Ruild.

"Elthas. Your Father did not pass by old age. He was killed. There are things you don't know that have gone on since you left." Hendritch's mood soured visibly. "It was during the damned Civil War. Your Father and many of our kin went to fight along those bastards, the Corone Rangers. Your Father fought bravely, and kept his honour but fell to one of the Empire's hit squads." Hendritch explained. "Your Father, and many of our bravest warriors, and magi."

"Elder..." Elthas was furious. Have I really been gone so long? Elthas cursed. "Where is his grave?" He asked.

"I can show you once you are here." Hendritch said. "Elthas, your Mother needs to have a word with you once you return."

"I..." Elthas clenched his fist as he looked at the Elder. "I am sorry I have been away so long. Without even a word..." He said, gritting his teeth and closing his eyes tight. His clan, his people, had fallen apart in his absence. And, he had found out that the accursed Civil War had taken it's toll on his people as well. The War he ran away from. Elthas clenched his fists tightly. He looked at the Elder for a long moment. "Elder. Tell everyone I shall return, as soon as I can." Elthas said. "On this I pledge my honour." With that business done, Elthas turned around and left back the way he came.


Things seemed to melt away as he walked away from the village he grew up in. The trees, the sounds of the animals, the scents of lilacs in the air. Sarah cooking her bread on the stove, honey dipped. The Elven children playing carelessly around. Their favoured musical instrument in hand. Elthas had always hated music. He had taken to the physical forms of art, and stretching his mind in other ways. He had learned to paint and sculpt. And that's what he was thinking about when he awoke in his bed. Growling in agony. Syndicate healers worked magic on him everyday, by the hour. He was bandaged up, heavily. Ointment was placed on his burnt and scarred skin where the lightning bolt had struck him in point blank range. Some scars don't heal. Elthas immediately found himself thinking and clutched at his chest. The first thing he thought about was the actual attack that the woman, Herratya, had struck him with. It had nearly been his end.

"You have some strength in you, boy." It was the voice of Seth Terrentius. He was a familiar figure in a chaotic whirl of bodies around him. Seth spoke in a thick country accent, not from Yarborough, but from the area of Corone surrounding Jadet. It was a peculiar sounding accent, but one that had always relaxed Elthas. It was a pleasant sound, one he had not heard in some time. Seth stood at a height of six feet, and was a slender man. Wearing a black suit, with a white long sleeved shirt 'neath it. He had a black tie as well. His jacket was not worn at the moment that Elthas looked at him, he had it wrapped around the back of a chair. "When I heard it was you, I had feared the worst." Seth had platinum colored hair, tied in a slicked back ponytail. He was clean shaven with an angular face, and heavily set features. He wore simple jewelry as well. "Sit back and rest boy, save your strength." Seth commanded. And Elthas did just that. "Don't fight what the nurses are kind of enough to do. You have been brought back from the edge. We found you in a state of hysterics, on the verge of death. It took all of our healer's skills to keep you from fading into the dark." Seth explained. "For now though boy, rest. You have earned it."

Elthas did just that, the last image he saw was Hylda Terrentius by his bed side. It looked like she'd been crying for a long time. The sight of Hylda's beauty made him stop resisting like a caged beast. I belong here... Was his last thought before he went into a peaceful sleep.

03-30-13, 02:29 AM
He awoke some time later to the smell of breakfast. Elthas could smell the toast and eggs, and a few other items of interest that were cooked up for him. They all knew, Elthas had risked his life for another high ranking Syndicate member and got badly injured in the process. They were going to attempt to pamper Elthas despite his desire not to be treated differently from any other Syndicate operative. Seth Terrentius and Hylda Terrentius were present when Elthas awoke that day. Elthas had no idea what time of day it was, or, what day of the week it was. He only knew he was alive after the horrible ordeal he'd gone through. There was a certain matter of debriefing from the previous mission he'd gone through in order to reestablish himself back in the fold of Corone's operatives. Elthas considered one point as he awoke and focused his eyesight on Hylda Terrentius. Herratya had intended to kill her. That realization didn't sit well with Elthas at all.

Waking up, he heard Seth talking to one of the nurses, and Hylda remained silent. Elthas guessed she was asleep. Elthas sat up in bed, or at least, attempted to, the pillow felt fluffy and comfortable against him back. One of the nurses noticed that Elthas was awake.

"He's is awake!" She announced. "Thaynes be praised for this great blessing." The nurse wore a standard healer's robe, no Syndicate markings, and had a nice pendant wrapped around her neck. Elthas smiled at the nurse for a moment before he felt tremendous point shoot through his body. "Take it east Master Belthasar, you're still recovering from the massive injuries you sustained. You will still need time to rest." The nurse, was in effect confining Elthas to bed rest. A place he did not want to be.

Elthas looked at the nurse and nodded, but his eyes told all. Filled with pain, his eyes seemed to reflect the torment that he was undergoing. He wasn't yet ready to get out of bed and explore the Terrentius Estate. The place Elthas currently called home. Elthas saw Hylda Terrentius by his bed side, sleeping in a comfortable leather chair. Elthas noticed Seth talking to one of the other healers present, and smiled at Seth, attempting to hide his pain. Elthas observed the actions of his old friend.

Elthas noticed that Seth was already looking in his general direction. He had a stern expression on his face. Elthas watched as Seth dismissed the healer so that he could back to his duty, and then Seth approached Elthas.

"How do you feel?" Seth Terrentius asked.

"Like I got electrocuted..." Elthas growled. He'd felt better and been better in his life.

"I have just received your diagnosis." Elthas noticed that Seth, as always, was right to the point. A professional minded person, Seth was a ranking officer within that chapter of the Syndicate's organization. Elthas then noticed that Seth was holding a thick folder filled with various papers, likely his own case file. "Things are not looking good, my boy." Seth began. "However, you are recovering with tremendous speed. The injury did not rupture any major organs, but the burns themselves will scar up." Seth said. "Furthermore there's a complication." Elthas saw that Seth had the folder open in his hands, and was flipping through the leaves of Elthas's current condition. "When the Paladins under Welkan's care struck you, they struck truer than we all thought." Seth said. "Your injuries, all though quite serious, are not fatal. Several of the Paladin's attack marks will scar up as well." Seth continued. "But at least you are expected to recover with an extra week of rest."

Elthas nodded. The damned squires were pretty good for their skill level, they got their licks in. But in the end, I captured Welkan alive, that was the critical key of the adventure. Getting the rat bastard myself. Elthas listened as Seth Terrentius spoke to him in a soft voice. As he waited to hear the good news/bad news, the nurse from earlier checked on the bandages wrapped around his rib cage. Elthas turned his attention back to Seth.

"As long as you rest and allow the healers to do their jobs, you will recover to your full strength." Seth paused for a moment. "Elthas, why did you go after Welkan in the first place? He was a priority mark..."

"I wanted to challenge myself." Elthas said in a low voice. "Welkan was a worthy opponent. In the end, I managed to eek out a victory." Elthas felt tired and exhausted from the pain. "It wasn't a result of Welkan's attacks that actually did the brunt of the damage." Elthas said. "It was that woman..." Elthas frowned, and in his mind's eye he saw the face of Herratya, cold and beautiful.

"The elemental..." Seth Terrentius said carefully. "Elthas...what will you have us do about her? We can't very well have an enemy of the Syndicate running loose out there."

"Let her go." Elthas said, he felt very tired.

"I don't follow." Seth frowned.

"It's that simple. She'd just kill you all and then everything we are working to build would be gone forever." Elthas explained. "She is powerful, she is not an ordinary woman, and is capable of tremendous skill." Elthas was afraid of Herratya. "I am certain if she were to have been trying, she would have succeeded in killing me and Hylda." Elthas said. "As it turned out, Hylda was the target, I simply prevented a disaster from occurring."

"So you are saying we shouldn't send operatives after her?" Seth clearly did not like Elthas's reasoning. "Elthas, she almost killed you...she is dangerous and I am not certain your thoughts are clear on this matter."

"They are. My concern is for you and Hylda." Elthas said. "I could not bare the thought of losing either of you." Elthas meant that. Elthas continued. "I have witnessed their power first hand." Elthas said. "They can do things, and are not bound to the same code of conduct or morale values that we are bound to. That's why I strongly urge you to just leave her alone." Elthas said.

"I am afraid that is not possible." Hylda suddenly said rising from her chair. "The orders have been carried out already."

Elthas sighed. "I really wish you wouldn't have done that..." Elthas said but let it go. Herratya's fate was no longer in his hands. He looked at Hylda. "Hylda, I hope you realize that going after her is suicide. She is not the only one of her kind." Elthas said. He recalled meeting Herratya's leaders and several other powerful elementals of the Tap.

"I have a plan in place. It was how I was able to send you after that bastard, my former husband." Hylda said.

Elthas knew that expression on her face well. She was scheming, and she was planning. He sighed again. They won't listen to reason and will risk sending operatives after her...there are hundreds of them...

"Elthas." Seth said. "You are part of the contingency plan. When you recover your strength your next assignment will be to assist in the capturing of the woman who assaulted you." Seth continued. "When you fully recover, I will explain everything to you."

Elthas shook his head. "I really wish you would have discussed this with me first..." Elthas said.

"Theo has approved this mission himself." Seth said sternly. "You will have vast resources at your disposal..."

04-06-13, 01:33 PM
"I refuse to put myself at risk." Elthas suddenly said. It is a direct order from Theo himself, but I don't care. Elthas slumped down back in bed and turned his attention to Seth. "Seth. I strongly advise you to let Herratya and her people go. They are from The Tap and are capable of tremendous atrocities. They do not have the same laws or morale values we might have." Elthas was trying to get Seth to see the light. They were both set in their ways, Seth and Theo, but a Syndicate operative's rank held great sway over the decision making process. Elthas as attempting to reach Seth's saner side. I saved him once before, I am attempting to save him again. Theo I don't care so much about, but he is a valuable Syndicate member. Leaders cannot be replaced all though blades are expendable. Elthas was thinking to himself as a dread silence filled the chamber. His head was against the soft and fluffy pillow, he turned his body slightly so that he could look at Seth as he spoke to him.

A smell of incense filled the room. Elthas inhaled that sweet scent, letting the texture and aroma of the incense smoke touch his sensitive nostrils. It felt good to breathe in such a clean scent. Elthas closed his eyes for a moment as he waited for Seth's response. It never came. Instead, Seth turned around and left the room. Folder in his in his arms, as he left. Elthas looked at Seth leaving and sighed.

Hylda sat back down next to Elthas and took his hands in her own. "Elthas. I think you may have been a little bit harsh back there." She said carefully.

"But I was speaking the truth, which is what counts. I see Seth as a Father. I always have." Elthas frowned a he felt the last remnants of pain coursing through his body, attempting to cling to him. Elthas suddenly wished he had some of that healing power, the spells of his people. It would have helped his current situation. It's too late now, I have no knowledge of sorcery. Elthas thought to himself. "Either way, I will advise Theo and Seth not to pursue this mission when I fully recover. If they have already sent agents after Herratya, I shall pray for the safety of their souls." Elthas frowned deeply. He did not like knowing that some of his comrades would ultimately be sent to their doom. On the account of faulty leadership. It pisses me off that they don't like to listen to their own. Syndicate law dictates their decision making process is final. There's not much I can do here if they have indeed put the gears to work. Elthas moved his body so that he was once again looking up at the ceiling. His body felt heavy, and his heart seemed to be filled with lead.

He sighed.

"What's wrong?" Hylda asked.

"Everything." Was Elthas's last comment before he went back to a deep sleep.


Once Elthas fully recovered, on a Tuesday afternoon, he was getting dressed and stretching. He felt like he'd slept peacefully for a long time, probably a few months. He wasn't entirely certain. He looked at Hylda who rarely left his side, and happened to be there when he awoke. The cold floor felt rough against his bare feet. He liked putting on his shoes last, they would feel comfortably warm against his bare feet. He was putting on a fully repaired suit, it was a simple tuxedo uniform that he enjoyed wearing quite often. The jacket was single breasted, and a simple black color. His pants were also black slacks, he didn't wear ties very often. But sometimes he did. He placed his white long sleeved shirt on properly. And as he dressed himself, Hylda watched. Elthas carefully buttoned up his shirt, and put cufflinks on. He liked dressing to impress, it was part of who he was now.

Elthas grabbed his top hat, tapped it a few times, and placed it where it was best suited. He tilted the top hat, out of habit, at ever so slight a forty five degree angle. Elthas looked at Hylda once he moved to put on his socks and boots. "Feels good to get out of bed after such a long time being out of action."

"I'm sure it does." To Elthas, Hylda seemed a little distant and much more quiet than normal. "Elthas. What will you do now?" She asked.

"I have something I have to take care of." Elthas said. "It's important and I will clear it with Seth and Theo. I may be gone for a time. But you're welcome to accompany me if you wish." Elthas suggested.

Hylda laughed, but not in any sinister fashion. "I like the idea of traveling with you actually. I am sorry I couldn't go with you to hunt the Welkan fellow down." Hylda was referring to Elthas's most recent mission.

"You would have gotten hurt." Elthas said. "I wouldn't live with myself if I know you ever got hurt like I was." Elthas continued. "But yes, I have something I have to take care of and would like you by my side." Elthas said. "I want you to meet my family." Elthas suddenly became very, very serious.

"Your family...?" Hylda repeated. She seemed confused. "Oh you mean your actual family. You never talked about them in this way before, in fact you hardly ever talk about them at all."

"Truth be told, I don't like even thinking about them. The life I left behind..." Elthas felt a shiver go up his spine. "...But something important has come up and I must return to the land of my birth and take care of some matters. You could meet my Mother, she is a great chef."

Elthas noticed that Hylda was very thoughtful as he spoke. "Your...Mother." Hylda said. "Very well, Elthas. I shall accompany you as your companion and mate. It will be a constructive learning experience."

"Thank you Hylda Terrentius." Elthas kissed her on the forehead, holding her close. "Now. I believe there is a matter we need to discuss with Seth and Theo, is there not?" Elthas asked.

She nodded. "I believe there is." She said. "They are waiting for you in the meeting hall."

05-02-13, 03:26 AM
Elthas, still feeling somewhat sore, was relived that he was no longer bed ridden. He took a look around his bed chambers, the bed had an well made canopy that reflected a style of Corone art. The style was popular a few hundred years ago, Elthas was an artist and knew his art history as a result. He liked to collect the finer things in life, and often purchased pieces of art that were tasteful, and sometimes, rare. He looked at the designs of the bed posts for a few moments. They had beautiful patterns in the material of a natural composition. He smiled despite being so sore, and in considerable amounts of pain. He was only able to walk around for the first time after months of rehabilitation and rest. For a moment, as he stared at the patterns of the material that the columns were made of, his mind cleared. He saw a quick flash of the woman, Herratya.

With Hylda Terrentius by his side, Elthas made his way to the gathering hall where Seth and Theo awaited. A part of him dreaded what was likely about to occur. I am a senior member of The Syndicate's military wing. I deserve some time off. But that is likely not what will be discussed. I have saved not one, but two, senior members of The Syndicate in recent years...Hylda being the most recent. Elthas frowned. He walked with a cane as his body was still adjusting to being out of bed. He had slept for many weeks while he recovered his strength. Elthas sighed heavily.

"You're nervous." Hylda suddenly said. "Relax, this is not like you."

"I cannot help it. I have been in the bed now for Thaynes know how long. I can't imagine that Seth or Theo have some good news for me at this point." Elthas pointed out. "It was my fault that Herratya was here to begin with..." Elthas sighed. He hated having had to have been so weak when he first encountered the elementals.

"Don't worry about it." Hylda responded. "You handled everything well, and upheld the values of a Syndicate agent." Hylda smiled. "I am still alive because of your heroics." Hylda became serious. "When you are done discussing things with our Sires, I have something I need to discuss with you." She smiled, bowed and parted ways with Elthas.

That can't be good... Elthas sighed. He walked into the gathering hall where the large, solid oak table was present. Classic chandeliers hung from the ceiling, and several book cases were present. They contained various scrolls and tomes dealing with Syndicate business. Elthas bowed towards Seth and Theo as well as he could manage.

"Master Seth, Master Theo." Elthas said carefully.

He took a seat by the two of them. They were discussing serious matters by the looks of the documents on the the long table. There were several folders, with what appeared to be dossiers spread out before the two leaders.

"Ah. Young Sir Elthas." Seth was speaking. Seth was wearing his silver colored hair loose, but well combed. Seth adjusted his glasses. "I am glad to see you have recovered in due order."

"You are too kind." Elthas said.

"There is a matter that needs to be discussed, Elthas my boy." Seth said. Theo was very quiet, he was reading some of the documents.

Theo suddenly spoke. "The woman." He said carefully. "Several witnesses claimed that she opened a gate of considerable potency when you two arrived here from Scara Brae." Theo said. "The gate is not what the concern is..."

Elthas frowned. I hope they do not intend to follow standard Syndicate operation here...Herratya could single handedly wipe us all out if she wished it...but still. She held back and I am still alive.

"We cannot close the gate." Theo said carefully. "It has been there, intact, since you arrived. Some of our best wizards are unable to tamper with it's basic structure."

"Magic..." Elthas frowned. "I do not wish to speak of it."

"There is another concern, Elthas." Theo said casually. There was no hostility in his voice. "How did you meet this woman in the first place? You detailed a lot of things in your debriefing report. But that itself, is still a mystery."

"I don't want to talk about it." Elthas suddenly said.

"You have no choice in the matter. Elthas, things are riding on your tactical data. I need to know exactly what we are dealing with here." He said.

Elthas sighed. This is gonna be a long day... "I was not aware of the gate being there, as I have not been outside yet. But I can attest that Herratya will simply just wipe us all out without restraint."

"She has a name?" Theo suddenly asked. "You did not include that in your report."

"I have a reason for that." Elthas responded. "I did not want to give out information dealing with her directly if I knew it was going to put more Syndicate Agents at risk. Theo. She is capable of killing a man in an instant...very painfully I might add." He said.

"How did you meet her?" Theo asked. "We need this information."

"You are aware of why I went to Scara Brae in the first place, correct?" Elthas asked of Theo and Seth.

"I am." Seth responded. Theo simply nodded.

"I was trying to gather information on the where about of that bastard, Welkan Vennard." Elthas recalled the adventure that lead him to battle the paladin, and son of clan Vennard. There were a long series of events that lead him to actually be on Scara Brae in the first place. Hunting Welkan Vennard was the main reason for it all. When Elthas first met Herrtya, it was on opposite ends of the battlefield. She had proven to be a powerful adversary up until the last portion of the event. She'd manipulated Elthas and a group of strangers to attempt to steal a bunch of horses from the stables of the castle in Scara Brae. They were promised rewards, all Elthas wanted was information leading to the capture of Welkan Vennard.

Instead, Herratya had set them up and caused a blaze to erupt in the location they had set up as a temporary base. Furthermore, Herratya killed several of their horses, and several guards. Despite that, Elthas was able to win her allegiance over. In exchange, Herratya gave Elthas the information he sought.

Elthas explained those events to Theo and Seth.

"The Tap!?" Seth suddenly said. Elthas could see the expression of fear on the old man's face. "The Tap was destroyed..."

"The account is wrong." Elthas said. "The Thayne do walk the mortal coil still and live amongst us...The Tap exists and has many ways to access it's resources. Herratya, her people, have a small tribe. A community where they all live. Guys, there are several scores of them. All with unique power and power levels."

"They have a leader...?" Theo asked. His lips subtly quivered with fear.

"They do." Elthas explained. "I will not reveal his name for your protection and safety."

"I understand." Theo said. He turned his attention to Seth. "Seth tell the man what must be done."

"If they are hostile as you say they are, and dangerous...we need to find a way to seal that gate before they invade our property on Herratya's behalf." Seth said.

"I wasn't even aware that the gate remained behind." Elthas sighed. There's always a fucking problem. "Before you close it, I need to seek her out. One last time." Elthas said.

"Why?" Seth responded.

"There is a matter that needs doing..." Elthas had unfinished business in Scara Brae. "I also want to make certain that you guys allocate resources for Davys." Davys was chapter house leader of The Syndicate branch in Scara Brae. "I promised I would see that matter through with you." There is another matter. Herratya has that mystical harp. If she has figured out how to use it by now... Elthas shuddered. I don't like having to deal with loose ends. Especially when I have to go back home. Back to the depths of Concordia Forest...

05-03-13, 11:05 AM
"Your concern for Davys is noted." Theo said.

Elthas had always had a hard time liking Theo Terrentius. The man was cold and sometimes brutal, but not entirely heartless. If it benefited The Syndicate, Theo would see it done. Elthas long studied the dynamics of the relationship between Seth and Theo. The two brothers were interesting men to simply observe and learn from. They'd been through several wars and many disasters in Corone proper. Both had been skilled Adventurers in their day, but were since retired for old age. Elthas often wondered if they would risk coming out of retirement to protect The Syndicate.

"If he requires extended resources I shall allocate what we can." Theo added after a few moment's pause. "This matter concerning your debriefing troubles me greatly, Elthas." Theo added. "If we cannot get this gate closed, I fear an all out attack with these elementals may be imminent." Theo's voice was grave. "You would have it so that we do not take the preemptive strike on them, I take it?" Theo said.

Elthas shook his head in the negative. "No. It would be suicide, for even our most skilled Magi." Elthas continued. "I have seen what they are capable of doing first hand. This is a serious problem that doesn't just affect us. They have a plan of some sort..." Elthas shivered physically at the thought. He didn't know what the elder of the elementals had in mind when they had accompanied for his battle against the paladin. "I think I may have helped them achieve at least a portion of their plan. I doubt they assisted me in the battle against that paladin for charity. They were after something." Elthas frowned, in the moment he wished he would have had the foresight necessary to at least question the motives of the elementals in helping him out. They were after something. The question is, what would interest an elemental of The Tap so much? Elthas was deep in thought.

There were matters that needed consideration at that point, Syndicate matters.

Theo spoke. "Elthas, if an attack is imminent what would you have us do?"

"Our fist priority should be to protect our assets." Elthas said. He continued. "We need that gate sealed. I know someone who may be able to help with that. If we can't seal it, we may be able to use it for our advantage if they chose to lead an assault against us." Elthas pointed out. "I think if they do strike, Herratya would not use the same gate against us. They'd likely open up another close by."

"So the gate at our doorstep is not just a coincidence?" Theo said.

"Likely not. It could be a sign of things to come." Elthas said. He sighed, he was feeling depressed. I do not want to ever have to fight her, Herratya, but this is no longer up to me. If The Syndicate makes a decree of war, I will of course, fight. "I can get a certain person I know to assist us." There were two possibilities, but Elthas really did not want to consider the second one. The first one, was asking the elder of the village he grew up in. The main concern, was he knew how The Elven leaders operated. Just like The Syndicate, Elthas would have to exchange a favor for a favor. Damned politics. There's always something to get in the way. Everybody always has to ask for something in exchange. It doesn't matter how big or small that something is. "There is another matter we need to discuss." Elthas suddenly said.

"Go on." Theo responded, Seth was unusually quiet. "You may speak freely, you have earned that right."

"I recently stumbled upon a matter that may be of some concern to us all." Elthas considered what he was about to tell them very carefully. "During one of my most recent missions, the job against The Duke you sent me on a few months prior, I left something out of my reports." Elthas continued. "This is a matter that has been on my mind because of the gate." Elthas paused for a moment and looked at Theo. Elthas had a very serious expression on his face. "The Necromancer, Xem'Zund was spotted in the area. Lurking about Yarborough district..." Elthas sighed. He knew how they would react.

"Bullshit." Theo said. "Now, Elthas, there's no need to make up-"

Elthas suddenly slammed his fist against the table. He was angry. "You know that I do not lie. I'm a lot of things. But a liar is not one of them, don't you ever insult me like that again!" Elthas had long expected loyalty from Theo and Seth. Seth yes, but he was never entirely certain about Theo. "I can show you where he is currently lurking on a map."

"And what would you have us do about him?" Theo asked. "This does not bode well for any of us if he is indeed in Corone..."

"Let me worry about that. I am trying to buy us a sanction..." If the bastard does attack at least we will be protected. Should I warn the local authorities about this? "I should further note that it was the physical necromancer himself. But rather, a shade. He did have a large contingency of aides with him...but not adequate enough for an invasion force. Appeared to be a scouting party of some sort."

"I have some contacts in Radasanth. I will notify them of this." Theo said. "I will take your word for it, because this is you. Any other man would be immediately let go. We do not insult other cultures despite our differences with them. Their losses, or their wars." Theo, of course, was referring to the recent razing of Raiaera at the hands of Xem'Zund. "Because of the nature of this matter, I will ask one of thing of you, Elthas."

"Name it." Elthas responded.

"Do not tell just anybody about this matter. Only tell people we can trust until we can assess how severe the situation is. Am I understood?" Theo asked.

"Perfectly." Elthas responded. "Insofar as the gate goes, I will need for you to buy me some time. I have to travel to the depths of Ruild, and seek out my people. They should surely have someone on hand capable of utilizing the old magic."

"Very well. Just be aware that we are pressed for time if they are indeed planning an assault on us." Theo said.

"I know. Time is always against us." Elthas said. He stood up.

"Will that be all?" Theo asked.

"I know what I must do." Elthas responded. "Give me time is all I ask. And make sure your Mages are studying that thing. Give them strict orders not to tamper with it until I return."

"Fair enough." Theo said. "Elthas." Theo said. "Hurry, all right? May The Thayne guide your steps to a quick solution."

Elthas was already on his way. He bowed to his leaders. "I shall return as soon as I am able to. I am faster on foot, than on horse back. I will be back swiftly as I can." With that, Elthas was on his way.

Elthas saw that Hylda was waiting for him outside of the main building of The Terrentius Estate. She was dressed for a journey. Elthas sighed. "You ready?" He asked.

"Of course." She responded. "Did you get everything done that you needed to?"

"The reports are all in, but time is an issue. I will carry you if need be, but I must move as quickly as I am able to." Elthas said.

"No need for you to carry me." Hylda added. "Lisa!" Hylda called out to one of the many workers on the estate's property. A girl responded and had a fine brown-hued mare in tow. Elthas knew that horse as one of Hylda's favorite in their stock. Hylda had already prepared the horse for the long journey and saddled up. She looked towards Elthas. "Think you can keep up?" She asked.

"We'll see." He grinned. Then took off at best speed.

Hylda took off after Elthas at a quick trot, but not at best speed. She wanted to conserve her animal's strength for the long road ahead.

05-06-13, 01:14 AM

It was home for The Elves, and Elthas was no different. Though he abandoned the way of his people long ago, he never lost what made him uniquely an Elf. His body was connected to the forest in a way that was almost profound. Elthas could feel the pain of the forest, thanks to his enhanced senses. The world of Althanas was suffering, suffering for the sins of man. Elthas paused periodically to listen to the ebb of Ruild. It was quiet, not as loud a song as normal. Elves could hear the sounds of the wild lands, the songs in the wind, the call of the various elemental forces of the world. Elthas was listening for clues as to the nature of Ruild's suffering. Forests were an ecosystem of unique life forms, connected through an energetic bond. A pulse called The Life Stream.

Elthas felt the wind more than he heard it. Swirling through his hair, the tendrils of the wind as he ran lifted his hair and gave it volume. Elthas ran at an impressive speed on foot, capable of running faster than Hylda and her horse. He did not go too far ahead of his companion at any time. He kept relatively close to her, scouting ahead for any signs of danger.

Elthas narrowed his eyes as he listened to the calls of Ruild. Their destination was in an especially dangerous sector of the forest. I am not certain how they will react upon seeing me...I am not certain if they are, in fact, expecting me. There were too many variables, and Elthas knew that they would expect a favor of some sort from him. Elthas had to ask his people for help...always a difficult task. We got to find a way to at least shut the gate down before it becomes a serious problem. I have to warn my people about Xem'Zund. There is a concern that is not Syndicate business. I must act on my own here to do what is ultimately the correct thing to do.

All though Elthas was inherently an evil person, that did not make him a rat bastard. Elthas followed a strict code of conduct. He always accepted responsibility for all of his actions, be they good or bad. I am the only one who has my own back in the end. I am only as good as my skill with my blades...that's what I have to keep telling myself. That's the sole reason I am here. Honor. Not loyalty. Pure, fucking honor. Normally, I wouldn't give two shits about these people I am about to visit, but family is family. And I have unfinished business to take care of. Unfinished business in my house. I don't want them to think I'm back home to inherit shit. Their problems are their problems, but the bastard who did my Father in...must pay. Elthas was a vengeful person at times, and could hunt a mark to the ends of time.

Elthas ran towards a particular section of the forest. Keeping off the roads, and trails that he knew about. He hadn't been in Ruild in some time, and he had to look for some of the trails. His feet lightly touched the ground as he ran, careful to avoid making any sound. He wasn't moving too far ahead of Hylda Terrentius when he suddenly stopped. His sharp ears detected something off to the east. Elthas raised his hand in a fist, signalling Hylda to stop. She did a few paces behind him. Elthas turned towards Hylda, and drew his daggers.

"We're not alone." Elthas called out towards her.

"I am aware." She responded.

"Good." He said. "It's probably too late to double back."

Elthas made his way towards Hylda Terrentius, his eyes darting from place to place. Large blades of grass were especially thick in that sector of Ruild. Elthas helped Hylda to dismount from the horse. A few moments later, he heard it.

"Elthas, is that a horn?" Hylda called out, she was looking about for the source of the noise.

"It's a battle horn..." Elthas cursed. Is this a set up? Did I just walk into a trap?! Elthas suddenly saw the heat signature of several Elves. They had surrounded the area that Elthas and Hylda were in. He saw them hidden in the bushes with just enough cover to hide their forms in dark. Only the glimmer and shine of sharp arrow tips hinted at the positions of their owner. "Hylda. Lower your weapon..." Elthas said quietly.

Hesitating, she looked at Elthas. "They are aiming theirs at us..."

"I know!" Elthas swore. "If we play this just right, I think we can get out unscathed. Just trust me here, lower your weapon." Elthas did the same, rotating his daggers and sheathing them in a smooth movement.

"You've got a lot of nerve." The voice belonged to a veteran elf, that emerged from the forest. Seemingly detaching himself from it. The newcomer looked Elthas dead in his eye, completely ignoring Hylda. "State your business, exile." The newcomer held an elven sword in his hand, the grip held tightly.

Elthas growled. "I am here to see Elder Xu." Elthas continued. "I was summoned on official business." It was a gamble, Elthas knew.

"I hope you're prepared for what you're about to face, exile." The Elf said, disdain in his voice. "Things have changed whilst you were away."

"I am aware." Elthas responded. They were both speaking in the Ruildian Elf tongue. "Nevertheless, I have unfinished business to take care of. Once that's settled, I am out of here and you won't ever have to see me again."

The Elf who was staring at Elthas considered the exchange carefully. "Who is the woman?" He asked.

"My mate." Elthas responded quite simply. "I wanted to show her the ways of our people..."

"Which you abandoned, exile." The Elf pointed out.

Elthas sighed. "Will you let me conclude the business I have come for?"

"Elder Xu has been expecting you." The Elf said carefully. Then, pointed his weapon at Elthas.

"I am not here to fight..." Elthas said. "Jyn, I am here simply to tie up loose ends and be done."

"Elthas." For the first time, Jyn addressed Elthas by name. "Our Father is dead." He revealed. "Killed during The Civil War...he never reached adequate rank to be remembered as a Hero."

"I am also aware of this matter. That is why I have returned." Elthas looked at Jyn, who was in fact, Elthas's biological brother. "Jyn, I have received a Spirit Quest. It is how Elder Xu contacted me, and why I am here." Elthas revealed.

Jyn shook his head. "Father is dead. And it is your fault. When you left, many of our people became emboldened to trust the Humes." Jyn shook his head. "The Humes are frail allies. They are friends one moment, and will stab your spine the next." Jyn kept his eyes on Elthas. "Because of your actions, many began to question Elder Xu's wisdom. The way of our people. Several skilled hunters also left our community shortly after what you did." Jyn explained. "Many were killed during the war." He looked at Elthas.

"What does their choices have anything to do with me?" Elthas said suddenly as he looked at Jyn.

"Everything!" Jyn suddenly became furious. "Elthas. They were set up by The Empire. Our people were set up by The Empire. We lost many in an ambush when a traitor was revealed. And Father, Halm, fought to the bitter end. He was labeled a heretic, and a rebel to the crown. They gave him the burial and treatment of a common criminal!" Jyn yelled.

"Jyn." Elthas began. "Listen to me very closely." His eyes narrowed. "The Empire betrayed everyone. Not just our people. Not just Father. From all walks of life, they tried to destroy freedom." Elthas shook his head. "I regret that I was unable to be there when Father died, but I had my own problems to deal with." Elthas looked at Jyn. "Please let me through to the village, so that I can take care of what I need to. Then I can be on my way."

Jyn considered Elthas's words. "Exile." Jyn began. "If you leave after this you won't ever return?"

"I swear it." Elthas said. "On the word of The Thayne." Elthas added.

"Very well." Jyn, who was Elthas's brother, said. "You may conduct your business with Elder Xu. Get matters in Clan Belthasar settled, and then be on your way." Jyn looked at Hylda Terrentius with an almost cold expression. "I must warn you. SHE is not safe in the village..."

"Noted." Elthas said. "Jyn..." Elthas looked at his brother. "I am truly sorry for what befell our people. But I cannot change who I am."

05-07-13, 11:40 PM
"Stay close to me." Elthas said to Hylda who simply nodded in response. Elthas watched her, her eyes were focused on the battle-hardened Elves that were accompanying Jyn. Elthas had no way of knowing what she was actually thinking. By The Thayne, I hope I have not placed you in any danger. Not after last time... Elthas thought to himself as he walked past Jyn. He stared intensely at Jyn as the two made eye contact. Elthas saw something in Jyn's green eyes, something akin to fury. Pure psychotic fury. Elthas met Jyn's stare with a cold expression. Neither hate, nor wrath. But something akin to a dead emotion. A coldness. Elthas narrowed his eyes as he looked at Jyn. Elthas purposefully kept himself between Jyn and Hylda. If he's planning something I must be quick in knocking them out... Elthas thought to himself. Surprisingly enough, the attack never came. Soon, they had cleared the scouting party and that was that.

But Elthas did not breathe easier. His chest was tense, and he was angry, profusely angry. Not exactly the kind of home coming I was expecting. I am treading on dangerous grounds, especially if I am seeking to ask them a favor... Elthas thought to himself.

"That was your brother?" Hylda asked five minutes later.

"He was." Elthas said. "Since the night I saved Seth Terrentius, I have not made any effort to contact my people. I do not know what has transpired while I have been away." Elthas wanted to turn back. He felt a sudden pang of danger all around him. However, he ignored it. There was business that needed doing, Syndicate business. Elthas listened to the wind as he walked, he did not want there to be anymore surprises. His heart was heavy but he did not show it in his face. His eyes held that certain intensity that revealed itself whenever he focused on a task.

Elthas wondered for a moment what Hylda must have been feeling. I was the one who convinced her to come. I wanted her to meet my mother. Damn. Maybe that wasn't such a good idea after all... He turned his gaze towards the nearby town. Elven towns were not towns in the conventional sense, but rather built into the forest of Ruild itself. Elthas knew the layout of the town through and through, an Elf never forgot the forest of his birth. No matter how hard he tried. Elthas realized how profound the connection to his birthplace was the moment he returned to it. It was a living, breathing organism. The air itself was touched by the energies of Ruild, the energies of The Thayne. Elthas watched the denizens of the town as he arrived. Angry eyes turned his way, each one an accusation. Each one a trial, each one a revelation of the suffering his people had seen. Elthas had two goals in mind when he walked into the town, the first one guided his legs to the house of Elder Xu.

Elthas saw the hollowed out oak tree, fashioned into a stylized house. The entrance was an simple door, built into the surface of the tree. The tree itself, was very large. One of the majestic trees. Each Elf picked a very specific tree that they bonded with to make their home out of. It was an exchange. Elves actually conducted a rite to exchange some of their own life essence with the tree they chose, and vice versa. Elthas had never completed his training with the arcane arts. He never found his tree to call home.

There were two guards standing outside of Elder Xu's house. Elthas approached with Hylda by his side. The guards stared grimly at him.

"Halt. Exile." One of the guards said. "State your business."

"I am here to see Elder Xu. My business is not with you, please stand aside." Elthas said grimly. His patience with being home was wearing thin, and he was no longer attempting to hide it. There was no need for formalities, they were at a time of war.

"You surely must have seen Captain Jyn Belthasar on your way here?" The guard asked, confirming Jyn's identity as Elthas's brother.

"I did." Elthas said.

"And you still try to walk amongst us as an equal?" The guard asked.

Elthas's eye twitched subtly. "Regardless. I must speak to Elder Xu, and then I shall be on my way from here."

"Matters are not that simple, exile." The guard said. "The Elder IS here, but I am afraid I cannot simply allow you through to see him."

"Why is that?" Elthas, took a step forward, towards the guards. He would bash their faces in if need be. Hylda remained by his side. Thaynes bless her for being brave. Thaynes bless her for putting up with me...

"You see a favor from Elder Xu do you not?" The guard asked.

Elthas nodded. "That is one reason I am here. But more so than that, it involves my family. It involved my Father!" Elthas was losing his patience, when it dealt with personal matters of family...Elthas had a hard time restraining himself.

Suddenly, the guard laugh. "The hour is late, exile." He shook his head as he spoke to Elthas. "You have come after the fact. Likely you could have prevented Halm's death." The guard walked towards Elthas, unsheathing his weapon. An Elven battle spear. "I will not ask you more than once. You are not welcome here exile. Please leave-" Then someone cut the guard off.

"Elthas!" It was Elder Xu calling out the bounty hunter's name. Out of the house that the guards were stationed at, Xu emerged. He was an old Elf with platinum hair. Short and spiky, dressed in the attire of an Elf. He wore a simple green robe, his eyes were silver in tone. He had long, thick eyebrows, and a well combed beard. The color of the beard matched his hair. The two guards immediately bowed before Elder Xu. "You have come!"

Whereas the two guards bowed, Elthas nodded. It was enough. Elthas did not hold his allegiance to Elder Xu like they did. He was a Syndicate operative, and his allegiance was to them. "Xu..." Elthas began. "It has been a long time."

"It has." The two men shook hands. "Who is this?" Elder Xu looked at Hylda Terrentius for a long moment.

"My mate." Elthas responded. He looked at Hylda with profound respect. "Go ahead, you have the stage now." Elthas told her.

Elthas was amused that it took a moment for her to compose herself, when she was normally ready to take center stage. She must be very nervous, who can blame her though? Elthas thought to himself.

"My name is Hylda Terrentius." She said plainly. "I am pleased to make your acquaintance, Elder."

"Xu is fine, dear lady." Elder Xu responded. He was the only one of the Elven folk who had shown Elthas even of hint of kindness. "Elthas, forgive the manners of my subordinates. Tensions are high of late. And there is little room for chivalry." Xu said.

"Elder. My Father...Sir Halm. What happened to him?" Elthas asked. "You asked me to come, and now I have arrived. Tell me what happened to my Father!"

"Elthas." Xu began. "We had better go inside my place..."

"Very well." Elthas said, and they followed Xu back inside house. The guards remained on duty outside.

05-08-13, 12:15 AM
The inside of the Elder's house was just as massive as the oak tree appeared on the outside. There was a large and comfortable carpet that covered the simple floor of the structure. It was built into the inside of the tree, the trunk was hollowed out. It was very sturdy for walls, and so the Elves used the trees themselves to build their homes. The trees actually served as a way for the Elves to connect their entire community together. Like the trees were connected through energy, the Elves were also connected to each other. The Elves built specific paths and tunnels through the underground portion of the township, connected by the various network of tree roots. These paths were known only to the Elves and were as complex as they were beautiful. Elthas only knew certain of the passageways by heart, there were a number that were a mystery to him. Xu guided them to the central most section of his house, which was a small gathering chamber. It had a meditation rug set on the floor, and had the intense aroma of incense. Elthas noted two different brands of the substance, one was a popular variety of the cannibus herb.

Xu guided Elthas and Hylda towards the meditation rug. "Please, have a seat." Xu said. "Might I offer you some tea?" Xu asked.

"Something simple. A bit of honey if you don't mind." Elthas responded. He turned to look at Hylda Terrentius, and nodded towards her.

"Oh. I'll have the same as Elthas." She said carefully.

Elder Xu motioned for one of the servants in his house, and then asked her to prepare some tea and snacks. They did so without question. Elder Xu then returned towards Elthas and Hylda. He sat down on the meditation rug in front of them. He moved into the lotus position quite easily. "Elthas." Xu began. "Before I begin to explain what has happened here, I want you to know that you should visit your Mother as soon as you can." He said carefully. "We have been in great turmoil as a result of The Civil War in Radasanth."

"I am aware." Elthas responded. "I will speak with Mother as soon as I have conducted my business at Father's grave."

"Elthas..." Xu began. "I don't know how to put this lightly to you. But there is no body." Xu shook his head. "We were unable to recover his remains from where the battle took place."

"What!?" Elthas suddenly realized that a large part of his life had been a huge fuck up. How could I let this happen? Elthas sighed heavily. "If there is no body..." Elthas suddenly stood up. "My Mother!" He realized it all at once. "If my Mother does not have a Husband..."

"Sit down, Elthas." Xu commanded.

Elthas hesitated, but did so.

"You should be well aware of the laws of our people." Xu suddenly became very grim and serious. "A woman cannot hold the position of Patron."

"Tch..." Elthas was going to say something but didn't.

"Elthas. Clan Belthasar has been dissolved." Xu shook his head. "I did everything in my power to prevent it. Had you been here, you could have taken over leadership of your Clan without any trouble." Elder Xu sighed. "You were the heir to your legacy. Now that legacy is gone." Xu continued. "Elthas. About your Mother..."

"I would like to speak to her." Elthas said. "As soon as this can be arranged."

"I am afraid that is not possible." Xu said.

Elthas narrowed his eyes, and had a venomous expression on his face. "What...do you mean?" Elthas asked. He was unable to hold in the negative emotion he felt.

"She is no longer in the town. In fact, she is no longer recognized as one of her being being a lowborn without proper title of a Clan. She was placed into slavery..."

"No!" Elthas suddenly yelled. He stood up right there. "Elder, how could you allow this?!"

"It is the way of our people! Elthas, you were not here to prevent any of this from occurring." Xu continued. "Elthas, this happened about two years ago." He continued. "Your brother, Jyn, holds the position of Captain of the Guards because he worked hard to attempt to rebuild what was lost. He suffers though because of you." Xu shook his head. "You were too scared to embrace your birthright..."

Elthas suddenly slammed his fist against the ground. "Shut...the fuck up." He began. "Tell me where my Mother is, you son of a bitch."

"Elthas..." He heard Hylda's voice.

"What do you intend to do? She was sold to slavery. Do you intend to challenge our ways on top of abandoning us?" Xu asked. There was a certain sadistic quality of Xu's voice that Elthas had never heard before.

"No." Elthas said. "I came back here to tie up loose ends. And all I find is an old bastard clinging to archaic practices. I lost the respect of my household, not because of my own actions, but because of YOU." Elthas stood up. He looked at Hylda and nodded that it was okay for her to stand too. She did so. "All I need to know is where my Mother is. I have the power to save her on my own now." Elthas said.

Xu sighed. "Your Mother is the property of one of them ranchers on Yarborough district. Guy's name is Orng Thomas." Xu stood up. "Elthas, I hope you do not intend to start trouble with a known contributor to our way of life."

Elthas shrugged visibly. "You have sold my Mother to slavery. I intend to free my Mother. To hell with everything else." Elthas looked at Hylda and prepared to storm out of The Elder's house.

"Elthas!" Xu called out to him. "I couldn't prevent any of this from occurring!"

"Yes, you could have." Elthas responded back coldly. "Xu." Elthas began. "We're enemies now. The next time we meet, you will live to regret it."

"Be my guest." Xu responded back. "You are attempting to change that which is already set in stone."

"Wrong, Elder." Elthas said. "I write my own story." Elthas stormed out of the house with Hylda by his side. I need to get the hell out of here, I am not safe here. Hylda is not safe here...this has been a complete waste of time. Walking past the two guards, Elthas was relieved to feel the wind in his long hair. It brushed his skin. He looked at Hylda, and they both left the town.

It was as hollow as the trees...

05-10-13, 05:20 PM
As they walked back towards the general direction of Hylda's horse, Elthas was fuming. He did not look back once to the ancestral home of his people. A small part of him had expected to find something worthwhile in going back home, but instead, it was a complete disaster. Matters were placed on Elthas's shoulders. His heart was heavy as lead. He walked quickly, but somehow, consciously made effort to keep in pace with Hylda. He did not want to leave her alone there...with them around. Elthas looked at Hylda when they were several feet away from the township proper.

"I am sorry." Elthas said, he felt really terrible for having involved Hylda in that personal affair. "I did not know that this was going to turn out this way." Elthas was still brutally angry and his eyes reflected the pain in his heart. "All I wanted was for you to meet my Mother..." Elthas paused for a moment. "Mother..." He repeated. I will be the one to rescue you. "Hylda. I am going to take you home and then there is a matter I have to take care of. I thank you for accompanying me, I know it was very selfish of me to drag you out here."

"Elthas..." Hylda began. "I know that you have just learned something very difficult to grasp." Her expression was surprisingly calm. "I want you to always remember Syndicate precepts. You're a leading agent of our faction, and I need you to keep your wits about you." Hylda said.

"I know." Elthas sighed. "What would you have me do?" Elthas, despite being angry, respected Hylda's word because she was a ranking officer of The Syndicate.

"I would have you hesitate and allow me a moment or three to discuss matters with Seth." Hylda said. "If you give me this courtesy, I will accompany with you to rescue your Mother. But we must do so in accordance to Syndicate protocol..."

She is right of course. In my mind, I know she is right. It is just that... Before Elthas could respond, he noticed something out of place. "Jyn. Do you think I don't know you are there?" Elthas felt further insulted by the people he once called a family.

Elthas saw Hylda turn her attention to where Elthas was looking.

"Where do you think you're going?" Jyn asked. He walked towards Elthas, his weapon was drawn.

Elthas turned his attention towards Hylda. "Hylda. Run." Elthas ordered.

"She won't get far, you know that, Elthas. Why make such a command?" Jyn asked. "You and I. We have unfinished business." Elthas saw Hylda run off in the direction of her horse.

Run. Run Hylda, and don't look back. Elthas thought to himself. "We do have unfinished business, don't we?" Elthas said in response, he drew his daggers.

"At least working for those bastards hasn't sapped you of your bravery." Jyn said carefully. "Elthas. I have long awaited this day when I could have my revenge against you for what you've done."

"I'm surprised you're willing to act on your own, and not ask for permission from that bastard, Xu." Elthas said carefully. His eyes narrowed carefully. "Jyn. There is something you must know. I intend to rescue Mother." Elthas said.

"Really now?" Jyn responded. "Who do you think it was that had Mother sold to slavery in the first place..." Jyn said coldly.

"Tch--impossible." Elthas spat on the ground. "You couldn't have..."

"I did." Jyn said. "It was the only way I could save face in Elder Xu's eyes. I know Father would never have approved, but I didn't want our clan to get completely dissolved. Xu dissolved our Clan even after I sold Mother out." Shakes his head. "It's all a travesty if you ask me."

"I didn't ask you." Elthas said carefully. "I was hoping I could maybe attempt to repair the damage that was done to our people. But instead, matters are worse. I ask you one thing, brother. I ask for your help to redeem what we have lost..." Elthas was trying to reach Jyn if he could. There was still hope until a battle started...there was still hope.

"Did you not listen, Elthas?" Jyn said. "I sold that bitch to slavery. It was all my doing. It was the only way I was told I could save our Clan. Mother was always a whore, and I knew it too. It was so easy to find a new home for her, and she didn't even resist..." Jyn shook his head. "There can never be a peace between us Elthas. I hate you, I hate everything that we have become because of you. All I have suffered." Jyn said carefully. He held his blade pointed towards Elthas.

Elthas could feel Jyn's escort lurking about.I cannot kill him for obvious reasons. I do not want to kill him. He's an asshole, but he is still family. The only way I can do this is by knocking him out, or just by defeating him.

If I kill him, his lackeys will harm Hylda. They will also attempt on me. I can't afford this sort of trouble when I just want to rescue Mother. Elthas spoke. "So be it Jyn. If a fight's what you want, I won't give you quarter!"

"You are going to pay for everything that has happened to us, Elthas." Jyn rotated his longsword, and held the weapon's handle with both hands. Jyn lunged at Elthas...

05-18-13, 02:10 AM
"You have no honor." Elthas found himself saying. "You're the same as the bastards who killed Father. The fact that you'd attempt to kill me proves that." Elthas was furious. However, he needed to focus on the task at hand, and that was defeating Jyn Belthasar as soon as possible. I need to get to Hylda fast. I shouldn't have let her go on her own, but I had to take care of this jerk first. I trust in her Syndicate training, and expect her to stay alive long enough for me to rescue her. A few of these twerp scouts should be no match for a fully trained operative of The Syndicate. Elthas thought as he fought against his brother. There was one troubling thought that kept repeating itself over and over in his mind. I cannot kill him. I simply have to defeat, and that will be victory enough. In defeating him, I will be able to let go of the past and move on with my tomorrow... At least, that was the plan.

Elthas was hurting though. It was only a few minutes into the battle, and Elthas had taken a few serious wounds from Jyn's sword. A terrible gash trickled blood down his chest. Elthas still focused on the situation at hand, he knew Jyn was going to attempt to kill him. Family does not mean anything to these people. They have lost everything that made them honorable. They have suffered so much not because of me, but because of that damnable war. Elthas referred to the civil war in Radasanth.

Concentrating, Elthas shifted his body weight to the left, and evaded an incoming heavy attack. He's going to cut me to fucking shreds at this rate. I have to improvise! Elthas had always been quick to scheme, and quick to survive. His mind was his greatest weapon. Elthas wielded both of his daggers as if they were an extension of his very soul. He slashed underneath another incoming weapon strike, and the three blades connected at the center. Elthas had countered Jyn's last strike by shifting his position in such a way that he had lifted Jyn's weapon. Elthas shifted his body weight once again, and pulled, ripping the sword out from Jyn's strong grip. Jyn cursed. The blade rotated over the head of Elthas and landed a few paces away, to the east. Elthas kept moving.

In a fluid action, he swung his blade towards Jyn. The blade that he held in his left hand, and kept his other blade at the ready. Dual wielding was an art that provided a number of unique advantages. Countering with tremendous skill being one of the few. Elthas pointed his weapon at the throat of Jyn, his face twisted with a certain disdain for his brother. Elthas held his weapon a mere half and inch away from Jyn's throat. If he were so inclined, he would have ended Jyn right then. If he was another person, he would have.

"Yield." Elthas ordered.

"This is not over." Jyn replied plainly, but Elthas saw the defeat in the man's eyes. "You have won nothing."

"You really don't get this." Elthas said, and relaxed his stance, moving the blade away from Jyn. He rotated his daggers, and sheathed them. "I won, you live because I won't kill you. You were spared by the very man you hate the most." Elthas walked over towards Jyn's sword and picked it up and off the ground. "I don't expect you to understand now, but someday you will understand why I spared you." He walked back towards Jyn, and handed him back his weapon, handle pointed towards Jyn safely. Keeping his hand on the hilt of Jyn's weapon, he frowned when Jyn grabbed the weapon and attempted to pull.

"So mercy is it? I will have none of that!" With inhuman strength, Elthas was surprised as Jyn wrenched his weapon free from Elthas's hand. "You will be forced to kill me, you son of a bitch." Jyn yelled and ran towards Elthas with madness in his eyes.

"No." Elthas said quietly. "Your apportioned fate has already been decided you pathetic wretch." As Jyn blindly rushed Elthas, Elthas side stepped and moved away from the tip of Jyn's weapon. Jyn hit nothing but air. Elthas was through dicking around. Elthas unsheathed his daggers once more, freeing them from their scabbards and readying a combat stance. He rotated the blades so the handle faced forward, dangerous blunt weapons, and he swung towards Jyn's head...


Hylda Terrentius was a woman who had profound martial tactics. But she was concerned for the well being of her lover, Elthas Belthasar She was aware that several of Elthas's tribe had surrounded her and were readying weapons. She had no choice but to run as fast as she could, there were too many for her to face alone. Hylda ran for her life, when an arrow suddenly pierced her left knee. She fell forward in a panic. Her fancy hat hit the ground beneath her, and she gritted her teeth as she fell. The pain in her leg was tremendous as she knew that leg was now useless to her. Hylda drew the dagger she used as her favored weapon, it was powerfully enchanted. I will take as many of them with me as I can... Hylda wondered if she would ever see Elthas once more...


The two warriors were locked in a death grip. Elthas knew. He refuses to go down. The bastard. I have to give him credit for that. I cannot...I will not kill him...no matter what he has done. No matter what he was responsible for...I must abide by my code. Elthas and Jyn were locked in close quarters combat. They were both disarmed. Elthas's daggers rested on the ground nearby.

"I'm going to kill you with my hands, do you hear me!" Jyn yelled, his eyes held an almost inhuman rage in them. Elthas felt sorry for Jyn. Jyn had sold them all out, his clan. He sold Mother out... Elthas thought as he was suddenly punched in the face. Elthas did not expect the powerful fist to knock him down and off the ground. He fell to the side and landed on his knees.

"What the fuck!?" Jyn yelled. Another of Jyn's subordinates stood near to where Elthas had been hit. The newcomer was readying a weapon to finish Elthas off. "Steady your ground." Jyn commanded.

"Sorry Captain, but I have new orders." The elf said and prepared to send Elthas to The Great After.

"Xu!" Elthas heard Jyn yell.

"Sorry, Elthas. But this is end game." The newcomer said. It was one of Xu's subordinates, someone who should have followed Jyn's order. "You are not permitted to leave the village and cause trouble for us. I am hereby placing you under arrest."

Elthas laughed. He would not go quietly..."Give it your best shot." Elthas said as he rubbed his chin for a moment. A purple and blue welt had swollen on his jaw where the newcomer had struck him.

Solar Haven
05-19-13, 10:13 AM
Adonis sighed as he stood up, stretching, it was a beautiful day out. He had been lost inside this forest for what seemed like month's. He had to get out of here soon and get a new job, his wallet was getting pretty light.

“Kit, Where are ya boy?” Adonis asked as he looked around his make shift campground, the only thing that really stood out was the campfire. He had used the terrain around him, and what was laying around to make him blend in quite well. The Grundy around his campfire was quite barren of grass, showing what would on rainy days be a mud patch. He had a small makeshift tent strung up between two tree's hiding just under an embankment. Blending in so well that only veterans of the forest would realize something is out of place. Adonis had also placed a few logs on their side's near the campfire as a place to sit down and relax.

“There you are ...” Adonis started as he stopped mid-sentence and tilted his head at the same time Kit did,they both heard something off in the distance. Kit was an adorable Baby Arctic fox he had found one night after a mission, and they immediately bonded. Kit wouldn’t leave his side after Adonis had fed him. Adonis could feel two presences moving through the forest, but could only hear a set of hooves galloping through the forest.

“Kit, Can you go see what that is all about? Maybe it's a way out of this forest and possibly a way home?” Adonis said with a smile as he crouched down in front of the fox, affectionately scratching his head.

It made an acknowledging noise and quickly scurried off down after where the noise was coming from. Adonis stretched again and walked over to his makeshift tent grabbing his rucksack. He grabbed a few different kinds of fruit and vegetables he had found throughout the forest, snacking on some berries as he pushed the vegetables on sharp sticks to broil them over the fire.

After preparing some food for him and Kit, Adonis was worried that Kit had not come back. He threw some logs on the fire, to keep it going while he was gone. As he headed out in the direction Kit went.

After a few minutes he felt the presence of his familiar companion. “Kit where you been boy?” He asked with a smile as he turned to face the Fox. After seeing him his expression went cold, the fox was in a state of panic and was motioning for him to pick him up. Adonis bent over and picked up the fox placing him on his shoulder.

“Where to Kit?” Adonis asked as the only time he had been like this was to point Adonis to a village that was recently attacked by bandits and needed help rescuing people from burning houses, and digging out innocents from rubble.

Kit immediately tapped his right shoulder twice and looked dead ahead in that direction. Adonis had established that where Kit was facing was the direction he needed to go. Adonis took off in that direction as fast as he could, getting ready for combat. It was a worst case scenario but he would rather be prepared then be caught off guard.

He came to a clearing and paused to catch his breathe as he leaned against a tree, Kit started nibbling at his shoulder, trying to get his attention. Adonis looked up and saw a Young looking woman on the ground with an arrow in her knee, he looked around and saw a few elven scout's readying arrows for her. “Good boy Kit. Now stay here!” Adonis said as he grabbed him by the scruff of his neck and placed him behind a tree as he took off at a dead sprint. Only being noticed after the elves had released their arrows. He closed his eyes and opened up an Unwall in front of him, launching himself forward, he had never launched himself before and so was not use to the speed. He stumbled and shoulder rolled on the ground, stopping just in front of the woman, he threw up his hand as a giant wall of earth erupted from the ground around them, blocking the arrows.

“No time for pleasantries, gotta get you out of here!” Adonis said as he nodded at the woman, voices of confusion could be heard from the otherside of the wall of earth.

“what was that bright light just now?”

“Who care's about the light, what caused the earth to move like this?”

Adonis sighed and tried to think of a way out of this mess without loss of life, he looked back over to where kit was and sighed, it was too far to make a run for it. Plus these elves probably knew there way around the forest better then he did. He unclasped his sword and stood up. Haphazardly holding the hilt in his right hand as he molded some magic in his other hand causing it to glow a light blue.

The wall crumbled and it revealed a very nervous looking Adonis standing over the injured woman. As one of the elves started to speak Adonis realized he could use his Smooth rock's in his pouch that sat along his belt.

“You! Hume, What are you doing here?” One of the elves said as he pointed his sword at Adonis

“I was just going for a stroll through the forest when I noticed a rather peculiar sight, a handful of elven scouts attacking one human? A now injured human at that? And to top it all off, a woman...” Adonis voice was quite shaky as his knee's felt extremely weak. “so I came to the conclusion, you must be some kind of honor-less halfbreed. So I figured I would come teach you a lesson or two in honor”

Adonis could tell this infuriated the Elf, but before the elf could respond, and to show off in front of a few people. He grabbed the pebble from his pouch on his belt, and threw it towards the elf. Creating a Unwall in front of the rock, with a quick flash of white light, the rock went through the Unwall and struck the elf square in the chest. Knocking the wind out of him and causing him to fall backwards.

Adonis grabbed a handful of rocks from his pouch as he turned to face the other elves, he saw th archers start to knock another arrow, pointing them at him. He quickly tossed a rock at each elf opening an Unwall briefly as each rock left his hand. Knocking a few archer's out as Adonis collapsed to his knee's. He had never had to use this much magic in rapid succession before, he was breathing heavy and his vision was starting to blur. He had to get out soon, or he would be in worse shape then the woman he was trying to save.

He looked up and saw Kit trying to get his attention, trying to tell him to run. Adonis sighed as he heard one of the scouts rush in at him. He narrowly dodged one of the daggers, as he headbutted the scout as hard as he could. He had no sword fighting ability. The sword was only for intimidation.

As the scout was dazed from the headbutt, Adonis bent down and picked up the woman before taking off as fast as he could. Directly towards Kit. As they passed the tree Kit was hiding by, he jumped up and kicked off the tree, landing on the Woman's belly. She looked at the white fox startled for a minute, but after realizing it was friendly and probably the man's companion she relaxed.

After a few minutes Adonis hid behind some bushes, placing the woman down as he collapsed to the floor. Out of breathe and weak from over using his magic. His eyes were now very foggy and hard to determine what color they were. Kit kept licking Adonis' face, trying to make sure he was still conscious. After what felt like eon's Adonis got back up, and picked up the woman. Going straight to their campground. Upon arrival he quickly placed the woman under the shelter and stumbled back out towards the campfire. Haphazardly throwing another log on the fire before grabbing his now cooked veggies. He tossed one onto the ground for Kit and walked over with a few more in his hand. Offering one to the woman he had just saved. And keeping the rest to himself.

He quickly started digging into the food, as if it was the only thing that would save his life as the woman looked at the food in her hands and then back up at him.

“Who? Why? Where?” She said getting to the point of the situation.

“You sure don't waste time on word's do ya?” Adonis asked as he finished his second vegetable. “The names Adonis, and that is my pal Kit. I can't stand seeing death, and where? Either where I came from? Which would be here... my camp, or where are we... which still is here my camp.”

Adonis was unsure of himself and tried to keep his words minimal, he didn’t like speaking to anyone besides kit. And even then only cause Kit agreed and shared his value's, Not many living beings did.

“Same questions to you” Adonis snapped back as more color returned to his eyes and he started to get more energy.

“Hylda, they were chasing me down for getting too close to their village, and I was out here helping a friend settle some personal issues. That I have to get back to help as soon as I can.” she said as he ripped out the arrow in her leg.

“Kit, go see if you can find another person in danger, but first come here” Adonis said as his hand began to glow a pale blue and Kit happily jumped up onto his lap. As Adonis touched the top of his head the light dispersed and Kit jumped back down and took off hunting.

“What did you do to him?” Hylda asked as she ripped some cloth off of her pants and bandaged her leg.

“Magic, if he enters a state of panic my magic will activate, creating a small wall around him. This will also alert me to his direction and how far away he is.” Adonis said as he snacked on some more food, he wasn't hungry anymore. But his magic took directly from his life essence, and he needed the extra nourishment.

05-22-13, 01:30 PM
Hylda Terrentius was not one to turn down help. She bandaged up her knee and made sure it was nice and secure. She felt a little better after she ate the kid's food. "Thanks." She said carefully. "I appreciate the assist. But I am afraid my companion, nay, my husband...he might need a bit of help too. We got separated not too long ago." Hylda explained. "We were out here so he could take care of some unfinished business when things went downhill." She sighed hoping Elthas was all right. "I don't know if he can take those overwhelming numbers on his own." She said. "Please help him if you can, I can pay you." Hylda was a leading member of The Syndicate, one of it's best operatives and had considerable resources at her disposal. Hylda felt tired from a combination of the ordeal, and her injury. She had lost a considerable amount of blood and was worried of infection. "I implore you, please save my husband. I fear he is in tremendous danger." Hylda said, she continued. "I shouldn't have left him alone like that..." She ate the food that Adonis offered quite graciously.

"Thank you for the food." She said. "As I stated earlier, I am Hylda. Hylda Terrentius of the Terrentius estate." Hylda felt exhausted. I cannot remember the last time I was in this much pain... She leaned back against the ground. She leaned back on the ground, too tired to think rationally. She quickly fell asleep trusting that her new found ally would watch her back.


It was a gamble. Gotta take risks in order to get the finer things in life your way. In a way, the interloper had saved Jyn's life. Now I have to get rid of this newcomer...great. Thankfully he believes me to be weak though that punch did hurt like Hell. Elthas liked knowing that he wouldn't kill people for sport. He was never the violent type. I fight only because I must. The ground felt good against his legs, he gave himself a few moments to catch his breath as the interloper made his way to his person. I have to time this just right. The newcomer made a grab for Elthas who reacted just in the nick of time.

"What!?" The Elf yelled. Elthas had not noticed that Jyn Belthasar fled off in a different direction. Likely to avoid full defeat. Elthas's full attention was on the Elf before him.

"You follow a fool." Elthas was referring to Xu. "If you think you so easily would best a Syndicate operative, then you're a fool too!" Elthas was concerned for Hylda's well being. He suddenly jumped upwards, breaking free of the man's grab attempt. In mid-air, he took his daggers and rotated them as he spun his body, slashing across the chest of the interloper. They weren't lethal cuts, but they were precise ones. Elthas tasted blood in his mouth, and smelled the sharp scent of Elven blood. His own as well as that of his enemy. Elthas flipped backwards in mid air and barely registered the anguished screams of his opponent. Elthas's daggers had Elven blood on them, but the cuts were so precise that they did not penetrate deeply enough to cause a lethal injury. Elthas landed from his back flip and face his opponent in a readied combat stance.

"I will withdraw for now..." The Elf said as he clutched at his chest. "The hour is yours, Elthas. But know this...you are never again welcome back here!" The Elf maneuvered carefully away from Elthas. "I hope my comrades are enjoying themselves with your woman."

"You don't know Syndicate women..." Elthas responded as he began to make his way towards Hylda's position. The entire time he did not notice that a small arctic tundra fox, probably hailing from Salvar, was observing his actions. Elthas ran towards the last position he knew Hylda to be at, smelling for her particular scent. He did not find her, but saw blood on some nearby shrubbery. There were several knocked out Elves located near where Hylda's blood was. "Could Hylda have...?" Elthas did not doubt his wife's skill, but he knew there were far too many for her to have taken them alone. That was when his sharp eyes noticed the tingle of magic in the air. Small sparks of light, generated a particular heat that his Elven eyes could detect. It weas a subtle arcane light that the Unwall spell Adonis summoned created. Rapid use of the boy's Unwall left a tingle in the air, vibrant and solid. Elthas knew Hylda was incapable of such feets of the arcane arts. A third party was here. Elthas thought to himself as he caught an unfamiliar scent in the air. He turned in the direction of the arctic fox. A Salvarn tundra fox!? Here!? Elthas walked over towards one of the knocked out Elves.

"Don't mind if I help myself..." The Elf had a pair of fancy daggers. Fancy Elven Steel Daggers. Elthas quickly removed his prize and placed the pair in his pack. There were a few reasons he robbed the Elf. I need a reminder of home, the good place that once existed here. Not the corrupt place that Xu has made it...Xu...you bastard... Elthas knew he was hurt, but his injuries were not his concern. The sight of Hylda's blood trumped all other concerns for him. Coming back here was a mistake after all. But at least I now know where I can go to save Mother... Elthas thought to himself and then realized the strange fox was watching him. He had a glow of magic around him. Elthas decided to go investigate the fox. Not everyday you see a Salvar fox here in Corone. He knelt down before the little guy.

"Hey, are you lost?" Elthas asked the small fox, and it was then that he realized in just how much pain he actually was.

Solar Haven
06-09-13, 10:45 PM
Kit jumped around in excitement, doing back flips and spinning in circle's. as the man cringed in pain. Kit looked worried and when he smelt blood started panicking, immediately the magic that was placed on his head triggered, sending a signal back to Adonis.

"Kit!" Adonis cried out as he quickly sat up from the wall of the structure he had built as his tent. he looked around as he narrowed in on the direction it came from, he stood up as worry over took him, the magic wall didn't trigger. he grabbed another bite of his roasted vegetables as a gust of wind pushed through the forest, ruffling his hair as he swallowed his bite and quickly began sprinting towards his fox, kit.

Within a few moments he was behind a tree, watching the man in front of kit. it was clear he posed no threat to kit, so he quietly stepped out from behind a tree, and ent down to the ground as kit ran over and climbed up his arm, perching on his shoulder like a parrot.

"You must be the man, what was her name?" Adonis paused as he scratched the top of his head, Kit looked annoyed that Adonis had forgotten her name already. Adonis noticed this out of the corner of his eye "What? not like she said it more then once... Hill .... Hylda! that's it! you must be the man Hylda spoke of" Adonis offered his hand to help the man up. "She's just a few minutes back this way, come on. maybe we can get there before she wakes up"

Adonis had an uneasy smile across his face, he wasn't use to helping people, but he knew that if he wanted to prove his father wrong, he had to show that kindness can go a long way.

There was a warm gust of wind that came through the forest, rustling the leaves and moving the loose dirt on the ground, re-invigorating Adonis as Kit closed his eyes and soaked in the smell's of the forest.

06-10-13, 11:40 PM
Having no choice, Elthas accepted that kid's hand that day.

He knows where Hylda is, I must be certain she is safe... Elthas just wanted to be as far away from that place as possible. He also knew, he needed to recover his strength, he was badly injured. Blood was trickling from underneath his clothing and on the ground, leaving a visible trail. He didn't like it, it was sloppy work. It would reveal their position to the enemy.

Foliage lurked beneath him, and the trees seemed to stare at him with an unforgiving gaze. How could things have gotten so bad? Elthas wondered. His first priority was getting to Hylda. The kid knew where Hylda was, and that was all that mattered. Elthas limped along as Adonis guided him back to Hylda. Before they could make it though, Elthas felt a tremendous pain in his body. He fell to one knee.

"Shit." Elthas said. "I don't know if I can make it in this state. Damn, they must have gotten me with a more serious injury than I first thought." Elthas said. He looked at Adonis. "Kid. I can pay you for your efforts out here, but I'll need some help. Things are not safe for you and your friend here, but I know somewhere that IS safe." Elthas cringed in agony, he had been that badly hurt a few other times in his life. His blue elf blood was trickling down on the plants beneath him as he moved. He leaned against the nearest tree, looking at Adonis. "I just need to catch my breath a moment." Elthas didn't like lying to someone who had very well saved his life. Further, Adonis had saved Hylda on top of that. Elthas owed that kid big. Elthas, villain as he was, had a code of honour, and he would uphold that code once more.

Once, I saved Seth Terrentius on a cold winter's night from thugs. That sole act got me a membership in The Syndicate. Elthas knew he had to continue his personal code of conduct if he was to survive. Survive long enough to rescue his Mother. "Shit's gotten bad out here." Elthas commented. "I am sorry you got involved in this mess, kid." Elthas looked at Adonis, the kid had a strong air about him. "I'll need your help to get back to Hylda, like I said. She is someone very valuable, not just to me. But her safety is of utmost concern at the moment." Elthas limped forward after a moment and managed to find the strength to continue on. Hylda needed him, and that became his sole driving force to get to where he needed to get. And so, he marched forward, bleeding horrendously.

Solar Haven
06-15-13, 09:15 PM
Adonis could now see how injured the man was, and he now understood why Kit panicked. the man was bleeding, heavily, if they walked back to the camp it would be found out for sure.

"Kid. I can pay you for your efforts out here, but I'll need some help. Things are not safe for you and your friend here, but I know somewhere that IS safe." the Man cringed in agony.

"Payment is not required, or wanted. i simply saved someone who was in trouble, who in turn asked me for a favor." Adonis gently scratched kit's head as he looked around the forest, the wind was picking up, and he could feel the moisture in the air. "hopefully it stays away until we can get back to the camp" Adonis mumbled under his breath as he cautiously approached the man to help him stabilize.

"I hope you can remain conscious after this, it's going to really mess with your perception of reality for a few seconds, i almost passed out doing it the first few times." Adonis said as Kit gently climbed onto the other man's shoulder that was now resting on Adonis' for stability."if you can, stop the blood from dripping on the ground while i do this, would rather not be tracked back to my camp." Adonis sighed heavily as he quickly opened up a few un-walls and leapt full force through them. arriving at his camp momentarily, extremely dizzy and exhausted. he gently let go of the man next to a tree, as he stumbled over towards the fire, reaching for his food hungrily, as he blacked out. Kit started panicking and making noises as he kept nudging Adonis' face trying to get him to wake up. His eyes were open, but were a bright grey, almost matching the whites of his eyes as his breathing began to slow.

Adonis' body stopped all movement all together, laying stiff as a board next to his campfire, his eyes a pale grey. this was the unfortunate side effect of using his magic too much, on large objects. it drained him of his life energy, however, it would not kill him.

"Adonis Come on it's time for your lessons" A familar voice said.

"But mom" A child whined.

"if you don't learn how to fight, how will you protect the kingdom from the bad men that attack it?" The woman said as she knelt down in front of her son.

"Then i will talk to them, they are only bad people cause they don't know how to be good. all we gotta do is be friends with them right?" Adonis asked innocently

"Never lose that outlook hun, One day it may save your life. but also remember sometimes you have to be just as bad, as the bad men to make them go away" She smiled as she ruffled his hair and stood up "Now let's go General Leofric is waiting, you know what he's like if he waits for too long"

Adonis cringed as he remembered the last punishment he received for being late, the training swords still hurt, even if they didn't cut.

A bright white light erupted from Adonis himself as he began to sit up. still dizzy, and still unsure of what had just happened. he saw him and his mother, ten years ago, talking. and then he barely remembered the training as a bright white light woke him up.

Kit started jumping around happily and jumped up on Adonis' chest and started licking his face, Adonis couldn't help but laugh as he gently stroked the fur on kit's back. Then he remembered the people he had brought back to camp. he looked over at them, his eyes still a pale grey. "What happened? and more importantly, how long was i out?"

06-18-13, 01:40 PM
Once Elthas passed through the Unwalls, his body reacted. Some sort of quality with the blue blood in him reacted to the unwalls power. In that reaction, Elthas found himself healed up to a point. The more serious injuries remained, but the bleeding stopped, and the smaller wounds closed themselves up. It was as if Adonis's power had some sort of constructive effect on Elthas. As he passed through the unwall, Elthas felt his body become numb for almost an eternity. That eternity, in truth, was a mere few minutes. In that short amount of time, Adonis and Elthas had covered tremendous distance from their former position to Adonis's camp. After phasing through the last Unwall, Elthas felt a moment or three of disorientation. Soon that strange feeling passed, and the firmanent settled in his vision in it's precise quality. Elthas sighed. His body shook a bit from the sensation of passing through several Unwalls. Despite his formidable constitution, Elthas threw up. He puked on the ground, the contents of his stomach. It would take him several more trips through an Unwall to get fully used to the idea of moving so quickly through such a vast distance as they had just moved.

"You've been out about two hours." Elthas replied. "We must be going soon." Elthas thought of something, he needed to thank him for saving their lives.

"You've got talent kid." Elthas said carefully. He wasn't entirely sure what happened as he had completely neglected all studies of the magic of his people. He admired those with the arcane touch, especially from the more exotic schools. "I don't know but that trick of yours helped out tremendously. Somehow my body reacted and I was able to heal the wounds, some of them."

"Elthas!" Came a familiar voice. It was Hylda's and Elthas threw himself at her, hugging her tight. "I thought I had lost you."

"We have the kid to thank." Elthas said with a soft smile. "I was almost actually a goner." Elthas felt his strength quickly returning due to whatever magical feat that the kid had conjured. Elthas flexed his arms a few times to feel the strength returning to them. The blood flowed more naturally, his blue Elven blood. The cuts had all healed, but several would scar up. He didn't care. Elthas turned to the kid when the kid asked the question. "About two hours or so." Elthas responded. "That's impressive magic you have man. Xu would have liked to see that before he became what he is now." A corrupt son of a bitch... Elthas cringed. Elthas had learned one important thing: his Mother was still alive. Further, he had learned her current whereabouts. Elthas turned to look at Hylda. "Closing the gate may have to wait." Elthas said.

"I know." Hylda responded. "We have to find your Mother."

"She's as much a victim in this as we are." Elthas sighed. If only he had stayed, he could have prevented the corruption that underwent his home town. He still didn't know where Xu had kept his Father's remains. Hylda touched the side of his face, she must have seen the conflict in his eyes. The uncertainty, and most important, the guilt.

"It's not your fault." Hylda said. "No matter what they may have said to you, it was not your fault. You weren't there to prevent any of this from occurring, they didn't contact you either."

"Hylda." Elthas began. "It's not so much that I think this is my fault or not." Elthas shook his head. "No. That's not the issue at all. It's just I may have been able to stop this from happening. And you know how I hate feeling powerless."

"You are strong Elthas. One day that strength will change the world." She smiled. "But now we gotta save ourselves and help this kid." Hylda stood up and limped over to Adonis. "Are you able to stand? You and your friend make quite a pair." She was referring to Adonis's fox familiar. "You two have an interesting bond." Hylda could see things that Elthas could not. Perhaps it was her Syndicate training, or perhaps, it was something else. Hylda whistled loudly, and their two horses showed up after about five long minutes passed. "What's your name?" Hylda asked.

Elthas stood up at that point. "We'd better pack things up and hustle to get out of here. I smell them close by. If I can smell them, they can smell us. We'd better hurry and cover as much ground as possible." Once the horses arrived, Elthas helped Adonis stand. "I need you to hang on to me as best as you can, and ill put you up on the horse with Hylda's help. If you can stand, you can climb. You just gotta shut out the pain you currently feel, the exhaustion. It's all in your head, kid." Once a Syndicate Operative, always a Syndicate Operative. He recalled his days as a new Syndicate Bounty Hunter. The training was fierce, but his loyalty and dedication made him a skilled Operative. He learned quickly, and had some information he could pass on to the next generation of Syndicate Operatives. Adonis included. Elthas hoped that Adonis would join the cause of The Syndicate and become a powerful Agent.

Hylda and Elthas prepared the horses. Elthas moved over to Adonis's familiar. "I won't harm you. I owe your friend a debt. I intend to pay it back, and that extends to you, little one. I want to see you grow big and strong so you can continue to be of service to your friend." Elthas said to the young fox.

Elthas then looked at Adonis. "If you're hungry, me and Hylda have some food for rations we can feed you. But I recommend we get a move on soon." Elthas said carefully. "I can sense my kindred nearby and if I can sense them, they can sense us." Elthas warned. "We should rest a bit, recover our strength and be out of here as soon as possible." Elthas felt exhausted and unnerved. Something about passing through the Unwalls unprepared had completely disoriented him and thrown him off his game. Elthas was simply happy to be back in Hylda's presence, and he had the kid to thank. He walked over towards Adonis, slowly because of the pain, and offered Adonis some food from his own packs. Elthas always kept rations on his person just in case.

Solar Haven
06-29-13, 11:28 AM
Adonis sat up as he looked at Elthas "Elthas, right? i appreciate the offer of food, but me and Kit here have our own ration's prepared for an emergency just like this" Before Adonis could ask Kit to get the rations, Kit was off like a light digging into a embankment nearby, he finally uncovered a strap and grabbed it with his teeth and pulled out a small sack of food.

"Before today i had never used my magic on myself, i never though i could. but we had to travel long distances in a short time so i was left with no choice. However, i have never used my magic this much before in my life, normally after two or three spell's everyone is demoralized or i have my bounty done" Adonis said as he grabbed the sack of food as soon as Kit got close enough, pulling out a wanted poster and a Deep blue gem the size of his fist. "You guy's wouldn't know the way to hand this in would ya?" Adonis asked as he gave the poster to Elthas, as he struggled to his feet.

"But yes i agree, the forest feel's ... off, it isn't the serene peaceful place it always was, we need to get out of here. i can eat as we move, and my strength will regain the more i eat" Adonis looked over at the horses as Kit followed making some noises indicating he wanted up. "Fine you lazy Fox, here ya go" Adonis said as he bent over and picked up Kit so he could sit on his shoulder.

"Now let's get a move on, this feeling is getting closer." Adonis said as he eyes narrowed and his tone got serious.

07-02-13, 12:08 AM
Elthas smiled when the kid refused to take the rations. He's got guts, I'll give him that much. And that, no it can't be!!! Elthas thought as he looked at the gem that the kid had. He's a crafty little bastard, I'll give him that. Elthas tapped his chin. He looked towards Hylda for a moment, and smiled at her as well. "Kid's got potential if he was able to retrieve that." Elthas said casually then looked at Adonis. "Adonis, that's an arcane gem." He folded his arms across his chest. "I know where you can go to give that thing." Elthas suddenly thought about a matter. "However, it could be the key to another problem I'm having." Elthas looked at the boy for a moment. "Please put the gem away for the time being, I will assist you with that matter soon. In the meantime, there is another matter. My Mother has been sold to slavery and I intend to rescue her. However, I cannot do this on my own. We will need the contacts and connection my guild has." Elthas continued. "If you want, we should ride together on horseback. It is a long way back from where we need to be." Elthas said. "About a day's travel from this position in Concordia Forest."

Hylda had already prepared the horses. "You two coming?" She asked from her position atop one of the magnificent creatures. Whilst Elthas and Adonis talked, Hylda had also covered their tracks and closed up camp. Packing things up. She was quite resourceful.

Elthas thanked Hylda and turned his attention to Adonis. "We should both use my horse if you don't mind. I can walk very fast. But I am not sure if you are as light on your feet as I am." Elthas said. "Either way, Adonis, I am glad to have met you. You could potentially be saving me and my people a huge headache." Elthas mounted his horse. He assumed that Adonis would join him in a moment or three. Elthas looked at Hylda. "He's got that gem. The one that Theo is looking for." Elthas said to Hylda. His face was a mixture of concern and pride.

"The arcane gemstone. Yes, I recall it." Hylda said in response. "There aren't many of them still around." Hylda continued. "I am not certain why Theo was interested in such a thing, but that is not for us to question."

"Probably something to do with certain things in the back burner." Elthas said carefully. "Either way, we got it in our midst now, and we need to reward the kid for his trouble." Elthas turned his attention to the kid as they moved forward. It seemed likely that the kid would travel on foot, whilst they were mounted. He felt a little sorry for the kid for it was a long trek. Elthas kept a steady pace forward but did not attempt to leave the kid behind. He wanted to be certain that he gained the trust of the boy.

"I'll put myself in charge of that detail." Hylda said carefully. "You just worry about your Mother, AND the gate on our estate."

"Maybe the gemstone can help us out in some way." Elthas suggested. "It should have potent powers that my Mother would be able to unlock and ultimately use."

"I am looking forward to meeting her." Hylda said. "I myself, never really knew my Mother."

"I understand." Elthas responded. He looked at Adonis. "So kid, how did you find that thing? I mean, sorry to sound so blunt about things but you don't seem like the warrior type to get such an item on your own. It was rumored to be held in the hands of a very specific person." Elthas said. "I am wondering how you were able to acquire such a precious object?" Elthas sincerely wanted to hear the boy's story. There was no malice or rudeness in Elthas's words. He was simply attempting to make small talk with a kid who had saved his ass. Elthas could feel the weight of his injuries healing little by little, and he wondered exactly what the Adonis's magic had done to him. He would need to reflect on the new secrets he had discovered, entirely by accident. Elthas felt his blood reacted to Adonis's power in a mysterious way. He would never have expected such secrets lurked within his body. "Place we're heading to is called The Terrentius Estate." Elthas explained. "We have friends there. Friends who can help you get situated and put you on the right path." Elthas closed his eyes. A shadow seemed to fall across his face as he did that and he thought back to the very first night he joined The Syndicate. A lifetime ago it seemed. As he thought, he recalled the ravages and fires of war. He was destined to save Seth Terrentius that night, the Brother of Theo Terrentius. Both of them senior members of The Syndicate operation in Corone. Seth was on his way home from running an errand when Elthas stumbled upon the ruffians who were about to accost him. Elthas remembered that battle well, he had secured the safety of Seth Terrentius and returned him to a Syndicate safe house. Thereby securing his admission into that group and cutting off all ties to his Elven roots. Or so he thought.

Coming in contact with the unwalls reminded Elthas that he was still and Elf and that would never change. Though the world of Althanas would change, Elthas never would. He would walk across history and discover the secrets of his people in due time. He neglected the arcane teachings, but what he had neglected, he had gained in other areas of study. He thought about the recent events as they travelled, and several hours later, they were upon The Terrentius Estate. Elthas could see the outskirts of the property ahead as they emerged from Concordia Forest without incident. The Elves that attempted to chase the trio never caught up with them. Elthas wondered if Elder Xu had something to do with that. It no longer matters. Elthas thought to himself.

The Terrentius Estate was a beautiful plot of land, that had a ranch on it, and several major houses. The houses were all built in the old Radasanth style, likely commissioned by the previous owners. Elthas felt tired, and the weight of his injuries kept him from smiling at the site of his home. The kid had followed them on foot the whole time, he was a tough little bastard. Elthas admired that strength. As Elthas moved, he guided his horse to the stables. "This way, Adonis." Elthas said carefully and maneuvered himself to the stables. There was the stable staff waiting on Elthas's return. Elthas had gained, and lost much during the adventure and he did not want to accept failure. I know now where my mother is, I can save her. He thought to himself. He dismounted, Hylda dismounted, and the horses were lead to the stables. Hylda took care of the transaction.

Ominously on the Terrentius Estate property was a gateway. The gateway glowed with power, and appeared to be stationary. It's swirling energies radiated from some hidden focusing point in the gate. Elthas saw the surface of the gate, a mysterious portal looking doorway. It was a black colored structure that contained the gate itself. Anybody could just step in, but nobody dared. A known Syndicate enemy had left the gate open right on their front lawn. Elthas sincerely hoped his Mother would be able to close the gate. If not, he had to find another way. "Follow me." He told Adonis. "We're going to meet with Theo and Seth."

Solar Haven
07-11-13, 09:42 PM
"Well i was rather cunning i must admit." Adonis said as he grabbed some more food and shoved it in his mouth. "I gained the trust of the man who possessed the stone, as well as the guard's watching the location. it took me a little while, but in the end i just captured people who were trying to steal the gem. One night, one person managed to sneak passed me and Kit and grab the stone. on their way out they just happened to meet with a wall of solid stone and dropped it, immediately kit nabbed it and i put a wall up in front of the guard house and took off running. Eventually i ended up in this forest and got lost, and have been in here for a few weeks to a month"

Adonis looked over at Kit affectionately, as he sat on his shoulder, and scratched his chin. "i lost track of time with this little guy."

as they started on their way out of the forest, kit jumped down and started running. He always loved going for adventures in the forest. as Adonis was keeping up he kept feeling himself start to get exhausted, and quickly would grab some food and start eating as he slowed his pace. once the food was in his stomach he would push his body to keep going, knowing that eventually the nourishment from the food would kick in and give him the energy he needed to keep going. The forest on this side felt less serene, it felt 'altered' by man. The breeze felt colder, it also smelt more putrid almost revolting. Kit jumped of a tree and up onto Adonis' shoulder, burying his nose in Adonis' neck.

"I know boy, but by the smell's of it we are almost out of here... i can feel matter that i can't manipulate" Adonis petted the top of Kit's head as he realized they were about to enter what appeared to be a small village. several structures were standing, a few seemed to be made for the wealthy. As they entered the village the two on horses immediately went to the stables and dismounted. Adonis sighed deeply, he could finally stop moving.

Adonis closed his eyes and opened his hand's pointing his palms directly in front of him facing the far back Mansion, within seconds his eyes opened in alarm as an astounding amount of magic overcame and formed in his palms. a giant silver magical circle appeared in front of him, large enough to conceal a large horse. ((Magic circle (http://www.althanas.com/world/customprofilepics/profilepic16864_2.gif))) Adonis spun around looking where the magic came from when he noticed the large gateway behind him was magical, and it was using his exact kind of magic. He made his hands into a fist and the magical circle's floating parts clenched shit, Adonis shook his hand trying to release the magic circle, but to no avail, all he was doing was shaking the magic circle, it stayed hovering a few inches in front of his palm at all times. He released his magic and a blinding silver light flashed and temporarily blinded him.

"Kit, Remind me never to use my magic around this place, it seems dangerous" Adonis said as his heart was racing, his own magic had just done something he had never seen it do. He looked over toward's the stables as the man called out for him to follow. As he walked towards the man he tossed the makeshift sack to Hylda who was going to deal with the transaction. after the sack had left his hand's he hesitated. Why was he trusting that this woman would return with the money for the gem? and how did he know he wasn't about to get ambushed as they met the people they were heading towards? He shook his head and threw those thought's out.

I am not becoming my Father he thought as he entered the building and then the room. after what felt like forever of the men talking he felt a pause in the conversation. "Umm, what is that giant magical gateway out front? it seems to use the same type of magic i use, and to be honest i don't feel comfortable using my own magic around that thing" He paused as he looked down at his dirty hand's "I just had an episode out front, my magic did something it had never done before, it manifested into a magic circle that was like hovering in mid air inches in front of my palms, and it didn't disappear until i released my magic..." Kit made a small yipping noise in agreement with Adonis as he sat on his shoulder.

07-14-13, 06:21 PM
As they entered one of the main houses, there was a gathering hall there and two very old gentlemen were waiting. One had a ponytail, the other had short hair with a receding hairline. Their features suggested that the two were related somehow, possibly brothers.

Elthas knew the two men well. They were more than associates, they were family to him. He looked at Adonis as Adonis spoke and smiled.

"Episode huh? You're full of mystery, kid." Elthas said carefully. "That might be a clue however. Your power seemed to react to the power of The Gate in question."

The man with the ponytail spoke just then. "Elthas, my boy. I am glad to see you have returned. How was the mission?"

"A failure." Elthas frowned. "But I did pick up a new recruit for us, this kid has tremendous skill and could be quite valuable to us. Furthermore, I found out WHERE the person who could help us is."

"And where is that?" Seth Terrentius asked. Theo, the older of the two men, looked at Adonis with a curious expression on his face.

It seemed clear that Theo Terrentius was studying Adonis.

"It seems the boy is capable of a great deal." Theo suddenly said. "I once studied the arcane arts. I may have a few manuals in my collection that could help the boy out if he chooses to join us."

A critical piece of the puzzle revealed. Elthas never even knew that Theo was a sorcerer of sorts. He knew what Seth was capable of, but not Theo. He is gifted with the arcane arts... Elthas was suddenly glad that Theo and Seth were both on his side. Seth was looking at Theo for a moment.

"You don't mean that Grimoire do you?" Seth asked.

"I do." Theo responded. "The boy has power, we can get him trained here, and we can teach him to use his technique." Theo suddenly walked over towards Adonis. "Boy." Theo said. There was no malice in his voice. "Are you aware of your nimbus?" Theo was testing Adonis. "That is, the energy cloud that surrounds all living beings." Theo continued in a very serious tone. "Those of us gifted in the arcane arts have an unusually brighter nimbus. Yours, is especially bright and potent." Theo said carefully. "I have a few Wizards in my employ if I am not able to train you myself." Theo had developed an acute interest in the boy.

Elthas looked at Adonis for a moment, and then towards Theo. "Theo, is the boy that skilled?" Elthas had to asked.

"I sense tremendous power within him that he is not yet aware of. This could be a boon from The Thayne." Theo said. He knelt before Adonis. "Boy." Theo said. "If you would allow me to, I'd like to train you myself. My people will provide you with all the resources you need to grow into your full power and skill." Theo said. "Further, we will provide you with steady work to train."

Elthas nodded as he listened to Theo talk. But he remained quiet, his attention was on Adonis as well. Elthas folded his arms across his chest as he stood there. His eyes narrowed, his face was attentive. He listened to every spoken word that Adonis and Theo would exchange. Elthas had indeed noticed Adonis's episode around the gateway, and wondered what it could mean? He did not know anything about the arcane arts, only the use of artifacts and relicry. Elthas looked at Seth Terrentius. "Seth, I know where the person is that can help us." He said to his long term comrade.

"Where?" Seth asked.

"One of the plantations on Yarborough District." Elthas said carefully. The plantation owners were known for being slave drivers. It was how slavers made their money. "That's why I needed the writ."

"The person is a slave?" Seth suddenly asked. It was a brutal question, but it was the truth.

"They are. I intend to buy her for myself." Elthas said plainly. "I just need that writ. The person in question can help us with a great many matters that are troubling our people at the moment." Elthas added. "I need the writ as soon as possible."

Writs were legal documentation, they were not fake at all. They were official business that people with connections could construct. Elthas was not asking for a small favor at all, it was a rather big deal. Elthas saw Seth's hesitation.

"Are you sure about this?" Seth asked. "We cannot be wrong when it comes to handing out writs..."

"I am aware." Elthas said. "You want the gate closed the correct way do you not?" Elthas said, his tone becoming a little more severe than he meant to be.

"I do." Seth sighed.

"Then, please have the writ ready for me as soon as possible. I will keep Adonis with me unless he is training for his magic. But for now..." Elthas looked at Adonis. "You seemed tired, Adonis." Elthas said. "How would you like to get some well deserved rest?" He asked.

Theo stood up. "Elthas. We shall have the writ ready for you by tomorrow."

"Good." Elthas responded. That's what he liked about those two, they were always business like and professional. "In the meantime, I'm heading home, I'm pretty tired and have injuries to tend to." Plus there's the matter of how my blood reacted to the boy's power... Elthas kept that part out of the debriefing. There was no need to reveal ALL of his secrets, was there?

Solar Haven
07-14-13, 08:17 PM
Adonis was immediately set off his calm. the two, apparent big shots. had taken a liking to him... the wizard had apparently taken a big liking to him.

"I never called it a nimbus before, but i can't really see the magic with my eyes, I can sense the elements of the magic within my own magic, like i can feel your intimidating presence, as well as the gates out front." Adonis said as he glanced out the window and shuddered. "If you want to train me, here of all places, i would have to request that we do it away from that gate... it off sets my magic, and either enhances it or stops me from controlling it."

"Don't Worry, the Gate seem's to enhance your magic, so if we want to train you to get stronger. you need to learn to control your magic around that gate, and see how it effects your abilities." Theo said as he clasped Adonis' shoulder.

Adonis appeared very hesitant and Kit walked along the back of Adonis' neck and sniffed Theo's hand before recoiling away and going on edge. Adonis grabbed Kit and cradled him like a baby and started petting his chest. "If you want to train me. you are welcome to, however i must ask it starts today. Just be cautious as my magic uses what appears to be my life energy, every spell cast exhausts me and causes my eyes to grow dim. the only way to replenish it is with nutrients from food. so if you intend to push me hard to train, you better have a lot of nutritious food nearby." Adonis then turned to Elthas "If i recall correctly you need me stronger then what i am, i appreciate the offer for rest. but i need to get stronger if we are to get this person for the gate"

Adonis knew full well that this person was Elthas' mother, but for some reason Elthas had chosen not to tell Seth or Theo. As a form of respect Adonis chose not to inform them either and simply help out Elthas the best he could.

"If anyone want's to talk to me, you will see me on the rock in front of the gate, i got some meditating to do" Adonis said as his eyes narrowed and his voice became serious. Kit looked confused, almost as if he had never seen this kind of attitude from Adonis. as Adonis walked through the doorway out of the room his magic flared creating a pulse of energy heading down the hall way and into the room where the other 3 men stood, the pules that went down the hall way also knocked over a grandfather clock about 30 yard's away. Adonis was in the zone, for the first time since he had snapped at his father he felt filled with magic, he felt unbeatable.

As Adonis got outside he Put Kit down on the ground and continued walking towards the Rock that was just big enough for him to sit on top of comfortably, he sat down and closed his eyes as kit climbed up on the rock and curled up in a ball next to him. Within seconds Adonis was levitating a good two feet off the ground as the magic from the gateway Circled around him filling him full of magical power. after a few minutes he opened his eyes startled and fell to the ground.

"Owww, why the hell do i have to be so scared of this gateway? it's made up of my kind of magic... i should be using it to my advantage. not being intimidated by it!" Adonis said as he looked over at kit who had now poked his head up and was listening to Adonis. "What do you think kit? should i get serious and get stronger? or be afraid and go back to the forest with you?"

Kit turned his head sideways as if thinking, within seconds he stood up and started growling at the gate, his hair standing up on end.

"You got one Amazing Fox there don't ya?" Theo chuckled as he walked over. "I Also understand you are responsible for acquiring the arcane gem i have been after for many moons, that is an impressive feat in and of itself, well done"

"Thank you sir! it took me a few months but i managed it." Adonis said as kit jumped up on Adonis' Shoulder and sat there like a parrot looking at Theo. "Don't mind him, we haven't been around others that use magic, in fact we aren't used to being around anyone at all. We were living in a forest together when we bumped into Hylda and Elthas and i intervened to save them."

"is that right? Well if you saved them two you must have some impressive talent, which proves my theories about you" He said as he sat on the ground next to the rock. "Now what is this meditation you were doing just now? you seemed to get quite powerful with it"

"Oh that... it's just a way i calm down and gather up my depleted magic in a hurry, i can't cast many spells if i don't meditate" Adonis said as he scratched the back of his head looking up at the gateway. "What is that thing? it uses my kind of magic, and if i try to use any of mine near by, it tends to swarm around me and empower my magic"

"Meditate again, this time don't stop until you feel like you need to, i want to see something" Theo asked as he stood up and back tracked a few steps.

"Umm sure, i guess" Adonis said as he sat up straight and set Kit down next to him "Here goes"

Adonis closed his eyes and started focusing his magic within himself, within second's he felt the gateway's magic enter him as well, empowering him. The wind swelled up Around Adonis creating a gust of wind blowing outwards in all directions from him, the earth trembled as relentlessly while he hovered, and despite the wind blowing outwards, all fire and water was flowing towards Adonis and circling around him. after what felt like a lifetime Adonis stopped meditating and opened his eyes,as all the elements ceased their actions. the water fell to the ground, the earth stopped shaking, and the fire dissipated as well as the wind. Adonis was oblivious to what had transpired when he was meditating,he looked down at the ground, he was still floating two feet off the ground, so he placed his feet down and looked over at Theo who had a smug grin on his face.

"I knew it. you are definitely a boon from The Thayne, i must thank Elthas for bringing you here later" He chuckled as he walked over to Adonis. "Now i think it is about time for the combat portion of the battle, but first. we must get rid of that rusty sword of your's, if you want to use a blade in battle you must at least have one in serviceable condition"

"I am not really a swordsmen, i know basic techniques and that's it" Adonis said as he unsheathed the sword from his back and looked at it

07-18-13, 08:35 PM
Theo looked at Adonis's weapon for a long moment. It was worn and in condition. The blacksmiths on the property can fix it up later for him, but the boy requires a good weapon now. Theo thought to himself. A Syndicate operative was watching the event unfolding nearby and had recovered from the shaking of the ground. The event had disturbed several of the people nearby. Magic was not alien to The Syndicate however, and things were soon back to normal. Theo looked at the other operative for a moment and motioned for the fellow to join them.

"You there." Theo commanded. "I need you to do something for me."

The operative approached Theo with a complete air of respect. He bowed formally to the older gentlemen. "Aye, lord. What is it?"

The way that the operative spoke to Theo was a small hint at the kind of man that Theo Terrentius really was. Though a humble man, Theo once commanded tremendous authority in Radasanth. He fell from grace in the eyes of the Radasanth government and became one of the lead members of The Syndicate through his own blood, sweat, and tears. The looked at Adonis for a moment and then towards the operative. "The neophyte needs a suitable blade." Theo said to the operative. "Go over to the smithy and request a steel broadsword from the stock. Log the weapon under my name." Theo said. "Make sure that Jake knows it's for one of my newest students." Jake was the master blacksmith currently arming the entire Syndicate operation.

"Done. How soon do you need this weapon by?" The operative asked.

"An hour, tops." Theo responded. Theo saw that the operative saluted him and quickly went to perform his duty. He then turned towards Adonis and Kit. "Boy." Theo said carefully. "I have reason to suspect your power is inherited directly from The Thayne." Theo began. "Most folk that work under The Syndicate banner are polytheistic." The explained. "A great amount of our members are follower of The Thayne." Theo tapped his chin for a moment. "It is possible that your magic is Gate Magic and that you are in actuality, a Demi-Thayne." Theo knew he was shooting the breeze partially, but he wanted to give the boy his purpose and lot in life. Demi Thaynes were actually quite a common occurrence, and many great Heroes were Demi Thaynes themselves. "It is okay if you do not understand what I am currently saying to you." Theo paused for a moment and then continued to speak. "In time, and with proper training, you will."

A short time later, the operative that Theo sent on his errand returned with a package in his hand. It was a sword in a scabbard that had Syndicate markings and a stylized "S" on the scabbard. The operative gave Theo the weapon, with the handle of the weapon facing Theo. Theo took it skillfully from the operative, and held the scabbard in his opposite hand. He did not make a movement to pull the weapon. Instead, he moved with it towards Adonis and handed him the weapon for safe keeping.

"A gift." Theo said. "You need proper equipment if you are to assist our operatives on the field." Theo continued. "We can talk about giving you permanent employ once you are done with your training. Elthas can assist you with the martial tactics better than I could, my area of expertise is sorcery." Theo suddenly thought of something. "I want you to see something very important to your training." He said, and removed what appeared to be a glowing parchment, a scroll, from his pack. He also handed the scroll to Adonis. "Open that scroll and see if you can read ONE glyph within it. If you can decipher a single glyph on your own by the end of the day, I will allow you to keep it."

Theo was a sorcerer. Sorcerers had their own unique form of writing using complex glyphs and runes. A prospective student of the arcane art would have to learn the symbols as part of his educative process. "One more thing." Theo said. "You may use the library in the mansion of the estate at will. You will need to study diligently to learn the proper use of your magics." Theo folded his arms across his chest. "I trust that you understand what I am requesting so far?" He asked.


Elthas was alone with Seth Terrentius. In terms of Syndicate ranking, Seth was slightly lower on the ladder than Theo was, but also, Seth had key duties to perform. Elthas knew some of what the mysterious old man was capable of doing, but he did not know the whole truth. He dared not uncover all the secrets, either. Elthas understood that an organization like The Syndicate had many secrets tucked away, and these secrets required blades to guard them. Seth was preparing the final notifications for the document that Elthas had requested. Writs were legal documents that allowed the acquisition of...commodities. Highly priced commodities. Some of those were "illegal" services on paper, such as the acquisition and open trade of slaves. With the manufacturing of a writ, everything had to be done through the proper channels. Seth had connections in Radasanth that would allow him to get the proper documentation needed for the writ.

It had taken several hours, but the writ was now in Seth's possession.

"Elthas." Seth looked at the Elf with a grave expression on his face. "Are you certain that you want to go through with this?"

"We have no choice. Adonis is the key, but he cannot do it alone. We need my Mother to lend us her strength..." Elthas understood what it was he was requesting of Seth. "My Mother will help the boy unlock his true potential."

"The need for this writ is dire." Seth agreed. "But I want to be absolutely certain that you understand what it is you are doing." Seth continued. "We do have ties with the trade in question, but not all of our members partake in such sordid activities." Seth said. "If you go through with this, she will be YOUR responsibility." Seth continued. "Further, she will belong to YOU." He added. "She will not be the same person you remember from your childhood."

"I am aware." Elthas said, there was a growing darkness in his heart. A part of him was curious to see if he had what it took to break the control of the slave drivers on his Mother. Furthermore, he wanted to break his Mother and claim her for himself. Elves were not men, and such activities were commonplace in Elven society to preserve whole lines of Elves. Incest was not even considered taboo in Elven society. There was that, but there was also Hylda. "We need to close the gate or gain control of it. Before it is too late. Seth, time is moving rapidly against us, and I fear that the enemy will not wait."

"Elthas. I have always trusted your judgment." Seth said. "I owe you a great debt. But I just want you to realize that there will be consequences and the purchase of your Mother from the slave driver may draw attention from the wrong people." Seth continued. "Also..." Seth paused for a brief moment. "I think I know who may have purchased your Mother. And if I am correct, he does not relinquish his property easily."

"Seth..." Elthas started. "I have made up my mind. THIS is the only way to do this." Elthas straightened to his full height, but Seth was about a few inches taller. However, Seth was sitting down at his desk. "I am fully prepared to do what must be done to complete the mission." Elthas said.

"What about Hylda? Are you prepared to loose her as well?" Seth asked.

Elthas hesitated. "I shall worry about that when the hour approaches. If she makes that decision that is up to her. But I will not allow an enemy to have access to us when something can be done. Personal feelings aside, I must abide by our code and see the job to it's conclusion." Elthas hated knowing that Seth was just testing him. Testing his resolve.

"You are prepared." Seth said. "You have come a long way, Elthas." Seth continued to speak. "I owe you a debt that can never be repaid which is the reason I have done this thing for you." Seth continued. "Elthas. If this does not work out, you must come up with a plan b."

"I am well aware of Syndicate code of operation." Elthas said. Then he spoke again. "So is it time?" Elthas asked.

"It is, Elthas." Seth stood up and walked over towards Elthas with the writ in his hands. It was a simplistic, unassuming black token that was actually extremely valuable. "Elthas. Guard this with your life."

"I shall." Elthas responded. "The boy should be done with part of his training already, and we will stick around for a few days. Send word to the plantation owner that he can be expecting us soon. And I do hope he is prepared to negotiate." Elthas said.

"I hope so as well." Seth responded. "Good luck, my young apprentice." Seth said out of habit, and hugged Elthas.

"For you as well. Keep guards stationed by the gate at all times..." Elthas said. "For what it's worth. I am sorry this event has occurred, it is all my fault." Elthas said as he put the writ amongst his possessions.

"You didn't know." Seth responded, and went back to his desk.

Elthas left after bowing elegantly, and went to go find Adonis and Theo.

Solar Haven
07-21-13, 08:05 PM
Adonis scratched his chin as he tried to absorb the information that Theo was now telling him. Demi-Thayne? Gate Magic? As far as Adonis knew his magic was Matter Manipulation, he knew that Theo must have his reasons for spouting such nonsense but it just blew over Adonis's head.

“Umm, about the sword you sent the other guy off to get. I use a longsword, wouldn't a broadsword be … well … heavier then my longsword and thus make it rather unwieldy for me right now?” Adonis questioned as the man returned with the sword in its scabbard and handed it to Theo, who then handed it to him

Adonis's eyes went wide as he felt the weight, it would do for intimidation, but it was more weight then he was use to, plus a lot bigger. It would take quite a bit of time for him to get use to it.

“Now show me your abilities, I have only seen you absorb magic, not use it.” Theo said as he crossed his arms and stared at Adonis

Adonis nodded as he finished attaching the broadsword to his back. He closed his eyes and pulled the magic to his hand an the magic circle appeared again, but this time Adonis was ready and immediately created the biggest and strongest wall he could. Immediately a giant twenty foot tall and thirty feet long wall erupted from the ground between Theo and Adonis.

Adonis opened his eyes and took a few step's back, he knew the gate was effecting his magic. But he had never created a wall this large before, let alone of this material.

“Impressive” Theo said as he touched the wall and made it disappear back into the earth. “ Anything else?”

Adonis nodded as the magic circle spread open and the rock's around Adonis started levitating around him, he aimed at a few target's used for archery practice on the other side of the compound and used his other hand to usher the rocks through the magic circle, launching them at a ridiculous speed towards the target. Missing most of them but when the rocks connected the targets shattered.

“Well I sure am glad I don't have this much magic power to deal with normally... I may end up killing someone!” Adonis said as he released the magic in his hand and collapsed to one knee.

“You don't want to kill anyone?” Theo asked as they both looked over at the main building and saw Elthas walk out.

“Hey Elthas,” Adonis said as he looked at the grass panting heavily

07-27-13, 08:13 PM
With a serious expression on his face, Elthas spotted the location where Adonis and Theo trained. It was early evening at that point, and the temperature had cooled down a little but there was a storm in Elthas's head. He was mentally preparing himself for the challenge that would likely occur next, and that challenge would be critical to his future. Further, he knew he he had to worry about Adonis from then on in. He looked at Theo's impressed expression and frowned. Walking towards Theo and Adonis, Elthas nodded to both. A simple, but respectful gesture. Adonis addressed him, and Elthas looked at his new ally.

"Adonis." Elthas said. "It seems that your training is going well so far. What have you learned?" Elthas was eager to put his mind off what had just occurred, what he knew about the next phase of his mission. He looked at Theo for a moment.

"Is the task done?" Theo asked.

"It is." Elthas said in a grave tone. "We can ride out as soon as word is received from the plantation owner about the business transaction." Elthas said carefully.

"It may take time." Theo said. "I will prepare for what is coming." Theo looked over at Adonis with a calmer expression.

Elthas could feel the chill wind in the air, it was getting colder. The evenings were slightly colder closer towards autumn and the winter time. Elthas carefully closed his eyes and felt the wind coming in from a general western direction, and he could feel the storm in his mind and soul fading away. He knew what was being asked of him. My Mother got sold to slavery. Elthas frowned again. I have to use unorthodox methods to rescue her, and she might not even be the same person anymore. Elthas looked at Adonis, then Theo. He noticed that Adonis had a more serious and determined expression on his face and Elthas knew that Theo often had that effect on people.

"His studies are progressing quickly, Elthas." Theo commented, changing the subject quickly. "He has a lot of raw potential and can easily become one of my finest students."

Elthas simply nodded. His mind was already calculating details and variables that would be encountered on their journey to rescue his Mother. He wasn't even certain that it would be well worth the effort that was being thrust on his shoulder. I have the writ now, it took a tremendous amount of effort to get this thing... Elthas thought to himself. His face had a far away expression on it as he studied what appeared to be nothing. In truth, his mind was already working out strategy.

Theo knew that expression well. "Well if you two no longer need me, I shall take my leave. Remember what I have told you, Adonis and train hard. Elthas, I will be preparing matters here in case worse comes to worse." Theo then took his leave.

Elthas was left alone with Adonis and he looked at the boy. "It could get ugly..." Elthas suddenly found himself saying. "I am not seeing many good ways around what is about to likely occur. Are you ready to get your hands dirty if need be?" Elthas asked of Adonis.

08-02-13, 05:24 PM
Later that night-

Elthas couldn't remember the last time that he had stayed up a full night. He was worried with tension in regards to the current moment's problem. Elthas had always had a little trouble waiting for things, and that was one of the prime examples. Though he was an artist, he couldn't concentrate due to the severity of the problem at hand. Elthas knew that Theo and Adonis were off training on the estate grounds somewhere, and he could not interrupt them. So Elthas found himself with nothing to do in the time spent waiting. His mind was in the planning stage, and when stuck in that mode, it was hard to focus on any other matter. Writing notes on what he would say to the plantation owners, Elthas found himself drawing blanks. He was unable to concentrate which was a rare occurrence.

Since the night before, Elthas had felt a serious weight on his shoulder. He'd been handed the writ which would hypothetically save his mother. If it wasn't already too late. I've been away from home far too long... Elthas knew that the problem was more than just the actions of a corrupt dictator that took over his home town. Elder Xu was once a kind hearted Elf with good intentions for his people he lead. Now, things were different and ideas had changed. This could be the start of a much bigger problem. Elthas thought to himself and looked at the time on the grandfather clock. It read: three a.m. Elthas hadn't slept a single sheep's count. He looked at the blank paper on his desk, feather pen at the ready. Elthas prided himself on being an intelligent man. He knew how to write, read and speak several different languages. Frustration reared it's ugly head as the hours mounted against his shoulders. Elthas growled in the dimly lit room. Only a single candle lit the work area, Hylda Terrentius slept on the giant bed alone. He did not want to disturb her sleep.

Elthas carefully listened in the dark, and rose from his chair for the umpteenth time. He had never favored alcoholic beverages and thought them as a fool's pursuit. It was like chasing rainbows. Elthas paced in the darkness, his sharp ears listening. Elthas was skyclad, and he found himself walking towards a grand balcony situated nearby. He stepped out into the chill night, and stepped on to the balcony. He always kept the doors of the balcony open. His eyes narrowed as he observed the quiet time on the estate grounds. It was late night, but there were still certain workers about. Operatives who were actually guards and sentries patrolled the grounds.

Elthas spotted a lone guard patrolling the grounds near his large house. He smiled to himself. The efficiency of The Syndicate was what kept him loyal to the faction. That, and a good paycheck. Elthas leaned in a tensed fashion against the balcony's rail. He looked down a while longer and decided it best to go back indoors. He did so. With his eyes narrowed, Elthas walked over to the bed and folded his arms across his chest. He knew Hylda lay in the bed asleep, and started to watch her in silence. He did nothing perverse, or out of the ordinary. He simply watched her sleep, protecting his companion from the nightmares of shadow and fire.

Not gifted in the arcane arts, Elthas could only protect her from physical threats and that was a further matter that complicated things. Though I have grown, I am still a work in progress... Elthas continued the thought. ...I am still weak. I need to get stronger, somehow so I am not a burden to everybody else. Elthas knew he would give his life for Hylda and Seth Terrentius. There was never a question about loyalty, there was a question about something else. Something far darker.

Through it all, Elthas had developed a hunger. A hunger that was something like lust. What did he lust? Elthas knew somewhere deep down he was no longer the same Elf that had saved Seth Terrentius so many years ago. What is it that is different, I wonder? He had grown more ruthless, more daring. With that ruthlessness had grown a cunning that he had never known before. He smelled a presence in his room that was not Hylda, but another familiar form.

"Can't sleep?" Seth Terrentius whispered in the dark knowing full well that Elthas would hear him.

"Aye." Elthas responded. "I can't seem to think straight either..." Elthas was at a loss. He did not know how to explain what he was feeling.

"Walk with me, Elthas. Get something on and meet me outside." Seth said, and stepped outside of the apartment complex.

Without hesitation, Elthas got dressed. He put on a simple night outfit, consisting of a silk pair of pants and a silk shirt. He put on a pair of finely constructed sandals. Elthas would follow Seth to the depths of Hell without a second thought. That was loyalty, that was honor. Elthas held a profound respect for the old man. Once Elthas was dressed, he made certain Hylda was safe. Then, he stepped outside with Seth Terrentius and the two walked into the night.


"Can I ask you something?" Seth asked, the two had walked in silence for roughly half an hour.

"Of course." Elthas stopped walking and turned his attention to Seth. "Is a matter on your mind?" Elthas asked.

"Of sorts." Seth asked. "The night we first met, years ago, why did you save me?" Seth continued. "Most importantly, you were with compatriots who told you explicitly not to intervene on my behalf. Yet you did." Seth had a grave baritone voice as he spoke. "What I want to know, is why?"

Elthas nodded. "I don't want to sound flippant or anything like that. But I saw an old man in trouble, and decided it was better to honor old allegiances. My people are not wayward allies. We are loyal to those we hold in our hearts and honor is very important to us. I honored the relationships of my ancestors and yours." Elthas said. "But there was another reason." Elthas said thoughtfully.

"What is that?" Seth asked.

"Your suit." Elthas said plainly. "I recalled how Humes oft function in societal structures, and remembered suits being of some importance to your culture." Elthas narrowed his eyes. "They were going to kill you, Seth. I couldn't stand and allow that too happen. Regardless of what my people thought at the time, I made my choice to save you."

"And here we are now." Seth responded. Seth turned away for a moment and looked to something off in the distance. "You are here 'cause you saved my ass." Seth said. "Further. You have earned the respect and admiration of your peers." Seth relaxed. "What exists now is in your head. The doubt you are experiencing in yourself should no longer be there." Seth looked at Elthas with a serious expression on his face. "My boy. You are not a rookie blade." Seth placed a firm hand on Elthas's shoulder. "You are a veteran of our ways now." Seth continued. "Do not doubt the skill you already possess. You are ready."

"This is one of the biggest problems we have ever faced." Elthas said. "I do not want to fail."

"You never have." Seth corrected. "You won't start now."

"I thank you old man." Elthas said carefully. "I will proceed in accordance to Syndicate code of conduct. I will acquire the missing piece of the puzzle."

"That." Seth said and pointed to the glowing gate of power. Humming eternally even as they spoke. "Must be dealt with at all costs. It is a breach of security and we cannot cope with an invasion."

"I am aware." Elthas looked at Seth. "For what it is worth, I am sorry that this has occurred."

"It is a problem that we will pool resources for. Do not worry. I know you will see this thing done." Seth said. "Good night my boy, I will see you on the morrow."

"Fair thee well." Elthas said.

"And ye." Seth responded and walked back towards his house leaving Elthas in the dark alone.

08-12-13, 04:18 PM
The next day-

After talking with Seth Terrentius the night before, Elthas felt better about his odds. Though he hadn't slept, he kept his mind busy with various notes he had to write the during the long night. Hylda Terrentius slept in his bed the entire time, Elthas knew she was exhausted from the previous day's activities. One name kept repeating itself over and over in his head as he patiently waited. Orng Thomas was that name. The slaver who now had control of his Mother. This is my story. Elthas stood up and checked the lone grandfather clock in his bed chamber. The hour read roughly 5:15 AM. He changed out of his night clothing and put on full dress. Hylda still slept. He put on a suit that day, it was cut in the traditional Radasanth upper class style. It was a well tailored suit, double breasted, and with several nice buttons on it. He put on his cuff links at about the same time so that he could fasten them on together. He didn't wear a tie, but often enjoyed wearing top hats. Which he did put on, he grabbed a simple cane, and rotated that easily. Then, he was ready. He grabbed his gear and prepared for the journey ahead. That was when he heard Hylda stirring.

"You're leaving?" She asked simply.

"I must." Elthas responded. He walked over towards Hylda. "I discussed matters with Seth." Elthas continued. "I will not be gone any longer than necessary. I know there are other matters that need to be taken care of."

"Elthas. For what it's worth, I am sorry about your mother." Hylda said.

Elthas kissed Hydla softly. "I appreciate that. I will do everything in my power to get her back."


Elthas wore no Syndicate markings. He was not approaching the Thomas plantation as a Syndicate operative. He was approaching it as a man of The Empire. I have to do everything in my power to get her out of there. Elthas thought to himself. Elthas could have made it to Yarborough District on foot, but he chose to arrive on horse back. He'd been given the directions to the Thomas plantation from Seth earlier in the day. He'd parted ways with Hylda saying his good byes before leaving The Terrentius Estate. Elthas had read a detailed file on Orng Thomas, who was a known Slaver. The Empire didn't touch him because he was a land owner. He kept his property taxes well paid for, and offered livestock, grain, and other resources to The Empire during the time of war. Elthas saw the planation up ahead, and could see workers in the fields of all races of Althanas. He knew they made a pittance compared to Orng's general profits. Orng was a stocky Salvarn Human. He lived in a vast house located on the plantation's property. It was an estate really, a large plot of land that was owned by the Thomas family for many generations. There was a ranch built on it, a farm, and some other structures. Including the Thomas household itself. It was a well sized mansion. Built in the traditional Radasanth style post Demon War era. There was a large fountain in front of the house. Elthas passed by it and headed towards the stable and as he approached the house he saw several people gathered in front of it. One was a large Salvarn that Elthas assumed was Orng. The other, was...

Elthas growled when he spotted Elder Xu speaking in front of Orng Thomas. Another set up...damn! Elthas left his horse at the stable and quickly made his way towards Xu and Orng. Tempted to sock Xu right across the face, Elthas held steady. He would have to be diplomatic. He heard Xu and Orng talking, and then they both spotted Elthas.

"Ah, there he is." Xu was saying. "That's the one I was informing you about." Xu said. "I sent you some parcels about the matter a time ago."

"I received them." Orng Thomas said, he looked at Elthas with narrowed eyes. A venom was present in them too. "You're that Elthas fellow are you not?" Orng shook his head as he looked at Xu, then at Elthas. "You guys look a bit alike. Would never be able to tell you were part of the same tribe."

Elthas tipped his hat towards Orng. "Top of the hour." He began. Elthas noticed that Xu had an amused expression on his face. "I have a Writ necessary to acquire one of your house servants."

Orng looked at Xu. "Is this what you were talking about?"

"It is. The boy is a Syndicate charlatan, and we do not honor contracts with them." Xu said with a smug smile.

Elthas repeated again. "I...have a Writ." He said. "Did you not hear me?"

"Yes." Xu said. "Perfectly clear, but as I said we don't deal with you Syndicate types." Xu looked at Orng. "He's after his Mother."

"Oh. You mean that bitch we got some time ago from you guys?" Orng said.

"Yes the very same." Xu responded, talking as if Elthas was not even there. "You have no business here, Syndicate operative." Xu said. "Writ or not, we do not honor contracts with your sect." Xu tipped his hat towards Elthas. "You are beaten."

Elthas suddenly felt the weight of the writ in his possession on his shoulder. I went through all this shit only to be beaten here?! What the fuck is this!? Elthas frowned, he would not give up so easily. "Regardless. I have the Writ and a sizable amount of gold with me. I am prepared to make an offer on the servant in question. We can be civilized businessmen and profit off this equally." Elthas was careful not to meet Xu's eyes.

"You are not understanding this." Orng Thomas suddenly said. "Perhaps, you will understand violence better." Thomas signalled for his guards to approach the scene of the argument. Two burly Dwarves approached Elthas, and one of them forcibly grabbed Elthas's arm. "There will be no negotiation. The bitch stays here, she is my pride and joy, and my favorite whore. You have no place here, Syndicate operative."

"I give you credit for trying." Xu said. "But you will not challenge our ways. Take that lesson back home with you to your people. Take that writ back to your friend, Seth Terrentius and send him my regards." Xu said with acid in his voice.

"I am not leaving without my mother!" Elthas yelled. "Unhand me you swine!" Elthas attempted to pull away from the first Dwarf, but the second knocked him out.

"Get him out of here, leave him outside of the estate and be certain he never sets foot on here again. Have the mother guarded at all times." Orng Thomas said. Orng then looked at Xu. "You didn't come here as a social service, what did you want, Xu?"

"Well there was another matter..." Xu began with a grin on his face. He handed Orng a parcel.

"Is this...?" Orng asked.

Xu nodded. "I shall be on my way and I shall take my garbage with me." Xu said pointedly looking towards Elthas as the Dwarven guards carried him off the estate. "Feel free to keep the horse Elthas so generously gave you."

"I intended to." Orng responded, and then stepped back inside the mansion.

Xu followed the Dwarves as they carried Elthas out of the plantation property, and dumped him alongside the road. They left, Xu approached Elthas.

08-12-13, 04:54 PM
Using a secret Elven, spell, Xu awoke Elthas Belthasar a moment later.

He sat up with a start, coughing and feeling a tremendous headache. When his vision blurred, he saw Elder Xu standing next to him.

"You're awake." Xu said. "Truth be told, I already knew you were coming."

"You son of a bitch, you set me up!" Elthas stood up, and prepared to storm back on the plantation. However, Xu grabbed his shoulder with surprising strength and held him in place. "Damn it, let go of me!"

"Stop behaving like a spoiled brat. I just saved your ass back there." Xu said. "You don't have to thank me, but these Slavers are not known to be honest merchants. I had to give them advanced notice that you would be arriving for your own well being. Because you're no good to your mother dead."

"What are you saying!?" Elthas asked. "They were going to kill me on sight, weren't they?" Elthas asked.

"Aye, boy." Xu said. "If not for my intervention you'd be dead."

"Why?" Elthas asked. He looked at Xu with disdain and yet, he felt something else too. Though he would never admit it. "Why would you help you, bastard?!"

"You don't have to hate me." Xu explained. "I truly am sorry for what happened to your family. But there was nothing I could do." Xu continued. "Your mother was sold in a legal fashion, and there is nothing you can do to change it."

"I have a writ..." Elthas said in response.

"I am aware." Xu said. "But it was gotten through Syndicate ties. Slavers and Syndicate members don't mix. You did this to yourself, Elthas. And I hate watching a once proud member of my tribe go down in flames." Xu said. "I understand what you must be feeling."

"No...you don't." Elthas responded. "If I cannot acquire my Mother back through legal ways, then I will have to resort to methods that are less diplomatic."

"He has a small army with him." Xu said confidently. "You cannot..."

Suddenly, Elthas took one of his daggers and tossed it skillfully at Xu's foot. It connected, and the foot was impaled. Xu screamed loudly. "There are more than one methods to fight a battle. Remember that, Xu."

"Where do you think you are going?" Xu growled in pain as he yelled towards Elthas.

"To rescue my mother." Elthas said. They caught me off guard once, never again. Elthas thought as he marched on The Thomas property. A small group of guards awaited Elthas. They contained representatives of most Althanas races. Also, Orng Thomas was present. Orng looked at Elthas carefully.

"You're back for more of the same?" Orng asked.

"I am here for my mother, you can either give her to me, or I will be forced to make you all suffer for what you have done today." Elthas threatened and walked with his crossbow, loaded. He held it in a mid level position.

"You are not going to get your mother back. I do not get why you don't understand that!" Orng said. "Enough of this, men, take him down!!!" Orng yelled.

No deaths. No casualties. Elthas thought to himself and fired his first bolt at the shoulder of the nearest of the guards. The man went down at the weight of the missile hitting his shoulder hard. Elthas quickly loaded another bolt as two more guards approached him. He aimed and fired at the knee of the closest guard. He went down in pain, clutching his knee in agony. He took his crossbow and doubled it up as a melee weapon, swinging the hilt towards the side of the head of the next guard. There were ten guards all together, and then there was Orng. Orng was shouting orders desperately. Elthas felt the side of the guard's head connect with his finely crafted crossbow, and the fellow was knocked out. Three down. In the process, Elthas loaded the crossbow quickly. He fired off a bolt on another guard, hitting him square in the shoulder. The other guards were attempting to react quickly towards the assault of the mad Elf.

"He's too damned fast!" One of them yelled. Elthas was already on them.

He was swinging his mighty crossbow like a melee weapon, and knocking people out whenever he could. He did not want blood on his hands. Spotting Orng, Elthas knew the others would go down quietly if Orng was no longer giving orders. Elthas, kicked another guard, and swung his weapon towards yet another's head. He knocked the second guy out, and the first was hunched over in pain from the powerful kick. Elthas was moving at best speed, and using his reflexes to his fullest capacity. There was no need to hold back anymore. Elthas soon broke through the group of guards, having knocked out six of them before they started getting scared. Elthas was no longer focusing on the guards, but he had spotted Orng he turned tail and ran. He clearly did not want to get hurt. Elthas knocked out yet another guard, before taking aim at Orng, and firing off one more bolt at Orng. The bolt whistled through the air and struck Orng in the back of his left leg. THe act made him fall down hard. He yelled in agony. Loading his weapon once more, Elthas had a cold, almost frightening look on his face. He walked over towards Orng Thomas and pointed his weapon right at Orng's face, who was attempting to stand at that precise moment.

"Give me my mother, or I will take her from you." Elthas said.

Orng spit blood on the ground. "Son of a bitch..." Orng said. "Give me The Writ. I accept defeat..." Orng said in response.

"Should have said so from the beginning, would have spared you a lot of trouble." Elthas responded. And handed him the writ. "Give me my mother."Elthas warned, keeping his weapon aimed at Orng's face.

"No!" Someone yelled behind Elthas. It was Elder Xu.

"Hate you Thaynes damned Elves and your politics." Orng said. "You there." Orng pointed towards one of the few guards who remained conscious. "Bring me the mother."

"All right boss." The guard responded and moved hurriedly away from Elthas. Two remaining guards kept their shaking weapons pointed at Elthas.

Elthas never removed his crossbow from Orng's face. "Don't try anything and I won't have to hurt your boss further."

The guards got the point, and lowered their weapons. That's the thing with hired help, no fucking loyalty... A few moments later, the guard returned with a certain female Elf. She wore a simple servant's dress, and kept her black hair short. She strangely had a marked resemblance to Elthas. The guard pushed Ellysia towards Elthas.

"Are you fucking happy now?" The guard asked.

"No." Elthas said, and shot off a bolt towards the guard who pushed his mother. The bolt dug itself into the guard's shoulder. "Never hurt my mother again, you understand!?"

Ellysia looked at Elthas for a long moment as if trying to remember who she was looking at. There was a confused expression in her eyes, and then the memories came swelling back. "Elthas!" Ellysia said carefully, and wrapped her arms around The Syndicate Operative, who still held his weapon pointed at Orng's face.

"Is she released?" Elthas asked Orng Thomas. He wanted the man's word.

"Aye. Take her." Orng said. "Just spare my men any further harm."

Xu caught up with Elthas. He held the same dagger that Elthas had used on him, at the ready. "I won't let you have her!"

"No!" Ellysia yelled.

09-05-13, 09:53 AM
Elthas kept his weapon trained on Orng.

Before he could act, Xu was upon him with Elthas's own dagger in hand. Elthas did not recognize the man that Xu had become. It was something ugly, twisted. More like a monster than a man. However, there was still Xu's physical form to contend with, and Elthas was reacting. Xu came at him with supernatural speed, speed he shouldn't have had. His eyes had a mysterious red glow that they didn't have prior to the mad dash. Elthas saw his dagger flashing in the light, and was preparing to aim at Xu. But something happened. Something that Elthas had not counted on in all his days.

With her memory rapidly returning, Elyssia saw Xu coming. She knew what that attack meant, he intended to kill. She moved before anybody could say anything and...


Elthas had readied his weapon and was preparing to fire when the attack came. Though the attack ultimately connected with something that Elthas did not expect. Blood trickled down his mother's mouth as Elthas stared directly at Xu. He looked from Elyssia to Xu.

"Forgive him, Elthas." Elyssia whispered quietly and died in his arms.

Elthas dropped his weapon. By then, the ranchers had fled the scene and went to go hide. A psychotic emotion touched Elthas's eyes. He looked at Xu for a long moment as he shook in place, holding Elyssia aloft for a long moment. Xu was apparently in a momentary state of shock, Elthas saw his face changing with the conflict of emotions. Elthas's full attention was on Xu. Elthas had a momentary vision of killing Xu where he stood. He would have been right too. But something, his code, held him back. He stood there shaking and placed Elyssia on the ground. Elthas was very quiet. He looked at Xu for a long moment. For that moments, thoughts flashed through his head. Thoughts of what he would do if he got his hands on Xu. However, he hesitated. The code he lived by held him at bay. If he abandoned his code, everything he had worked to become would be lost.

"Xu...I hope you are happy. You have won." Elthas leaned down to his dying mother. Strangely, she had a peaceful expression on her face. She did not suffer, which is what kept Elthas from completely losing it. He kissed his mother's forehead. Then, he stood up and looked at Xu with a very serious expression on his face. "We're done." Elthas began. "So long as you draw breath, we are done and we are now enemies, you and I." Elthas shook his head. "I may be of a certain disposition, but that doesn't mean I have to be an asshole about it." He said carefully. "So, you are left with a choice."

"Elthas, I just killed your mother..." Xu managed to say, he was clearly in a state of shock.

"True." Elthas said. "But the more important matter is that you killed someone you put into slavery yourself. I had a writ, Xu. This could all have been avoided." Elthas shook his pain. "What would it matter anyway? I hunt you down, you die. It's all the same bullshit." Clearly conflicted, the more carnal side of Elthas wanted to kill Xu outright. As he stood there he realized one important thing that would set him apart from all other Villains. I can make him suffer, why end it so quickly when I could pay someone else to do the job for me? Elthas had a code, he did not want to bloody his hands so quickly when Althanas had enough blood thirsty monsters. "...Go." Elthas finally spoke. "I don't want to see you ever again."

"Elthas..." Xu said carefully.

"Leave I said, you have already taken enough from me." Elthas said carefully. Staring directly at Xu. "The next time we cross paths, I will see to your demise."

Xu took Elthas's words seriously at that point and ran for his life.

Orng walked over to Elthas. "Are you all right?" He asked. "What the hell just happened?"

"You're a strange guy." Elthas said calmly to the slaver. He knelt down and picked up the body of his mother. "I need to straighten this mess up." Elthas said carefully. "I may have use for you down the road." Elthas said. "If you need Syndicate employ, contact me. I will see to it. This mess was Xu's fault, not yours. I don't want to sully your reputation over a personal matter."

Orng nodded. "Very well. I will contact your people when the time is right."

Elthas nodded, he was trying to conduct himself in accordance with Syndicate procedure. A life had been lost, a life that he needed by his side. A life that The Syndicate needed. The thought made Elthas very angry, there would be a time for him to deal with his pain. He would show a lot of maturity to his leaders, by not allowing his passions to get the better of him. He carried his mother all the way back to The Terrentius Estate without saying another word. Or complaining once. He had changed that day, he knew it...

09-11-13, 03:58 PM
The walk back home was long and uneventful.

The baronies of Yarborough District were left behind as Elthas journeyed across the road back to The Terrentius Estate. It took him almost three days on foot to get back home. He'd initially left the Syndicate headquarters on horseback, but he'd since lost his horse. The hour was late in the afternoon on the third day when he returned back home. Elthas carried his mother's corpse the entire time he walked never once putting her down. The weight was dead weight, and it his muscles were sore and tired. He would need plenty of sleep after his ordeal.

He knew there was still work to be done.

Once he arrived at The Terrentius Estate, he saw the familiar attendants of the property working some of the farmland. It felt good to be back home after the failed job. He still knew what the original mission had been, and why he needed his mother back. His mother, Elyssia, was a powerful woman who had once been a respected Sorceress before Xu sold her to slavery.

Elthas held Elyssia's body close to his own. Somehow, the Elf's blue blood kept the body warm. It was eerie, and a part of Elthas wished that his mother was simply just sleeping. She was just taking a nap, and would awake soon and he could have a normal family again. It's just wishful thinking, Elthas. Xu killed her and that's that. There ain't no coming back.

Once Elthas stepped on the Syndicate land, he felt a lot better about the situation. I'm home, maybe now I can bury her and put this whole mess behind me. Elthas thought to himself.

Strangely enough, Elthas saw Seth Terrentius waiting for him. The man wore a traditional black Radasanth cut suit. He wore a long tie, that was colored navy blue. His shirt was gray, he had a stern expression on his face. His posture was relaxed, but he had his arms folded across his chest. Seth was looking right at Elthas even from his current position.

Elthas approached Seth and looked directly at him. "Seth. I want to introduce my mother, Elyssia. But she can't talk right now because she's dead." Elthas said that in a harsher way than he intended to. It was, however, the truth.

Seth looked down at Elyssia, and then towards Elthas. "What the hell happened? It's been days since you left out to Orng's place."

"It was Xu..." Elthas shook his head. "Seth I am very tired, I need rest." Elthas said carefully. He moved to place his mother on the ground, but at that point, he took the locket that his mother always wore. It's pendant had significance to Elthas, and he would examine it later. "See to it that she's given a proper Syndicate burial. She saved my life. I want her to be remembered as a Hero of our fold."

"Elthas..." Seth began.

"Just do it!" Elthas said. And then he collapsed, too tired to go on any further...the dark crept in.


Time passed.

Elthas found himself in the astral realm of his people. He was looking at a highly decorated fountain. It was early evening, the stars were twinkling, and Elthas was dressed in ceremonial attire. He wore simple vestments, that were made from silk. The color was light green. He walked towards the fountain and saw his mother waiting for him, Elyssia. He knew the ways of his people, and what the rite of passage meant. Elthas had once turned his back away from his people, he would never do it again so long as that monster, Xu was out there.

The grass felt good against his feet, as did the cool evening breeze. Elthas could hear the water churning in the large fountain, the structure was finely cut marble. It had a simple wood covering decorated in the traditional style of the wood elves. Elthas walked towards his mother, Elyssia, and sat next to her on the marble fountain. She sat with her feet in the water. Elthas did the same and dipped his feet in the water as well.

"Elthas." She said. "I asked for one last time to see you and was granted that."

"This is the crossroads of our people. You have summoned me?" Elthas asked.

The place that Elthas found himself in was a sacred grove. It was a grove that was in between The Firmanent and Antifirmanent, where the immortals went when they fell in battle. Elthas knew that his mother would continue on to the next realm. The After. He looked at his mother for a long moment, she seemed to glow with beauty. All elves had a supernatural beauty to him, they were amongst the fairest of all the Althanians. A nimbus of light seemed to surround both of the Elves as they sat on the fountain.

"I want to ask something of you, my son. You are fit for this task and I would never ask anybody else with the present state of things with our people." Elyssia said.

"Ask anything!" Elthas said. "I wish to redeem myself in your eyes. I am sorry I have failed you, failed our tribe."

"Elthas..." She said carefully and placed a warm hand on his cheek. Elthas held her hand with both of his. "You didn't know it would turn out this way. None of us did." She sighed and looked away for a moment. "Xu has gone mad. There is a corruption that is affecting all of our people." She continued. "You have seen this corruption firsthand. I beg of you, Elthas. Save our people. Save Xu. There is still purity left in his soul...he can be saved."

Elthas carefully considered what was being asked of him for his last trial. "You are asking me to do something I do not have the strenght to do!" Elthas said in frustration, but he understood why she was asking HIM. He paused for a moment and thought about the gravity of the situation. "You are asking me to do what I know I cannot do by myself."

"Seek your brother, Elthas. Start with him. I sense that he is in suffering, reaching out for you." Elyssia said. "That will be where you must start. You must heal The Great Tree." Her image started to fade.

"Mother. Wait." Elthas said. He knew better than to turn down a rite of the spirit world. Her image materialized for a moment longer. "Forgive me. I will do what is being asked of me." He would seek his redemption and save their people.

"I thank you my son. My beautiful baby boy...save our people..."

She faded, and for the first time in a long time. Elthas openly wept.

09-11-13, 10:40 PM
Elthas wasn't sure how much time he slept, but it felt like he'd been asleep for a long time.

He focused his sight as he opened his eyes.

Feeling refreshed after the sleep, Elthas heard a familiar pair of voices talking in the room with him. He felt the comfort of his bed surrounding him, and there was the smell of good food in the air, and hot tea. Breakfast time. Elthas blinked a few times and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. Almost immediately, he felt the pang of hunger. Elthas sat up in his bed, turning to look at the familiar forms of Seth and Hylda Terrentius. Theo was not present. He looked carefully at Hylda and saw her beauty as if he was seeing her for the first time in a long time. He longed for her, she was his entire world. He had a purpose as long as she walked by his side.

Hylda noticed him stirring and turned towards him. She placed a hand gently at the side of his head, and rubbed softly. "You're awake. It's been about three days since you passed out."

"Elyssia...?" Elthas asked.

"I took care of it." Seth responded. "She is recognized as a full member of The Syndicate and she has received the proper final rites." Seth said carefully. "Elthas...I am sorry for your loss. I can only imagine the emotional state you must be in."

"Maybe, Seth. Maybe." Elthas said in response. "I've been better, but I've also been worse. I'll manage somehow, don't worry. You will not loose me over such a trivial matter." Elthas hated saying it like that, but he had to make his leaders confident in his ability to continue to perform up to Syndicate standards.

"Well then. I shall take my leave, I am certain you two have matters to discuss." Seth said and bowed casually. He then took his leave of Elthas's bed chamber.

"What time is it?" Elthas asked.

"It doesn't matter." Hylda responded. "I am simply glad you are awake and well after everything that has happened." She shook her head. "Elthas you were speaking in your sleep. You NEVER speak in your sleep as you have during this particular situation." She paused for a moment. "Your mother was buried two nights ago. When you are ready you should go say your final goodbyes." Hylda said. "You and I have been through a lot together, haven't we?"

And suddenly, Elthas found the strength to kiss her deeply. It had been in fact, too long since the crazy adventure started. Hylda was surprised for a brief moment but she relaxed in his embrace, and the two kissed deeply and lovingly. He pulled her into his bed, and they partook of one another for the rest of the day...


~Spoils Request~
1-Elyssia's Locket. A pendant that glows with a mysterious power. The pendant is decorated with advanced Elf runes and glyphs. The pendant is simple in design, and comprised complex emerald jewel that is enchanted with a level 0 enchantment. The enchantment causes the pendant to constantly glow with it's own arcane light. The symbols have a purple hue to them. The level 0 ability allows Elthas to amplify his own power up to 1.5 x's their normal capacity. Twice a day. He can only use this enchantment on ONE ability at a time. And it requires one I.C. turn to prep. Furthermore, he can choose to use his enchant effect on ANOTHER friendly player target. He can enchant, at will, one of their abilities at a time. Once BOTH charges are used in this fashion, there is a 24 hour I.C. cool down period. The enchantment may only be used on Allies.

10-12-13, 11:50 AM
Plot: 12/30

Storytelling: 3/10
You actually had the makings of quite a good story laid out here. However, between the grammatical mistakes and clunky writing, scant clarity, powergaming and poor credibility of some elements, the execution fell flat.

Setting: 4/10
Nothing really stood out, but you were able to clearly differentiate the environments from one another. Still, some things weren't very clear – like how much distance Elthas had to cover to reach the forest, and the plantation. It never seemed to take long for them to get anywhere, which doesn't seem right.

Pacing: 5/10
The thread did tend to drag on. Don't be afraid to edit and cut out the dead weight to make things speed up when you need them to.

Character: 11/30

Communication: 5/10
A lot of dialogue seemed awkward, not at all like how fluent and refined folk would speak. It also suffered from the disjointedness between posts – at times, it was difficult to tell which bits of the previous post's dialogue one character was replying to. I would recommend (approved) bunnying to fix this issue.

Action: 2/10
Powergaming was prevalent throughout the thread. Examples:

Post 5: Even if he is faster than a horse, Elthas does not have above average endurance, and so would not be able to keep it up for particularly long. Nor does he appear to have considerable strength, so he would be unable to carry Hylda for any significant distance.
Post 6: How can Adonis tell there are two presences in the forest? And why does he only just detect Elthas and Hylda? Also, Adonis' profile says he can only summon a wall around himself – it doesn't say he can set triggers to make it happen, nor that he can do it around other people and animals.
Post 27: Crossbows are notorious for taking a long time to reload and wind up. It seems very unlikely that Elthas would get more than one shot off, unless he had the remarkable strength required to cock it without bracing it against something (which he doesn't seem to).

There are also a few things which just defy credibility: that the forest elves are unaware of Adonis' camp, even though he has a fire going; that Elthas can take on ten guards at once in a stand-up fight without even resorting to his knives (there is no skill listed for using other weapons in melee), and not least that Adonis' un-walls can heal Elthas (for no apparent reason whatsoever - this comes close to powerplaying again). What's worse with the last once is that it did away with the potential for a truly tense escape sequence from the forest.

Persona: 4/10
Some characters, you conveyed them fairly well - Elthas' brother (and perhaps Xu) come to mind. Others were done quite poorly - such as Orng. One moment, he's calling Elthas' mother a whore and having his guard knock him out, then try to kill him. The next, he's asking if Elthas is alright, and saying he'll help. And wouldn't he be upset by the death of his 'favourite'? That didn't seem to happen.

Prose: 11/30

Mechanics: 3/10
I'll have to be deliberately vague here, since there's a lot to cover. Perhaps the worst problem you guys had were clumsy and fragmented sentences - two sentences which should have been combined into one, or one sentence that needed to be split up. Quite often, there were also sentences which were not at all linked to the previous one, but were reliant upon it. Also, you should read up on the proper placement of commas (probably start with conjunctions). The thread was rife with both unnecessary capitalisation, and also missing capitalisation. Last of all, I would strongly recommend reading up on how to use apostrophes (there was a wealth of greengrocer's apostrophes, particularly in your writing, Adonis).

Redundancy was a major problem with the thread. Often, Elthas, you told us things we already knew, or said the same thing twice, but just in two different ways. This really bogged the thread down and made it harder to wade through.

Clarity: 4/10
Clairty suffered from the grammatical and formatting errors already listed, some clumsy dialogue, but also a degree of poor logic behind the characters' thoughts and actions. Examples: if Welkan was a priority target, it makes sense to go after him (post 2). What am I missing? And the elder tells Elthas that he should see his mother as soon as he can, and then immediately tells him that he can't (post 8). Pretty major contradiction there.

Technique: 4/10
Apart from a few scraps of metaphor, there wasn't much in the way of technique, and nothing really in-depth.

Wildcard: 5/10
As I said - the makings of a good story, but just poorly executed. Still, it's clear you made an effort - I'd say you need focus on making your characters and their actions credible first, and then work on the rest from there.

Addendum: please be aware that it is not likely that Xem'Zund's return will be treated as canon.

Total: 39/100

Elthas Belthasar receives 1435 experience and 270 gold. Welcome to the next level!

Solar Haven receives 400 experience and 85 gold.

A discount for the locket can be provided, but a purchase thread will need to be submitted to the Bazaar.

10-12-13, 04:16 PM
Experience and gold added.