View Full Version : i have Returned!

Solar Haven
03-17-13, 12:22 AM
Well, i think it has been year's since i was last here. i am Bandit Brother, and all those other character's that i made.

i have been mulling over story idea's and character idea's for the past few month's and after writing a story and releasing the chapter's on tumblr's i have gained an impressive following, and i decided to get back into the hang of writing. what would be better? nothing but the place that started my journey.

so i have returned. and with a probably well thought out character.

just saying hi and that i am back. so yeah >.>


03-17-13, 04:52 AM
Welcome back, Bandit.

Good to see you've put some thought into it, and are eager to get writing again.

As usual, any questions, don't hesitate to ask!

Red Dawn
03-17-13, 10:41 AM
Welcome back!