View Full Version : Hello World

03-17-13, 10:27 PM
Hello everyone! I'm new to Althanas, so I just wanted to introduce myself briefly. I love RPGs of all varieties (from newfangled MMORPGs to old-school MUDs) and I also love writing, so finding Althanas was fantastic. I've never played a Play-By-Post game before, but I'm looking forward to trying it.

There's really not a whole lot to know about me. I love fantasy literature, especially Dragonlance (the Holy Canon) Game of Thrones (I'm a diehard Lannister, especially now that Joffrey is dead), and The Dresden Files (not standard fantasy, but still great). I'm an unapologetic geek. If there's something even vaguely nerdy, I've done it at one time or another. D&D? Check. LARPing? Yep. Renaissance festivals? I literally just got back from one.

So, nice to meet everyone and I look forward to playing with you guys (and girls)!

Zook Murnig
03-17-13, 11:18 PM

I just finished the first book of A Song of Ice And Fire.

And welcome!

03-17-13, 11:42 PM

I just finished the first book of A Song of Ice And Fire.

And welcome!

Everyone dies. Just...just everyone.


03-18-13, 12:31 AM
Ooh. Sorry about the spoilers. Just a second ago, I told a guy that Dumbledore dies in Harry Potter and apparently he's only on book five. And he hasn't seen the movies. The spoiler gods are pleased this day.

And yeah, Warpath pretty much summed up George R.R. Martin's writings. The Greyjoys seem to be the perceptive ones.

03-18-13, 02:12 AM
Dumbledore dies?!?!?! :,,, ((((((

... just kidding. Welcome to Althanas.

03-18-13, 05:12 AM
I'd be mad, but I'm not sure I'll ever actually finish the books or the series in any case. In fact, knowing that the inbred little sod dies just brought a smile to my face. I'll let my imagination fill in the details.

Also, welcome to Althanas!

03-18-13, 06:33 AM
Unbent, Unbowed, Unbroken bitches!

Also, welcome.

And Otto, at the rate Martin is writing these books, none of us might get a chance to finish the series either.

03-18-13, 07:15 AM
I am saddened to find that Pokemon Master isn't anywhere in your list of accomplishments...

...Well, darn.

Welcome to Althanas!!

03-18-13, 07:35 AM
Shhh your whining, BaBE, there's still time!

*fondles his balls.

03-18-13, 10:11 AM
Well, in the interest of spoiling things:

His father's killer was himself.
His father's supposed killer is his father.
It was his sled.
She ate some pomegranate.
She is God.
He was sent back to finish his work.
They both commit suicide.
He was a C-section.
It's the wooden one.

03-18-13, 01:44 PM
Thanks much for the warm welcome!

I can't decide wether you just ruined my life or saved me a lot of time Itera. Or both.

I'm also shocked that I've met a Dornishman. You are a rare variety. Especially considering that House Martell seems to be sort of winning.

And while Mordelain makes a very strong and well thought-out argument, my title of Pokemon Master was revoked because of my refusal to acknowledge the validity any Pokemon made after Mewtwo. I still have Sith Lord and State Alchemist under my belt, though, so I'll survive.

Aurelianus Drak'shal
03-18-13, 01:53 PM

Winter Is Coming.