View Full Version : Checking up

08-30-06, 02:55 AM
Hello, been a while.. I heard you let that newb Kyle be a mod here now.. don't know what alias he's under anymore, lol.

Anyway, just checking to see how things are going with the people who remember me. I'm still obsessed with World of Warcraft, to an unhealthy extent I might add. My SN is Brizkopf on Eldre'Thalas if any of you play and want to chat, because I"m never on AIM anymore.

Kyle, post in here so I know which crazy character you're playing with now.


Lavinian Pride
08-30-06, 03:56 AM
Kyle is usually on Osato nowadays.

Nice to see ya Josh, been awhile....

08-30-06, 07:18 AM

I mean...Hi, nice to meet you.

08-30-06, 07:51 AM
This should be in Intro/Outro forum. :P

And it's always good to see one of the oldies pop in and say hi.

08-30-06, 09:11 AM
Unseen is far too cool to put things in an Intro/Outro forum

08-30-06, 10:55 AM
Lol, ye bloody bastard! Get off of WoW and join me in a roleplaying adventure! Hey, no, seriously... get away from WoW. It's dangerous. It eats your mind, kinda like GW (which is free) ;)

I like your new custom user title... though it should say: "Poser rping on WoW"

Catch me sometime online, I'm always on Osato nowadays, Pat's correct, or just call you bastard. You're like... 20 minutes away.

08-30-06, 11:22 PM
I guess I could have put it in the Intro/Outro forum, but I'm not really introducing myself or saying goodbye.. :P

Soon though, very soon I hope to relinquish myself from WoW and RP on here again.. I need to get my writing skills back up. But, I have a feeling as soon as I'm ready to quit that's when they'll release the expasion... bastards.

So who's still here? People switch SN's so often I never know who's who.. except of course the people who've already posted. Any other people from Tanthalas still play here?

08-31-06, 01:35 AM
Ouch, the World of Warcraft addiction.

I'd try to spent a little time away from it before Burning Crusade (is that what it's called?) comes out. Then the addiction will come back for everyone, I'm sure.